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Veteran’s Dream House Gets Roof Shingled for Free

Malarkey Veteran
February 19, 2023 at 6:00 a.m.

By Malarkey Roofing Products.  

Contractors local to a veteran in need help him complete his family’s new home. 

The Cormican family was gifted with brand new Highlander® NEX® AR roofing shingles for their new home. The shingles are eye-catching and sure to be the talk of the neighborhood, but this heartwarming story could not have happened without the philanthropy and support of local builders.  

Early last year, the couple embarked on the enormous task of building a new home in the country. The intent was for the home to serve as ‘a sanctuary’ for Chris, who suffers from injuries inflicted during a tour in Iraq with the Army as they told TV station CBS19. The dream home project started in the spring as the foundation and framing went up, then quickly became a nightmare. The work suddenly came to a stop as the contractor demanded additional payments for the project. Their litany of half-truths ranged from pre-ordering material and storing it in warehouses to excessive fees and labor costs. The Cormicans, aiming to finance the project themselves, dug deep into their nest egg and life savings to spend a total of $395,000 with the contractor – who promptly disappeared. “They literally took money from our life savings and they essentially walked with it,” said Chris in August 2021. 

When news of their story broke, it did not sit well with Dean Mize, project manager for Redline Roofing. Mize, along with several other reputable contractors in the area, volunteered their services and worked with suppliers to bring the Cormican’s home to completion. As seen in the video below, Malarkey’s own Zach Tressati, Sales Representative for Northern and Eastern Texas, coordinated a shingle donation through the nearby Tyler, Texas branch of wholesale distributor, ABC Supply. By June 2022, the new home build was now under a Malarkey roof and one major step closer to completion. 

[This home] is built with the hands of volunteers. There's something amazing about that. 

“We really wanted to thank everybody,” said Rosemary to CBS19 this summer. “This house is already, it’s much different than any other home because literally it is built with the hands of volunteers. There’s something amazing about that.” 

The Cormicans currently have a GoFundMe page set up for donations to help them finish their home. 

Learn more about Malarkey Roofing Products in their RoofersCoffeeShop® Directory or visit www.malarkeyroofing.com.  

Original article source: Malarkey Roofing Products

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