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Where have all the posters gone?

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December 30, 2009 at 6:08 p.m.

Old School

Kind of cleared your mind so to speak eh! That does get peoples attention!

December 30, 2009 at 4:26 p.m.


Patty Cakes Said: Ciak did you post on the wrong thread? I back tracked to see where Obama came into this one. Didnt find, did the suppository work? OS - lmao PC
Nope I didn't . It brings to mind the action we need to take to stop this disaster and figured that some might have been occupied with the even more scary situation . Knowing this country was one faulty detonator away from an American airliner being blown out of the sky. Was anyone you knew on that plane ?? I doubt it or you might have understood what I meant . Can you remember right after the inauguration, President Obama no longer wanted to acknowledge the "global war on terror" ???? This guy referred to terrorist acts as "man-made disasters"? Back then maybe you and for sure I knew that showed a remarkable lack of understanding of the threat America faced but in the face of what nearly happened a couple days, it is even more infuriating. That is what I meant . B) ;) ;) B) I guessed the suppository is working B) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: B)

December 30, 2009 at 3:37 p.m.

Mike H


I don't know who's been talking about my dingy, but I can guarantee, it don't looking nothing like that. ;)

December 30, 2009 at 3:35 p.m.

Mike H

Terry Said: I remember my first post that started a war zone with many of the posters, I was first known as Duro-Last Terry...but thanks to Mike he opened my eyes, Im not sure if he changed my mind on DL or if it was his long winded responses never the less I concided and NEVER brought up the topic again.


Dang, what a let down. I'm reading that post, expecting the above quotation to end "I concided and never BOUGHT the stuff again". LOL

Now I never forgot anybody, but once there became two Terrys, neither of which had 3 r's in their name, keeping track of who was who became quite the challenge.

December 30, 2009 at 8:25 a.m.


Ole School B) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: B) I ask your permission to use that phraseology . I knew you would agree . Thanks B) :woohoo: :woohoo: B)

December 29, 2009 at 8:25 p.m.

Old School

CIAK, the reason you are having so big a problem "swallowing" that huge pill is because it is a supository. That should loosen you up right soon now!

December 29, 2009 at 5:12 p.m.


We are chocking on Obamacare we have found so hard to swallow . They are shoving down our throats . I for the life of me don't understand why some of you guys voted for this disaster. I really hope you have voter remorse and take care of this guy and his henchmen( CZAR'S..... WTF... ???) in the fall . http://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f8724 B) :ohmy: :ohmy:

December 29, 2009 at 9:21 a.m.


I am a very old dog, so old that someone else has taken my name "Terry" and Mike forgot who I am. I really miss RCS, you guys have helped me out immensely through my trail and tribulations. Anita with my GL and workers comp questions, Mike with direct and indirect costs, hiring of a salesman, and everybody on figuring out my overhead. From the bottom of my heart I can't thank you guys/gals enough, whenever I run into a snag the first place I come back to is RCS, the knowledge, insight and experience and willinness to help blows my mind. I remember my first post that started a war zone with many of the posters, I was first known as Duro-Last Terry...but thanks to Mike he opened my eyes, I'm not sure if he changed my mind on DL or if it was his long winded responses never the less I concided and NEVER brought up the topic again. I think the most important part of this forum is that you have so many different opinions, which is great and know one thinks any less of you, you agree to disagree. What works for one doesn't necessarily work for another, but it's everybody's imput that helps you define who you are and what type of company you want to be. I want to thank the many unknown Mentor's that I have come to know on RCS.

December 28, 2009 at 11:33 p.m.


Someone's short-clocking me! I get to the end of the day before I get to half-way point of my list of things to do. We've continued to be busy. What was supposed to be finished a week before Christmas (comfortably), is still going on, and I still have two more projects not started. Now there are reasons why things don't go according to plan, and those reasons seem to be multiplying like rabbits in Australia. One of these days I'm gonna get around to posting what we've been up to....

December 28, 2009 at 9:30 p.m.


Oooh i'm still around...nope no rapture,and i must admit i'm glad there was no rapture,wanna see you unsaved souls saved and up there with the Big Guy when i get there..so's i guess i'll keep on prayin for you's. ;)

December 28, 2009 at 5:50 p.m.


I need a solution to a problem with so many plug in devices . It sometimes takes on the look of the Christmas tree in the Red Ryder BB gun Christmas Story . Or a booby trapped mine field with the cords going to the chargers etc. B) ;) :woohoo: :laugh: B)

December 28, 2009 at 4:35 p.m.

Old School

Boy, that "Pirate" ship is really flying judging from the wake behind it in the picture. Old Jacke must have the slaves rowing like mad!

December 28, 2009 at 2:51 p.m.


Jack welcome back you old scalawag. Thing went to hell when you stopped posting. Mr. Hicks is to busy with the RCS Dingy and who knows where Peters gone. Eggs to uppity since he got one of those roofers buggies and lefty's to busy putting birds on everybody's gutters. I think Kage got taken in the rapture cause I haven't heard from him in a while. So Mike and I keep an eye on things. ;)

December 28, 2009 at 1:04 p.m.


:woohoo: I still check in from time to time. All I'm doing for the last couple of years is trying to stay alive. Spend most of my time and energy trying to keep one step ahead of my competitors.

December 28, 2009 at 12:51 p.m.


ARRRRRRRR LADDIES..have ye missed Ole Jack,,welllllllll, he be in tha crows nest, ah'keepin a sharp eye out fur all you dogooders ther, he be for shuuuuuuure. Ole Jack has took offense since they dun way with me littul pirate iconies ther, he has for shure...postin jus aint tha same without them littul fellers ta briten thangs up ther , it aint for shuuuuuure. Tha subjectication of this heer post kinda puts ole Jack in tha reminiskin mode fer a song he once upon a time herd..

Where haf allllllll tha poseters gonnnnne? Down to oooooooooole mexicoooooooo where haf allllllll tha picktures gonnnnnnne? They gone therrrrrrrr toooooooooooo,,ooooo

YO HO HO N A BUCKET'AH THA BLACK..ARGH!...sure do miss me littul ole pirate iconies ther , we do for shuuuuuuuuure...

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