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Conflicts between science and religion

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October 25, 2009 at 10:55 p.m.


minnesotaroofin Said: So the analogy of a guy being saved on his deathbed by accepting god or jesus into their heart-- after a lifetime of evil cannot and will not happen This is what i believe.

So you think God's gonna say "well your sins are too bad so off to hell you go" and then too the next guy "oh your sins werent that bad so off to heaven you go"...I dont think so,its how are hearts are towards Him,if we believe and accept Him He will never leave us,if we deny Him,He denies us,..and thats biblical...not me.

October 25, 2009 at 10:41 p.m.


So if i understand you,its you cant comprehend the forgiveness in Him when we are truly repentent?

Think about you an your enemy you have hated for long time you both have hatred towards each other one way of resolving this anger between the 2 of you would be to partner in crime therfore your sins are equal to eachother. so you and your enemy met up and sacrificed an innocent together - or maybee even beat up a third party your anger to each would be resolved between the 2 of you.

all you have to do is ask forgivness from your enemy,whether he accepts or not does not matter,you have done your part..and its this kinda stuff that the Lord grows you in,forgivness,patience,courage..an so on...

October 25, 2009 at 9:56 p.m.


minnesotaroofin Said: And what about the occaisional thoughts do they count for anything -- You see a hot chick walking down the road there you go daydreaming these thoughtsa are just as well as doing the act are they not ---- What about when someone cuts you off -- or call your wife a name - or an employee questions you personally -- These thoughts that really tee you off? Does it really make a difference to you that believe in a supernatural being that he does see these thoughts and are just like the physical act?

Why not a sin is a sin weather you kill an entire family mother fathers sion daughter -- or steal a piece of candy -- Should not one sin carry more of a disipline than the other? How does it make sence that in the end it does not --

When you are truly saved and walkin the walk He wants you too,The Lord grows you up and takes this kinda behavior away as your growing,without ya even noticin sometimes,I mean we do our part too,you see that hot lookin chick walkin by,DONT HAVE THAT 2ND LOOK,And yes sin is sin in God's eyes ,it is man who puts levels on sin,this is why He sent His Son for us,that is how much He loves us He doesnt want ANYBODY damned,but...we have freewill,which means WE need to choose..

October 25, 2009 at 9:55 p.m.


I expect to be a worm farm next time. :)

October 25, 2009 at 9:54 p.m.


I know where I'm going! :laugh: :cheer: :) :)

When I died on the table and and coded again and again in recovery, and again a few days later, I ddin't see any light! :laugh: Dark where I was. ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

October 25, 2009 at 8:39 p.m.


If everybody just goes to heaven when we die,answer me this,Why did Jesus have to go to the cross?

If there is a god who says these people are going to eternally rot in a hell for for being who they are -- he who which he created

They wouldnt be going to hell for who they are if they go to hell it would be for non-believe.

Someone could do this there entire life then in their last breath accept god into their heart and they are saved?

If they get the chance,what if it is a sudden death,no one knows when were gonna go,but if ya wanna take a gamble at it thats your choice...good luck on that...

I am of no denonemation either,just the simple belief in The Lord...

and if and when it is as most say on judgement day i will stand up for these people and if it is judged i go to eternal damnation with these fine catholic people i guess i will.

What makes you think you will have a say on that day?

October 25, 2009 at 8:36 p.m.

Old School

I think that Einstein had it almost right: but it should have said E=M or matter is energy in a different form. The "big bang" was just energy transformed into matter of one sort or another. Most of matter is empty space. With that said, the "energy" still had to come from somewhere. Since it is way too big for us to get our finite minds around, I say we admit that something or someone made us and everything else around us, and we don't know where it or he or she came from. Pretty awesome though!

October 25, 2009 at 7:10 p.m.


God created science,co-exsist where does that come from??

October 25, 2009 at 5:35 p.m.


"Where are our good Atheist"s on this topic ???" Whatcha need me for??????

October 25, 2009 at 12:41 p.m.


Ok Ciak, The rule thing,I'll start off by saying when God gave us the 10 Commandments,count that only 10 well religion of Jesus's day and before added 300 and something more for starters hence not God,man,and this still goes on today in 'religion',The Commands are there so we can see whats right and wrong its not enforced upon us,in the bible it says if were gonna follow all the comandments we have to follow everyone of them if we break one we've broken them all,well no human can do this,that is why Jesus was sent for us to take the sins of man upon Himself to the cross,God doesnt want ya for rules and regulations He wants you the way you are,whatever way you are,He'll do the rest if ya let Him,Galations 2:19-21"For through the law I died to the law,so that i might live to God.I have been crucified with Christ.It is no longer I who live,but Christ who lives in me.And the life i now live in the flesh i live by faith in the Son of God,who loved me and gave Himself for me.I do not nullify the grace of God,for if righteousness were through the law,then Christ died for no purpose."

What is God? if your looking for a image,there isnt one,hence commandment#4,but the best way to say what He is would be- God is patient and kind,God does not envy or boast,He is not arrogant or rude.He does not insist on His own way,He is not irritable or resentful,He does not rejoice at wrong doing,but rejoices with the truth.He bears all things,believes all things, hopes all things,endures all things.He is your comforter,strenght,courage,He is your Father who doesnt want nothing but the best for ya.

Why is there so much pain and suffering? Because we have freewill,there is consequences to what we do,good or bad.

October 25, 2009 at 12:32 p.m.


Woody...lol...if God has no humor that would make humor our only original contribution to this world. Not a bad thought actually. Along with singing, dancing, exploring, and nailing on shingles straight, we may have a legitimate purpose here after all.

October 25, 2009 at 12:16 p.m.


Butting in here...Taking a literal position, there is pain because there are nerve endings. No nervous system, no pain. I may be mistaken, but it is my belief that only humankind equates pain with failure and pleasure with success. Pain and pleasure are like salt and pepper. In fact, success and failure are entirely human constructs. There are many other spices besides salt and pepper. Spices...species...specious....hmmm...Man is interested in meaning, cognitive stuff for the neocortex to churn and burn. God is only interested in manifestation. A tree doesn't stop growing because it loses a limb. Or even an entire trunk with all its limbs. I don't consider myself a genius if I merely observe the manifest. Every particle and electrical impulse has its value and is manifest. Manifestations of what? We have countless generations to explore it all. Some may conclude that all that implies merely the mechanistic. Try listening to a player piano or a cuckoo clock and take note of your level of engagement. My mother is very old and has a great number of brooms, all of them plastic. She adores and respects her 92 year old brother who spent his whole life developing broom-corn. Is there a logical conclusion to be drawn here and if so, how does compassion play into it? Should I point it out to her? Where do I seek guidance on this and what do I consider the authority? If Man were truly and faithfully, literally, made in God's image, all the game animals would come to us for guidance. If meaning is to be a source of enlightenment, in the end it cannot be merely a pit of bruised and revolving egos. Or can it? Do we even care and if not, why not?

October 25, 2009 at 11:24 a.m.


Ok kage I'll try to engage your answer . I first want to understand your position. Are you saying there are not rules ? I'm not baiting here . It does appear without an explanation a weak position given the literature I read including but not limited to the Bible. No rules ?? It also bring to mind the question What is God ?? Then the really big question if you can answer Why is there so much pain suffering hate etc in the world if God is omnipresent , most powerful loving and wise ?? I'll stop here engaging your answer for the moment till you can explain . Where are are good Atheist friends ????

October 25, 2009 at 9:49 a.m.


CIAK Said: Religion is this idea with rules .

Religion is man made its not God made..

October 25, 2009 at 9:43 a.m.


God has a right to look down at us and either be angry and disappointed or amused at our folly. I'm hoping he has a sense of humor

He does have a sense of humor,He also has Love,Forgivness,Mercy,Grace,..etc ect.I own a truck that I drive down the road everyday,couldnt tell ya how it all works..my failure to explain the power didnt prevent me from using it,I dont need to explain how everything works to take the best advantage of these things.In God stuff same rule applies,I'll never understand the endless mercy of God,but I know i am saved by that mercy.We often forget that the power is not ours it is God's,and a human being isnt prevented from using that power simply by being unable to explain it.

Also The Sabbath was created for man,not man for the Sabbath (Mark2:27),Religion puts all the rules not the Lord..

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