These might be enjoyable to look at .
Just a teaser
That's Mr Moron to the knaves
:laugh: ;)
Prigz thanks for that . egg very thought provoking . I mentioned it is best to be moral and ethical . The more thought in this topic . I realize my mistake. In the definition . I can see now where it is like nailing fresh roof cement to a wall !!! Normal definitions refer to the rightness or wrongness of behavior, . Not everyone agrees on what is morally right or wrong, good or bad, ethical or unethical. Is it cultural ? Environmental ? To complicate the problem , as an example would be a culture that eats humans for food. " Cannibals . " The ethical moral thing to do would be to become a better Cannibal . Most if not all available definitions exist at abstract levels.
Nicely put. I go ahead and lick the stamp without assuming it's the last letter I will ever send, but that doesn't prove me equivocal. I can't tell you how many times I have gone through my 'attic' and 'basement' only to realize after all these years, "Aha! So that's what this thing is.." It takes time for things to sink in, some missing piece of information to illuminate the whole. Some scientific folks near the end of the industrial revolution proclaimed there were only a couple of dozen problems left to solve. This, of course, leads to the problem of differentiating between those things that are ephemeral and those things that are eternal. We expect ephemeral things to change. When we approach the eternal we expect otherwise. We are a valiant sort, despite our weaknesses, and cannot be faulted for impulses which appear to be innate and not of our making. Certainly appearances are ephemeral, if not essences, and when we get to the point of exploring essences we are at greatest risk and the most valiant, though, as in the case of witch hunts, or certain types of experimentation, also the most debased. The narrow gate is the narrow gate is the narrow gate, despite how broad the universe.
In science, it helps if, no matter how sure you are of what you think you know, you always keep in the back of your mind that you may have gotten it completely wrong. Same goes for religion. We humans have what is known as "perceptual bias" - we see what we expect to see, and we are often literally blind to what doesn't fit into our framework or reference. In fact, in just about any human system, be it science, religion, economics, government, politics, and even art, the human ability of self-deception and reliance on dogma should give all of us some serious pause. It is, unfortunately, truly difficult to keep a really open mind, but it would give humanity some breathing room if we spent more time questioning our own assumptions and certainties.
Fundamentalism cast a long dark , dark shadow over the minds of men...........Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, made the comment, which is Arabic for "God is great!" before the rampage Thursday that also left 30 people wounded . May those Americans lost in the line of fire " Rest in peace" .
Well gentlemen one thing is for sure, you better find out down here, whether you are right or wrong,(saved or unsaved, as we often say it). Because when you open your eyes the 2nd time, you will know, for some, sadness beyond our wildest imagination, for the rest of us, we won't even give it a thought. And I feel, we are for shure, living in the eve of time.
Well, I ddi try to answer your OP question to the best of my ability. Not that I have any,but........ :laugh:
"... trying to have a little fun and still keep it serious..."
(To increase the odds of that I think someone needs to find and retrieve Miscreant.)
CIAK Said: , spirit is looking for the why is this . Science is trying to figure out the how it all goes together .
I'm just practicing my Master Moron status ( that Mr Moron to the knaves) trying to have a little fun and still keep it serious.
Ciak-science does answer wordly questions,but it DOES not answer Spiritual questions..
Copperman-Thats called surrender and standing in are believes,fight the good fight,endurance.Also He said we would do greater things. Rosary beads are just that...beads... Ciak-??
We should be careful. In all respect . This is what it looks and sounds like when brought to you with spiritual brow beating
Think about the technology to communicate this way ??? Sciense a great tool for religion . It is all around . Every and any time you pick up or do anything
Science answers the how .
Dum de dum , Oh yeah the roll of a servant . A very important message for all.
Kage what about these verses. This is a command to all Christians. If fact to even be considered a christian one needs to be a foot step follower of Christ and do the work he did. He also know that would cause people to hate you, just as they hated him. "A slave is not greater then the master". Think about that the next time "someone knocks on your door".ACTS 20:18 When they got to him he said to them: “YOU well know how from the first day that I stepped into the [district of] Asia I was with you the whole time, 19 slaving for the Lord with the greatest lowliness of mind and tears and trials that befell me by the plots of the Jews; 20 while I did not hold back from telling YOU any of the things that were profitable nor from teaching YOU publicly and from house to house. 21 But I thoroughly bore witness both to Jews and to Greeks about repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus. 22 And now, look! bound in the spirit, I am journeying to Jerusalem, although not knowing the things that will happen to me in it, 23 except that from city to city the holy spirit repeatedly bears witness to me as it says that bonds and tribulations are waiting for me. 24 Nevertheless, I do not make my soul of any account as dear to me, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received of the Lord Jesus, to bear thorough witness to the good news of the undeserved kindness of God. 25 “And now, look! I know that all of YOU among whom I went preaching the kingdom will see my face no more. 26 Hence I call YOU to witness this very day that I am clean from the blood of all men, 27 for I have not held back from telling YOU all the counsel of God.
MATT. 24:14 And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. Matt. 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. And, look! I am with YOU all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.â€
Quite so ... or merely a strong believer capable of serious momentary lapses, which abusers are famous for. After all, they have extraordinary heart and an inability to manage it without distortion. It is for this reason that some people have Rosary beads always near at hand.