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June 13, 2009 at 1:50 p.m.


Thanks egg I'll make it a goal. I generally shoot from the hip and I know it comes off scattered. It drives THE VERY LOVELY MRS CIAK crazy sometimes . I've written it off as expression and flow. I do need to be more disciplined in that area. This weekend I have to become compliant with State of Florida Financial Services . 10 hrs of Law . Yuck . I need this to continue my current employment. One thing this job does is continually keeps education on the forefront. Classes all year long on estimating software's , flood and auto adjuster classes. It is never ending . Earthquake certs . etc.>>>

June 13, 2009 at 12:05 p.m.


Ciak, in answer to your question, we had three children early in our marriage and reached the mutual decision that they would greatly benefit from having her not spend the bulk of her time as a wage earner. This has paid off handsomely and the principal benefit is that I couldn't be prouder of the kind of adults my children have become. Her attention during those early years had an overwhelming effect. Over the years she has had a number of part-time income-producing gigs, but I have provided the principal income for the duration and not always uncomplainingly. I am not mercenary, but I have been successful enough. I like to think that I resemble, at least vaguely, the smithy from Longfellow's famous poem. In fact, I do. One of the key factors in my personal history has been my attention to detail. This is not limited to roofing as a craft. It encompasses many things because if it's worth doing it's worth doing well. I organize my ideas and when I'm writing, I try to fit them together so people can see how they relate to each other as a whole. I try not to bring too many fragmentary ideas in from the sides or attach them to the central ideas. In other words, I take the time to edit. If you were to begin practicing this, you would not encounter a lot of the resistance you seem to be getting here.


June 13, 2009 at 10:37 a.m.


Very clever ciak, you trapped me.

I'm only a "meanspirited arse hole" towards the likes of you because I can't tolerate fraudsters and liars, especially the ones who spew their vacuous claptrap on open forums and insult the intelligence of their audience by expecting them to believe it, ergo, providing a direct reflection of their own lack of intelligence (obviously)...........yes, that would be you.

..............."I knew better but I wanted to give you an honest chance . To bad . I'll just put you on ignore ".

....bet you don't...but you probably should. That way you could conveniently "ignore" my questions on your lies.

BTW, why the sudden anger and name calling? By now you should be used to being exposed.>>>

June 13, 2009 at 10:17 a.m.


Jed I baited you a little by not revealing the full story. Of course you took the bait saw the opportunity swallowed ( yuck , I bet you do swallow ), hook sunk . I just wanted to know if you were being your mean spirited arse hole self . I was correct. You could have taken a slightly different tack, and the whole story . That was my hope. That wasn't your intent . I knew better but I wanted to give you an honest chance . To bad . I'll just put you on ignore .>>>

June 13, 2009 at 9:58 a.m.


Jet Oh my ! oh my , Scawe very Scawe . A state license . Sooooo . I guess your forced to listen to strange voices inside your head . I don't know where you get your misinformation .>>>

June 13, 2009 at 9:48 a.m.


So you don't hold a college degree. That's what I thought but you imply in your post that you do, so I was perplexed as to how someone who is basically illiterate could make it through college. Thanks for the clarification.>>>

June 13, 2009 at 9:41 a.m.


CIAK Said: The money is good . NO doubt. I have tried to explain it to you guys . I get paid very very handsomely . Getting there is another ball of wax. Im not trying to discourage anyone here. A reality is the work is very spotty for the new adjusters. There is a core that is called upon for most of the year . I happen to be one of them . The first thing you want to do is make sure you qualify . Intensive background checks FBI National Security all police including driving records , construction violations any and all state and national licensing issues etc . you get the picture .It is a very thorough Twice a year this is done to make sure they keep up. Now after that 4 years college degree . Now your getting started . The spaces between storms for the new adjuster can be as little as a year . In most cases more . It is a very tight group of individuals ( the core )We are constantly showing up on the storm event . We become a family of sorts . Because of that THE LOVELY MRS CIAK will be joining me this year . Twice the pay 1/2 the expense see the country . i dunno , may-be Ill give this up and start the roofing company up full blast again . not very likely :woohoo: :side: :silly: :side: :S :woohoo: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Thats a good one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jet trying to make a move to the Dark Side after all that Bull Shate he has thrown out in front of him . Whew !!! Ill keep an eye out for you Mr Thompson . May be youll try to throw more BS on top of and at me . ;) ;) I know you can be trusted , :laugh: :laugh:

Yea, trusted to treat people fairly. Don't worry about my "qualifications" they're MORE than adequate PLUS I have a state license, unlike you. Don't worry about the "family" thing because that would be my main motivation.......to get rid of it altogether. We've already cleaned up one phase of our business down here, guess it's time to take on another. See 'ya Chucky!.........look out! ;) ;)


June 13, 2009 at 9:37 a.m.


I'll tell you a little of my story Jed. I'm not sure if you are being facetious or really are interested . My sense , it is back handed . Back in the late 60's early 70's I entered the military . Not because I was interested . I would have been drafted . I went in as a conscious objector to the war . I have a whole other side to that story . Another time . I went into the Medical side of the service . Basic field training at first Fort Sam Houston Tx . From there Fort George Meade N.J. to further my education and stay out of the fight. As I look at it now I was a coward back then . Thinking I was doing the right thing . Brain washed by many things one of them and perhaps the most damaging Music of the day .>>>

June 13, 2009 at 7:57 a.m.


............"done to make sure they keep up. Now after that 4 years college degree . Now your getting started . The spaces between storms for the new adjuster "

You earned a college degree?? What college?.........and in what? >>>

June 13, 2009 at 6:30 a.m.


egg Does you wife work??>>>

June 13, 2009 at 12:09 a.m.


There must be something seriously wrong with me because I never had the slightest interest in easy money and I have reason to believe I never will. You could leave it there on a silver platter there for me and I suspect I wouldn't even put it in my pocket. If I had to choose between easy money and abject poverty, I might weigh it out again, but easy makes me queasy. There's not enough lean in it to keep my eyes squinty.>>>

June 12, 2009 at 11:46 a.m.


The money is good . NO doubt. I have tried to explain it to you guys . I get paid very very handsomely . Getting there is another ball of wax. I'm not trying to discourage anyone here. A reality is the work is very spotty for the new adjusters. There is a core that is called upon for most of the year . I happen to be one of them . The first thing you want to do is make sure you qualify . Intensive background checks FBI National Security all police including driving records , construction violations any and all state and national licensing issues etc . you get the picture .It is a very thorough Twice a year this is done to make sure they keep up. Now after that 4 years college degree . Now your getting started . The spaces between storms for the new adjuster can be as little as a year . In most cases more . It is a very tight group of individuals ( the core )We are constantly showing up on the storm event . We become a family of sorts . Because of that THE LOVELY MRS CIAK will be joining me this year . Twice the pay 1/2 the expense see the country . i dunno , may-be I'll give this up and start the roofing company up full blast again . not very likely :woohoo: :side: :silly: :side: :S :woohoo: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: That's a good one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jet trying to make a move to the " Dark Side " after all that Bull Shate he has thrown out in front of him . Whew !!! I'll keep an eye out for you Mr Thompson . May be you'll try to throw more BS on top of and at me . ;) ;) I know you can be trusted , :laugh: :laugh:>>>

June 12, 2009 at 9:36 a.m.


CIAK Said: As an adjuster I have several ways of being compensated . The compensation I prefer is Catastrophic pay with a per Diem + rental car and airfares. Now that being said it is the least of the pay scales. For example my son who is an adjuster last year for Gustav and Ivan made for himself in three and half months $ 65,000.00 working property claims. That is his preference . When we are not working storms and cats we roof and do repairs for those who can wait. The field adjuster is paid a % of the claim. On a sliding scale . The more the claim the less the percentage . Because of compliance issues the claim is no longer owned by the adjuster in the field . An inside adjuster owns it . AS far as a percentage of the claim as long as it is assigned to you and are working it you get your percentages. Does that start to answer your question ? Jed you on Sodium Pentathol I would love to be around for that. The truth be known

Yes it does......thanks. Think I'll get my license, this is TOO easy money to let slide. I suggest every other roofer here look into this also.


June 11, 2009 at 4:01 p.m.


As an adjuster I have several ways of being compensated . The compensation I prefer is Catastrophic pay with a per Diem + rental car and airfares. Now that being said it is the least of the pay scales. For example my son who is an adjuster last year for Gustav and Ivan made for himself in three and half months $ 65,000.00 working property claims. That is his preference . When we are not working storms and cats we roof and do repairs for those who can wait. The field adjuster is paid a % of the claim. On a sliding scale . The more the claim the less the percentage . Because of compliance issues the claim is no longer owned by the adjuster in the field . An inside adjuster owns it . AS far as a percentage of the claim as long as it is assigned to you and are working it you get your percentages. Does that start to answer your question ? Jed you on Sodium Pentathol I would love to be around for that. The truth be known>>>

June 11, 2009 at 12:49 p.m.


...........pass the Sodium Penathol......>>>

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