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June 26, 2009 at 4:09 p.m.


I tried to find that Url and couldn't I wanted to have some sound effects . Looseners was as close as I think I could get. Thanks that was fun for me :laugh: :laugh: B) :laugh: It ain't no use if aint got the boost the boost you get from Looseners,,,,, Looseners>>>

June 26, 2009 at 2:36 p.m.


Ok!! GKRFG you'll be competing for the grand prize of a free luxury comfort trip to far away Mount Doom in the Florida Dept of Professional Business Regulations. To help you fulfill your quest to help the brainless one find his way out of the paper sack with a little more ease. You will first have to answer some easy questions. Are you ready for the first question . Are you ready ? Don't be nervous For our first Question . What is Jet first name ?

GKRFG . That easy Chucky told me it was Johnny ?

Ciak . That's correct !!! Tell GKRFG what they have won. You and Jet have just won these lovely elven hooded travelling cloaks with beautiful leaf-shaped brooches made with authentic green enamel and genuine silver plating,all on this beautiful plank with the look of real wood! Each is lovingly embroidered with our "Who wants to find CIAKS CCC #! logo. Plus as a bonus red cone hat .

Ciak . Next question,.. what type of weapon will you have to use to hack your way through and slay the fierce " Dragon " DPBR to find this elusive CCC #??

Jet Oh, OH, in his best car 54 Gunther Tuddy I know this one !!

Ciak Shhhh , no helping unless GKRFG wants to use a life line.

GKRFG ummmm it is a computer and one of my fingers ?

Ciak Is that your final answer ??

GKFG yes computer and one of my fingers. final answer.

Ciak Well I'm sorry but that is " Correct.. !!!! ( a jarring drum roll )

Ciak Yes, GKRFG, you and Jet have just won a full month's supply of Looseners Castor Oil Flakes! Yes, Looseners , that wonderful tasty treat passed down to us from the legendary elves of Keebler! Looseners Castor Oil Flakes With Real Glycerine Vibrafoam. It's the All-Weather Breakfast

Ciak For our next and final question, can an airplane lift off a tread mill with the tread mill moving at the same speed as the wheels ? And can pigs fly ?? Does the Dodo bird lay its eggs upside down in the nest ? If you answer these final questions correctly . I will supply you with the a direct link and you may keep all other prizes .

a bastardized Monty Python quiz show >>>

June 26, 2009 at 10:09 a.m.


CIAK Said: From the topic Cheap Blasders Being a CCC # lic roofing contractor I can do repairs in any county in the State of Florida . Now if I was only a RC Im not sure how the rules are exactly . The registered contractor never pertained to me. Back in the day my Corp. worked all over the State of Florida. As an S corp.and being a CCC # contractor the wouldnt buck stop at my CCC # as I understood things. I never had to defend my self in court . I did have a HOA challenge me once after 11yrs of a 12yr. roof warranty. It went to no more than a fine . That was the only ding after 30 yrs .

Now as I have made numerous references . I stay with in my beautiful community. It is nice to know that you care. Thanks for asking Jet.

And that CCC number is?........drum roll please :woohoo: :woohoo:


June 25, 2009 at 2:06 p.m.


From the topic Cheap Blasders Being a CCC # lic roofing contractor I can do repairs in any county in the State of Florida . Now if I was only a RC I'm not sure how the rules are exactly . The registered contractor never pertained to me. Back in the day my Corp. worked all over the State of Florida. As an S corp.and being a CCC # contractor the wouldn't buck stop at my CCC # as I understood things. I never had to defend my self in court . I did have a HOA challenge me once after 11yrs of a 12yr. roof warranty. It went to no more than a fine . That was the only ding after 30 yrs .

Now as I have made numerous references . I stay with in my beautiful community. It is nice to know that you care. Thanks for asking Jet.>>>

June 23, 2009 at 3:23 p.m.


Min I just got back from my meetings today. My council wasn't very positive on the bank signing the check over to me. He is a Real Estate lawyer and handles cases with foreclosures and every thing up to and including insurance claims . He gave me a little hope . I will have to take out the Mortgage papers and read them. The reason for this is I may be able to have the account in the local bank and increase the number of draws. As it stands now the draws are down payment $ 10,000.00 or 1/3 of total claim which ever is more. Then a draw at 50% after inspections and the rest when the final inspections are complete. The problems with this are totally apparent. So thus far into the process the big road block so far is......" NOT " the insurance company . I will repeat " NOT " the insurance company........ Paid up. What hasn't happened yet . Possible problems the bank inspections and the lag between contact with the bank ( if not local ) the inspections and then if there are no problems with any paperwork or anything else . Waiting for the check.>>>

June 23, 2009 at 10:35 a.m.


CIAK Said: Jet You know Ill give you a hint, Lets see ah um if you go to the DBPR you may be able to figure it out. Now if you cant get it from here you wont be able to find your way out of a paper bag and I cant and wont help you. I know you already know what it is . It is just your nature to try to sound tuff . Do something decent while your sucking on a cigar and drinking your libations. ;) ;)

Chucky, if I knew your number why would I continue to ask? Just put it up here and let me do a little checking on you. Why so defensive.......something to hide? ;) ;)


June 23, 2009 at 9:25 a.m.


Jet You know I'll give you a hint, Lets see ah um if you go to the DBPR you may be able to figure it out. Now if you can't get it from here you won't be able to find your way out of a paper bag and I can't and won't help you. I know you already know what it is . It is just your nature to try to sound tuff . Do something decent while your sucking on a cigar and drinking your libations. ;) ;)>>>

June 23, 2009 at 8:47 a.m.


CIAK Said: I never used to do things without a contract being in the business for a number of years. As time has gone on and things have wound down to just a few jobs a year. I find that most of the jobs I do now are with out contracts. All of the repair work for sure are with out contracts . The last few whole roofs were the same . I pull all the necessary permits and all the docs that are required to get in progress and finals . I have not been ripped off in the roofing end with this arrangement. Some of these whole roofs have been very very rewarding monetarily . Of course the repairs are always good. I also have pulled permits for jobs that are not profitable for me . When my son wants work in between storms . Ill throw a roof at him with just the materials permits and dump etc paid back to me. To cover costs.

That's great to hear........BTW, what's your state license number?


June 22, 2009 at 11:24 p.m.

Mike H


I roofed the office of the safety consulting firm we used at the time.

He swears he's going to pay back every penny. He does answer phone calls. Says he'll pay the interest too. We'll see. At least he's recently started to make installments, albeit rather small ones. Says "I can hardly sleep at night knowing I owe you this money". He must awfully tired by now. LOL>>>

June 22, 2009 at 9:10 p.m.


I never used to do things without a contract being in the business for a number of years. As time has gone on and things have wound down to just a few jobs a year. I find that most of the jobs I do now are with out contracts. All of the repair work for sure are with out contracts . The last few whole roofs were the same . I pull all the necessary permits and all the docs that are required to get in progress and finals . I have not been ripped off in the roofing end with this arrangement. Some of these whole roofs have been very very rewarding monetarily . Of course the repairs are always good. I also have pulled permits for jobs that are not profitable for me . When my son wants work in between storms . I'll throw a roof at him with just the materials permits and dump etc paid back to me. To cover costs.>>>

June 22, 2009 at 12:48 p.m.


Now that I have the check and have had some time to reflect on what has happened with the process. Baring the verminous personal attacks . I'm feeling a little frustrated in my friend the Architect . I attribute some of this with anxious impatiences . Part of having a lot of time. Distancing my self while I can do nothing but wait is very difficult . Because I knew the insurance process I was particularly sure of how that was going to turn out. It turned out the way I was expecting . Now I have to wait on others . This is more a lesson in patience. Trying to make sure the i's are dotted and the t's are crossed. I'm also very anxious about tomorrow session with my counsel.>>>

June 19, 2009 at 4:22 p.m.


The contract I have with the insurance company says it is obligated to include the mortgage company under the terms of my policy. Now it also says to contact the mortgage holder for their procedures for endorsing payments. Minnesota this is very interesting . I'll find out Tuesday. I'm not opposed to and I'm very much in favor of handling the money my self. If this works out the way you have described I may be indebted to you . Some time I'm a robot and just follow the road signs. Very very interesting. I am waiting in anticipation>>>

June 19, 2009 at 3:36 p.m.

Mike H

PS: I've been trying for 3 years to collect the 15K contract value of a small job I did for a PROVIDER to my business. A divorce, poor business climate and no money in the checkbook has garnered me, to date, a whopping $1,000.

A court decision, a checkbook garnishment have done little to help. All the court orders in the world won't get you your money if there isn't any money to be had.>>>

June 19, 2009 at 3:33 p.m.

Mike H


You don't need to spend a lot of time trying to convince me. I agree with all of it, basically. You're preaching to a guy that still does most of his job WITHOUT a contract, trusts his customers until they give him a reason not to, and has been burned through his trust more than once. It's those burnings that enable me to understand the bank's side. Our society has changed. We no longer have a majority (if it is, it's very silent) of people that take pride in their word. Money has skewed the vision of most. I have preached for years of the pitfalls we faced through our heavy debt, and now we are reaping those pitfalls.

But knowing the weakness of the average person, as a contractor, I am happy for the bank's proactive approach to money management. The average joe/josephine in suburbia is little more than a child when it comes to money management. Holding their hands may well be the best thing the bank could do for them, for me, for you. Lower premiums, less hassles, better results. Not to mention the lower bank fees likely to be needed to cover the losses.

If it was me and my money, I might be a bit pissed, but I think I would still understand. Sad for the way things have become, but at least happy that measures are being taken to protect me and my interests from the irresponsibility of my neighbor.

Don't even get me started on the bail-outs, the stealing from the bondholders to give to the unions, the mountain of political paybacks, and the trampling of our constitution, and a mainstream media that is ignoring it all............ that's a whole other story.>>>

June 19, 2009 at 8:40 a.m.


Minn With the scenario you present the conditions will constantly change with each case . The laws try to make things the same for every one. There is a Wikipedia page that I think can make an attempt to explains it. I think this is the problem with your theory . IMO . I C/P the main ideas . Transfer your bank check idea and the results would be very similar. Conventional thinking would say you should get results very close to your original idea. A scientist considers himself lucky if he can get measurements with accuracy to three decimal places. Minn. This is working with numbers that have rules . I just can't imagine the human emotional condition you propose working . Surely now the fourth and fifth decimal, impossible to measure using reasonable methods, can have a huge effect on the outcome of the experiment. This is where your idea falls apart. This effect came to be known as the butterfly effect. The amount of difference in the starting point ( no law, left up to the individual in your example ) maybe so small that it is comparable to a butterfly flapping its wings.

The flapping of a single butterfly's wing today produces a tiny change in the state of the atmosphere. Over a period of time, what the atmosphere actually does diverges from what it would have done. So, in a month's time, a tornado that would have devastated the Indonesian coast doesn't happen. Or maybe one that wasn't going to happen, does. (Ian Stewart, Does God Play Dice? The Mathematics of Chaos, pg. 141) This phenomenon, common to chaos theory, is also known as sensitive dependence on initial conditions. Just a small change in the initial conditions can drastically change the long-term behavior of a system. Such a small amount of difference in a measurement might be considered experimental noise, background noise, or an inaccuracy of the equipment. Such things are impossible to avoid in even the most isolated lab. With a starting number of 2, the final result can be entirely different from the same system with a starting value of 2.000001. It is simply impossible to achieve this level of accuracy - just try and measure something to the nearest millionth of an inch! Static laws. You know what is expected and it happens . This is one reason this country was and still is as great as it is . This makes sense to me . :) I also made an appointment with counsel to explore the options as discussed earlier concerning the possession of the check>>>

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