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Fire at one of my last rental

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June 18, 2009 at 8:57 p.m.


egg Said: There must be something seriously wrong with me because I never had the slightest interest in easy money and I have reason to believe I never will. You could leave it there on a silver platter there for me and I suspect I wouldn't even put it in my pocket. If I had to choose between easy money and abject poverty, I might weigh it out again, but easy makes me queasy. There's not enough lean in it to keep my eyes squinty.
In answer to your question . I was a little surprised by this response with the economy the way it is Thinking perhaps his wife had a well paying job .Another reason ,in the heat of some very personal venomous poisoned attacks on my integrity IMO I knew egg is a very calming balm . No surprise there. After his last post I was able to refocuse. I saw some of my error in communication. Made the appropriate corrections . I didn't say it then .I will say it now . "THANK YOU " egg.>>>

June 18, 2009 at 6:53 p.m.

Mike H


I'm still waiting to find out what Egg's wife's employment has to with any of this????? Or was that just a completely irrelevant, off-the-hip question?>>>

June 18, 2009 at 6:52 p.m.

Mike H


Trying to look at this from all sides, I'm willing to bet that if you were a banker, you'd be singing a different tune. I can completely understand why a bank does this, and as an honest guy that wants my premiums as low as possible, whatever they can do to cut fraud AND EXTRA EXPENSES, I'm glad they do it like that. I'd have to say that I'm also glad as a contractor that's been burned by an owner that spent their money before paying me.>>>

June 18, 2009 at 5:51 p.m.


On the flip side of that type of thinking and behavior is the Mafia B) We only do what benefits us .>>>

June 18, 2009 at 5:23 p.m.


Min You definitely have my interest. I've been thinking all day if this is true or for that fact possible. Because the check is so large I will be having a conversation with my lawyer tomorrow or early next week . I do know that if you are in Texas you can request the money from the bank . In all likely hood you will get it . I will update on advice from my counsel.>>>

June 18, 2009 at 2:27 p.m.


min Just because we don't like the rules doesn't mean we don't abide by them. If we were living in Italy I might view the subject differently. I have a story to tell about the relatives from Sicily . Back in 07 they came to visit and I was the tour guide. We toured the NE from Niagara Falls to Toronto to NYC and Conn. The story as it relates to this topic goes something like this......... Now in order to get the point across clearly I will have to make an attempt "displaying the abstract." Coming from a country that as I understand it is has the most laws of any nation . Italians have to confront an unpleasant reality . Constantly flouting rules and laws is part of Italy's malaise; For example a few years ago a killing of a policeman during a riot at a soccer stadium in Sicily after a law against hooliganism was passed, many laws are widely ignored . Italy, has 90,000 laws . The thought is that this encourages people to ignore them; contempt for rules is part of the Italian way of life. Because they don't have a high regard for law, doesn't take away from the reality that they are highly professional people. THE LOVELY MRS CIAK cousins are Franco an importer , exporter of high quality espresso from Sicily. Very well known in his professional circles highly respected, Salvatore a physics teacher and world traveler, Francos wife Salvina a house wife and great mother. Sicilians have an unusual haphazard way of driving . I really held unto the OH [shate] handle with my feet planted deeply into the floor boards. My knuckles turning white. There is absolutely no road rage for Sicilians, at least as far as other drivers are concerned. It's futile. You'd be raging all the time because the drivers and the driving are totally crazy and unpredictable. Sicilian Rule number 1.. I no longer obey any speed limits, stop signs, or traffic lights. the "ONE" that everyone knows you must obey is " drive around cars stopped and drive through the intersection!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are two speeds very very fast, very very slow. If someone is driving to slow they just go around them and if someone is coming the other way they move over and let them pass. No one gets MAD..... they understand this is how it works. Now put this together with the way Americans drive . Imagine being in a car with 3 Sicilians speaking , hollering obscenities. Italian with there hands going every which away flying in gestures not even imaginable to the average human. Traffic ," 4 ways " are really a riot. Who yields? A driver with the most guts and speed wins. "Rule #2" You cannot, I'm very serious about this make eye contact with the other drivers or they will take advantage of your meekness . Maintain your speed hold tight to the steering wheel and grit your teeth. Their cool they know the rules--it's how they drive. Just put a small fraction of your fender in. The intersection is yours!!!!! Hesitate, just for a moment...... You lose. It's a game. A crazy azz game. :woohoo: :blink: :side: :silly:>>>

June 17, 2009 at 3:43 p.m.


minn Thinking about what you said about my lack of input in the contractor end of this forum took some introspection . Most of what I do in the roofing end is repairs. I just finished a fairly large residential roof this week. I am bored with most roofing projects . I'm really not interested in most new techniques . A sum total of the roofing business is not fun for me . I'm sure that is what you are observing . I think I know all I need to with repairs . What is there more to know about residential roofing ? For me nothing. It's just not fun . What I am interested in is getting contractors to take control of their communities where there is a huge need due to stormers . You might want to go to the topic where we are discussing ways to combat this . I don't know where this is going to go . We have had some very interesting post. Would love to hear what you have to say. As far as the check goes I will follow the system gladly. It is my money . I met with my architect yesterday . A local artisan whom I have been involved in numerous project with. The house will be rebuilt to a larger much nicer home . Out of the Ashes a Phoenix will arise . I'm using all local artisans from the immediate community .Consciously supporting my community We all have an interest in this beautiful place . A reason for the check going to the bank , basically because the bank is a bigger legal threat than I or you are. Let's play this out and say you or I took their payment for the damages, pocketed it, and bought a Ferrari. Now your house is worth $200K (because of the unrepaired property damage) and your mortgage is $300K, so you walk away from the mortgage. The bank is pissed. They will sue the insurance company. By making sure the bank has to endorse the check, the insurance company is making sure the money gets used to repair the bank's asset, the house. What happens is that the bank wants you or I to endorse the check, send it to them, they'll endorse it " deposit it ", and they'll make out checks directly to the guys who are doing the repairs on the house. This is an attempt to keep us from getting our greedy fingers on the money. The insurance company wins, they don't get sued. The bank wins, their house gets repaired. You might or could lose, because it can be a possible pain in the ass . Now because I have lost rents I am paid the amount of rent I was being paid on the lease for a period of up to 2 years . Kool beans . I didn't ask for this fire I am super glad I had insurance . I'm out nothing and my rental becomes a Phoenix . Kool kool way kool>>>

June 16, 2009 at 3:41 p.m.


CIAK Said: Just for the record and to make my point about the poison and personnel hate leveled at me. This made in very early April. " I am quite happy how this is going. I have been handled very professionally and courteously. Im proud to be part of this industry.
" Jet did I miss understand all the tick tock the hammer is going to fall the yada yada yada dribble in the beginning of this post. I reread it because I did not want to misrepresent . Not very genuine of you to pass it off on me. I also don't think you are a bad person. I will admit as far as you are concerned I did go out there a couple of times in reaction to your personal poisoned attacks leveled at me . >>>

June 16, 2009 at 12:02 p.m.


There is no agenda and well you know it. As for "hatred and personal attacks", they stem from you, and it is you who infers the easy money to be made, (65k in three mths) Your post is nothing more than a vain attempt to fool anyone from your industry who might be viewing now that they have been notified of this thread......shallow CYA. Pathetic. "........The people I work with are honorable ethical moral people.............good grief.....does your B/S never end........?>>>

June 16, 2009 at 9:36 a.m.


CIAK Said: It is obvious there is an agenda that is poisoning this thread . My intent and purpose of this topic was to make anyone that might be having trouble with the insurance process not to be afraid of it. Also I wanted to let anyone know that is interested in this line of work it is not easy money as inferred . You will understand if or when you try . It was not my intent to discourage anyone. The hatred and personal attacks directed at me and about me should be a warning to others. I love this line of work . The people I work with are honorable ethical moral people , not perfect people .

Chucky, YOU are the one who makes your posts "personal" so don't play the "victim" sympathy role here 'cause these guys have had your number for quite some time now. Just try being "real" (for once in your life) and you'll find things go a lot easier. Get off the soap box, eat a little humble pie, and MAYBE your persona will be forgiven. I don't think you're a bad person, per se, but guys like you do a lot of damage in this world and don't have the sense to realize it.


June 16, 2009 at 9:06 a.m.


CIAK Said: It is obvious there is an agenda that is poisoning this thread . My intent and purpose of this topic was to make anyone that might be having trouble with the insurance process not to be afraid of it. Also I wanted to let anyone know that is interested in this line of work it is not easy money as inferred . You will understand if or when you try . It was not my intent to discourage anyone. The hatred and personal attacks directed at me and about me should be a warning to others. I love this line of work . The people I work with are honorable ethical moral people , not perfect people .

Your "intent and purpose" was overshadowed by your lack of clarity and credibility. Your posts should be required to include a disclaimer.>>>

June 16, 2009 at 5:57 a.m.


It is obvious there is an agenda that is poisoning this thread . My intent and purpose of this topic was to make anyone that might be having trouble with the insurance process not to be afraid of it. Also I wanted to let anyone know that is interested in this line of work it is not easy money as inferred . You will understand if or when you try . It was not my intent to discourage anyone. The hatred and personal attacks directed at me and about me should be a warning to others. I love this line of work . The people I work with are honorable ethical moral people , not perfect people .>>>

June 15, 2009 at 2:18 p.m.


He gave the answer. He does'nt have one, but then any fool can see that by looking through his infantile utterances.

BTW If you are really interested in doing what he claims he does then this is a site that provides more detail.


It also states that you don't need a college degree (although it would be preferential) exposing more lies in this idiots post.

This from the "Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement" section Training and entry requirements vary widely for claims adjusters,appraisers, examiners, and investigators. Although many in these occupations do not have a college degree, most companies prefer to hire college graduates.

"Education and training. There are no formal education requirements for any of these occupations, and a high school degree is typically the minimal requirement needed to obtain employment. However, most employers prefer to hire college graduates or people who have some postsecondary training."

I sent them, and Allstate a link to this thread in case they want to take a peek and correct/clarify what is written.>>>

June 15, 2009 at 10:05 a.m.


Chucky, you never answered Jed's question........where did you get your four year college degree? Oh, and about the military information you provided, you ARE a coward (still)........spots never change.


June 14, 2009 at 7:30 a.m.


Their are times when you need to apply pressure to get what is due you. I can't speak for the adjusters and their experience . What I can say is your persistence payed off. What a lot of people don't understand about this business is it is a pressure business . The squeaky wheel . I demand this because it's due me . When it's no . Your question should be " Why not ??" . If you set back and let it go that is what happens. There are time restraints and a lot of pressure on both sides. If you are even close to being right the insurance company will pay if it 's marginal. Don't be " fraudulent " they can smell a rat and will test your stamina. They will win hands down. Customer service is the goal .Know your contract ( POLICY ) * An insurance policy is always interpreted in favor of the insured and not the insurance company.

* Ambiguous or unclear clauses are always interpreted in favor of the insured.

* Ambiguous policies are always interpreted to provide, rather than to deny, coverage.

* An insurance policy is considered patently ambiguous when it can be interpreted in more than one way.

* When a policy provision is capable of more than one reasonable interpretation, a court must adopt the interpretation that favors coverage.

* No limitations or exclusions are implied into any policy contract. >>>

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