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Prepare for another downturn

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June 13, 2010 at 10:35 a.m.
June 13, 2010 at 10:33 a.m.
June 13, 2010 at 10:23 a.m.


twill59 Said: Chuck, you wanted a conversation.....

Anyway the price of roofing will drop and the cost of your premium will go up.

Whats not to like?

This country does not want dual flush toilets or durable roofs. Our decline is inevitable.


As a consumer that sounds all well and good to me . I will seek lower prices every time . The price of my premium has remained relative low compared to the cost of a new roof . The idiot you voted into office has created more damage to our children and their children than any insurance claim . Shame on you for that .

June 13, 2010 at 8:16 a.m.


Excuse my foolishness........who is "they" and how did "they" take the food from my table?

June 13, 2010 at 6:32 a.m.


It is a noble endeavor to maintain a model that allows some to work as a craft . For others who don't have the luxury anymore to keep food on their tables and money enough in their coffers to pay the bills . Fraternity clicks associations for me break down when and if I could not pay my bills and keep food on the table . Nice platitudes though . If you are making the money you need great for you . Most I would guess are not. It would be nice to subscribe to nice Platitudes . The rubber meets the road When the repo man comes to pull you trucks off the lot and the bank is foreclosing on the house and shop your wife and family are suffering. Sorry boys, I understand Tom and others don't trust my intentions . It doesn't bother me I'm speaking the truth here . I have no dog in this fight . I am comfortable and live well .

June 12, 2010 at 9:50 p.m.


Stephen, thank you for the compliment. I enjoy your posts as well. We all reap huge rewards from this fraternity.

June 12, 2010 at 9:32 p.m.


Tom ("Cynicism? I thought I was just being observant") I understand. Been there many times. The current usage of the word generally means distrust of the integrity or professed motives of others and leaves us with a resident negativity (which I also understand) but the root of the word is where I prefer to see it go: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cynicism

I have to apologize for my earlier post insofar as I realize upon rereading that it sounds more than a bit self-serving. You are right about our obligations to the employee. My way usually generates serious employment for one or two others and I treat it as an obligation. There is part-time opportunity for another variable number. Gerry (GAK) takes it to the next level by finding and paying what the pundits call "your replacement" and from there you try to get to where MikeH is. I still feel the key is "cultural" and if you can maintain the right kind of culture you can turn a big part of the world into what others might call a niche. You know all that of course.

That doesn't really speak to your complaint. It goes without saying that knowing what's in Exactimate would be helpful. Knowledge is its own reward half the time. Establishing working relationships is always helpful even if its with people you would rather not deal with. If the opportunities gravitate towards one end of the spectrum or another, it behooves us to re-position near them, but when a broad industry is controlled by a handful of companies and the prices are controlled by arbitrary means, you're ripe for anti-trust litigation. That and what you listed. The whole thing is exacerbated when individuals become more dependent on big brother because they've run out of their own money and credit.

June 12, 2010 at 3:34 p.m.


The business model of great service good job is the model I'm advocating . Win Win The market place other than some of the niche markets are being taken over by Stormers and locals that understand how to work it . Agreed there are some companies that are in it for the money all else be damned . I can't see this model working well . Competitors have learned how to manipulate the storms make money on them and pick up referrals and more work using it. It works well with small one or two man operations if you can't handle volume it's their. A lot of volume is also there . If you want to grow and be successful this is the market place . I have been approached by a couple of individuals who want to form LLC jump into the fray . I have seen some of the numbers 20 million a year was the largest . Not bad for a company just 2 years old and looking to expand in this economy. Deep pockets are also part of the mix. Next time a storm comes through watch how fast the work is wiped out from your market and referrals drop like a stone if your not involved . IMO

June 12, 2010 at 3:02 p.m.


Very well said, Egg-VERY well said.

I could have written something similar myself- but I wouldn't have written it so well.

Best wishes, all


June 12, 2010 at 1:49 p.m.


"More of a bad thing is...... more of a bad thing."

You must be hoping Killian Russell will come back and restart his quote of the day thing. lol I'm just thankful I'm still in good enough health to wear tool bags because none of my competitors can field a foreman who brings anything near what I bring to the point of contact at the job. Some of them do fairly well and it's not their fault. There is no fault. They just can't offer that asset. I ask myself what I would want a crew working on my house to act like, be like, and what kind of job and experience I would want from it and give my clients that. Can't happen if I'm not there. This limits the number of jobs that can be done in a year and consequently the amount of income that can be generated, but it means I can keep quality in my/their lives every inch of the way. It's making the business a way of life. My life, my business. My choice. Their gain. They pay more sometimes, but they also get more every time. The minute you expand you have to offer a different service. Good maybe, but different. I don't do insurance work but with no hailstorms and hurricanes to dominate the industry, it doesn't matter here. Keeping a positive outlook and just being honest and real is where the good life starts anyway, no matter how much you make or don't make. That and plenty of corn oil, right?

June 12, 2010 at 12:59 p.m.


"... there is no way a SOBER person would even insure this junk we call "affordable" (plastic & asphalt) housing in America..."

Wow, Tom, I know you're packing around a fair measure of cynicism which is understandable, and I know we can still find quality if we are willing to look beyond the endless tract work that has been slammed up in the last thirty years (or more) but that sounds pretty much right on. We are what we eat. Anyone care for another towering goblet of corn oil? It's in everything. A wooden spoon and a tin cup just might be one of the last remaining ways to righteousness. I'm saving that one for later though.

June 12, 2010 at 9:54 a.m.


Randy That is what I was addressing earlier . Sometime you have to train adjusters. If he won't return your calls . Leave a message with him that you are letting the home office aware of it and ask the HO to file a supplement for the difference . Insurance company's do not like supplements . Xactimate is a better program than MSB IMO I'll address some of the other issues that have been raised later on . Many good post I look forward to debating . By the way Tom ,well you got me there , ok "Free" is a four letter word, but only because of a linguistic accident, nothing more.http://news.cnet.com/8301-13505_3-10288196-16.html This article speaks to the issue .

June 12, 2010 at 8:12 a.m.


CIAK, What is up with that MSB anyway? They pay 1/3 of what Xactimate pays. I am having a problem with Hanover Insurance right now. They priced a 3 layer tear off at $16 per square, per layer.....Xactimate pays 43 first and 29 each additional. The adjuster has no idea about construction......I don't know where they find these guys. He tried telling me a modified bit roof that was damaged was just felt paper with tar on it :ohmy:

How can State Farm give me 162 for 25 year comp and Hanover give me 116 for a 20 year comp.?? The shingle price is only $6 a square difference!?!? Then this crazy adjuster thinks I am the hard one to work with.........and wont return a call.

Sorry to hijack your post....but if it wasn't for insurance work, I would be hurting bad. Thank God for hail and insurance companies!

June 12, 2010 at 6:09 a.m.


CIAK Said: I was painting with a wide brush using the example of Xactimate as the tool. In your case it is working for you with out the program . It may not be necessary for you . Are you working claims in multiple states or localy .

I'm now in two states and I use the same method to determine price: I figure out my exact costs and mark it up to fit my desired business model. I can figure most jobs in less than five minutes after I measure the roof. I just don't see where it would help me to load everything into an exactimate program. It seems redundant.

June 11, 2010 at 12:39 p.m.


Jeff When you state you have won all the jobs in this hail storm area could you be more precise ? I have to ask you another question . How is it you know about the HO's that don't want to pay their deductible ? One more question . Would it be worth it to take on these jobs do the usual quality work and win more referrals ? It doesn't make sense to me why someone would walk away from word of mouth advertising work generator referrals. Will you elaborate ? Please help me understand your position.

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