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June 11, 2010 at 11:51 a.m.


I personally don't see the need for that program. I have won all the jobs in this hail storm area. I have been right along with the insurance companies on some and other much higher. I think they must think the roof magically puts itself on when there is alot of landscape, 2 stories, 12/12 pitch etc. The homeowners that have gone with us regardless are the ones we want to work with. The home-owners that have stated that they don't even want to pay their deductable have been the ones we havn't gotten. Sorry, staying away from cutting my own throat. But, again haven't seen the need for a tool that someone else uses to drive your cost down and think that it's a fair margin.

Soldierboy :woohoo:

June 11, 2010 at 7:39 a.m.


I was painting with a wide brush using the example of Xactimate as the tool. In your case it is working for you with out the program . It may not be necessary for you . Are you working claims in multiple states or localy .

June 11, 2010 at 4:59 a.m.


I know what exactimate is. I know what it does. I just don't know why it's so important that I have it. I'm doing insurance work all the time and I haven't found any reason why I need the program for myself. I was hoping someone could give me a good reason why I should invest in it.

I understand why the adjusters need it.

June 10, 2010 at 5:41 p.m.


Goggle Xactimate it will explain what it is and does . I was addressing the idea of working insurance claims . Though you can use it for other business. It is a fee based system . You are charged to use it .

June 10, 2010 at 4:36 p.m.


CIAK Said: I dont know if that is rhetorical . Ill answer it just in case it isnt. As stated Some adjusters think like homeowners and don’t understand the construction business. You have to train them on the costs involved. Xactimate breaks this down and is the most widely used program savvy ? Xactimate is the estimating tool of choice.

It wasn't rhetorical and your reply didn't really elaborate. It's not you, its me. I'm not that familiar with exactimate or wrangling with adjusters.

I just haven't found a need for the program, but it's possible that I'm missing the boat.

June 10, 2010 at 11:13 a.m.


I don't know if that is rhetorical . I'll answer it just in case it isn't. As stated " Some adjusters think like homeowners and don’t understand the construction business. You have to train them on the costs involved. Xactimate breaks this down and is the most widely used program " savvy ? Xactimate is the estimating tool of choice.

June 10, 2010 at 10:32 a.m.


CIAK Said: . Xactimate is critical.

Can you elaborate on that statement?

June 10, 2010 at 7:03 a.m.


The truth about the preferred contractors list are these . Not a complete list and not in order of importance . The nattering nay Bobs not so smart contractors..... 1 The prefer ed contractor programs will keep you busy, and pay you wages or little more . 2 There is little money in roofing if you are a preferred vendor 3 Not all insurance carriers have a (Preferred Contractor) program. They do not want the liability of recommending someone to perform work on an insureds home. One carrier that is deeply involved with a (Preferred Contractor) program is Allstate. It is easy to get on their program. Now for the smart and savvy contractors ................. 4 They can also help gain other business. Now for the smart and savvy contractors ................. 5 As most of you know I'm a State Certified roofing contractor and a I am an independent adjuster in most states that require lic . Insurance contracts can be extremely lucrative. Like any other business decision it has to be a win win situation. Some companies pay like slot machines and others never pay. Some adjusters think like homeowners and don’t understand the construction business. You have to train them on the costs involved. Xactimate breaks this down and is the most widely used program. Market to adjusters if you can find them, or directly to the insurance companies. Remember that the insurance contracting business is about service, consistent quality, and happy customers (these things make the adjuster look good and keep the referrals going). Independent adjusters usually refer at least three contractors for liability reasons, The stories told about the contractors that take care of customers brings lots of referrals. Be the best not the cheapest. Remember you are NOT the bank just the contractor. There is lots more if interested .

June 9, 2010 at 9:30 p.m.


I go to a meeting tues with State Farm to get prefered contractor status,so im curious what they will have to say.They contacted me,and when i asked why?They told me that they had met me on claims and we were honest so they remembered us,was a good thing to hear.Some positive feedback is always nice.

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