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Prepare for another downturn

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June 9, 2010 at 3:41 p.m.


If you haven't been I hope it is not to late for you and your business. Another down turn is headed our way. One of the first to be hit will be remodeling and repairs . More people are unemployed and lending to small business is non existent , "The proverbial jack boot on the throat." As I have stated over and over again. In this economy no matter what you think of insurance company's they will be the revenue stream for residential contractors . Xactimate is critical. Allstate adjusters are now gearing up for the flip to the programing from their old MSB software.

August 26, 2010 at 7:22 a.m.


I can't understand why manufacturing has to be moved to China.Today's manufacturing technology isn't as labor intensive as it used to be .Whatever they save on labor they probably spend it on shipping.

August 25, 2010 at 4:00 p.m.


Alba Not much Tiger in this. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100825/ap_on_bi_go_ec_fi/us_economy Or is it just the Media??????? B) B) :blush: :blush: B)

August 23, 2010 at 5:08 p.m.


Things aren't as bad as they seem.With 2 wars going on , 10% unemployment the Tiger Woods divorce was the main news today.

August 19, 2010 at 4:54 p.m.
August 11, 2010 at 5:29 p.m.
July 18, 2010 at 5:58 p.m.


Jim That is a question for the lawyers . XM pricing is by zip code . When the zip changes , the pricing is more than likely to change . The prices in XM are constantly update/d by the week I believe this to be true . A large number of research profiles are being utilized to keep pricing up to date from a variety of sources not limited to but including feed back from contractors.

July 18, 2010 at 1:27 p.m.


Yes this is the thread.

I still don't have the answer to why an insurance company will pay four thousand more than they are willing to pay. If they pay it willingly, then that wouldn't count. If you have to sue them, and a judge orders the payment, that would fit the scenario.

July 18, 2010 at 11:51 a.m.


CIAK Said: If you havent been I hope it is not to late for you and your business. Another down turn is headed our way. One of the first to be hit will be remodeling and repairs . More people are unemployed and lending to small business is non existent , The proverbial jack boot on the throat. As I have stated over and over again. In this economy no matter what you think of insurance companys they will be the revenue stream for residential contractors . Xactimate is critical. Allstate adjusters are now gearing up for the flip to the programing from their old MSB software.
Jim I think this is the thread you were looking for

July 14, 2010 at 2:27 a.m.


insuranceroofer Said:
jimAKAblue Said: However; more important is to know laws pertaining to what insurance companies are allowed to do and not allowed to do.

Learn in law terms what insurance policies are obligated to do.

Can you elaborate a bit about this?

Without a doubt Ive seen insurance companies paying 4,000 or more on roofing jobs above what most other roofing companies were getting.

What was the basis for getting an extra 4k above what the insurance was willing to pay?

Id go on the internet searching for this information but I actually thought a place like this, with real roofers, guys that are out in the trenches, was the best source of information.

There is only so much information I can give out on this subject on the internet. Here are some clues: Do all roofing companies have the same overhead? Do all roofing companies have an office? Are all roofing companies financially stable so they can whether an economic downturn and still be able to warranty the work?

Do you have a homeowners insurance policy? Get it out and read through it. There are 50 states in the united states, each of them has an insurance department, email them, call them etc to find out what the law is concerning how much an insurance company should pay for a roof. Im not going to give all the information out here, you will have to go find roofing companies that solely do insurance work and then pick their brains.

Thank you for pointing me in a direction.

July 13, 2010 at 11:57 p.m.


jimAKAblue Said: However; more important is to know laws pertaining to what insurance companies are allowed to do and not allowed to do.

Learn in law terms what insurance policies are obligated to do.

Can you elaborate a bit about this?

Without a doubt Ive seen insurance companies paying 4,000 or more on roofing jobs above what most other roofing companies were getting.

What was the basis for getting an extra 4k above what the insurance was willing to pay?

Id go on the internet searching for this information but I actually thought a place like this, with real roofers, guys that are out in the trenches, was the best source of information.

There is only so much information I can give out on this subject on the internet. Here are some clues: Do all roofing companies have the same overhead? Do all roofing companies have an office? Are all roofing companies financially stable so they can whether an economic downturn and still be able to warranty the work?

Do you have a homeowners insurance policy? Get it out and read through it. There are 50 states in the united states, each of them has an insurance department, email them, call them etc to find out what the law is concerning how much an insurance company should pay for a roof. I'm not going to give all the information out here, you will have to go find roofing companies that solely do insurance work and then pick their brains.

July 12, 2010 at 7:25 a.m.


" However; more important is to know laws pertaining to what insurance companies are allowed to do and not allowed to do.

Learn in law terms what insurance policies are obligated to do."

Can you elaborate a bit about this?

"Without a doubt I've seen insurance companies paying 4,000 or more on roofing jobs above what most other roofing companies were getting."

What was the basis for getting an extra 4k above what the insurance was willing to pay?

I'd go on the internet searching for this information but I actually thought a place like this, with real roofers, guys that are out in the trenches, was the best source of information.

July 12, 2010 at 1:15 a.m.


Obama has one goal, destroy the one economy that can stand up to the rest of the western world. Mark my word.... but Ive been saying that for a while too. "] His goal is to improve the economy so he can keep his job.Whether he is going about it the right way remains to be seen.

July 11, 2010 at 7:08 p.m.


Missing elements in the scope is important. However; more important is to know laws pertaining to what insurance companies are allowed to do and not allowed to do.

Learn in law terms what insurance policies are obligated to do.

Try being nice and persistent at first.

After, all this is done the primary technique. Is be an ANIMAL. When I say be an Animal, shove it down their throats. However; before you are an animal try unending persistence. Never never never back down. Look into legal precedents concerning roofing and insurance.

Without a doubt I've seen insurance companies paying 4,000 or more on roofing jobs above what most other roofing companies were getting.

Find roofing companies in your area who are excellent in dealing with insurance companies and form a bond with them. Good roofing companies are not our enemies, they are our friends.

If you can not figure this out on your own and you can afford it there are attorney's who specialize in this kind of negotiating with insurance companies. If you've ever worked a hurricane, you see bill boards of law firms helping people negotiate claims with insurance companies.

You also might be able find some information on the internet.

July 11, 2010 at 10:27 a.m.


insuranceroofer Said: Roofing companies just need to learn how to deal with insurance companies. Learn about insurance policies and laws. Learn estimating software. Learn to educate the customer, instead of the customer UNEDUCATING the roofer.

Insurance companies want the prices lower, roofers want the prices higher.

Yes, you can get most insurance companies higher if you know how. There are some insurance companies that dont negotiate much. If the job doesnt have enough profit, dont do it.

There is no one to blame but roofing companies. Roofing companies control the price, the insurance companies dont. Uneducated roofing companies are too blame. If all roofing companies were educated they would refuse to work for peanuts.

What would be the primary technique to get the insurance company to pay higher, other than finding missing elements in the scope?

July 10, 2010 at 11:55 p.m.


Roofing companies just need to learn how to deal with insurance companies. Learn about insurance policies and laws. Learn estimating software. Learn to educate the customer, instead of the customer UNEDUCATING the roofer.

Insurance companies want the prices lower, roofers want the prices higher.

Yes, you can get most insurance companies higher if you know how. There are some insurance companies that don't negotiate much. If the job doesn't have enough profit, don't do it.

There is no one to blame but roofing companies. Roofing companies control the price, the insurance companies don't. Uneducated roofing companies are too blame. If all roofing companies were educated they would refuse to work for peanuts.

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