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Taking the Roofing Industry to Congress

coffee conversations roofing day
March 23, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.

By Cass Jacoby, RCS Reporter.  

This year, Roofing Day is April 5 and 6. Hear from our panel about how this advocacy event is helping the roofing industry thrive.

RoofersCoffeeShop® cannot wait for Roofing Day 2022! This year’s Roofing Day will be held April 5 and 6  at the Grand Hyatt in Washington, D.C.  

Heidi J. Ellsworth recently met with an amazing panel comprised of NRCA CEO Reid Ribble, JD Miles and Sons Roofing’s Sherri Miles, the NRCA’s Deborah Mazol, and Technical Director with SPRI Randy Ober to talk about Roofing Day 2022

Roofing Day in D.C. brings together the entire roofing industry throughout the U.S. to voice our priorities to Congress. A huge part of ensuring that members of Congress hear the critical issues facing the industry, Roofing Day is the largest advocacy event dedicated solely to the roofing industry. 

Reid tells Heidi about how Roofing Day was born out of a desire to see the roofing industry better represented to Congress.   

“What we decided to do was create NRCA's one voice initiative that pulled manufacturers and distribution into the family, and then allow them to inform our decision making in Washington, D.C.,” Reid says. “I knew that if we went in agreement where the whole industry agreed across the entire supply chain, members of Congress are going to be more receptive to that, and immediately we began to put wins on the board for the roofing industry and the strategy worked.” 

Roofing professionals across the board agree that this level of political involvement is crucial to a thriving industry. “I think it's the basic tenant of our civic engagement as well as citizens that people are representing us, and so we need to have our voices heard. There is power in numbers,” agrees Sherri. “Some really powerful, important, and meaningful relationships are built in those few days. It's great to have a common cause certainly, and it's wonderful to be together.” 

This event is not only impactful for contractors, but also manufacturers, Randy shares that last year was his first year at Roofing Day and how he is encouraging the trade organization of manufacturers, SPRI, to participate in such an impactful event. “SPRI is encouraging all the manufacturers to participate in this and support the roofing contractors, because 90% of all issues we're in total agreement with, both the roofing contractor base as well as the manufacturer. We certainly want to provide as much support as possible.” 

From the lack of ability to get a trained workforce to supply chain issues, Roofing Day is all about finding solutions on a national level. Deborah explains that Roofing Day participation is easy, as contractors and manufacturers will receive all of the support they need to have their voices heard.  

“We'll do advocacy training, so you know exactly what to say and how to say it. We'll give you a briefing on the issues so you can be really up to speed on everything that the member of Congress or staff might ask you,” says Deborah. “As well as set up your congressional meetings for you, you don't have to worry about looking up who your representative and senators are, trying to figure out all the logistics, we'll do all of that for you. You'll get a schedule and you just have to show up.” 

Roofing Day is an excellent opportunity to make a difference for your business and our industry, RCS looks forward to seeing contractors at this industrywide advocacy event. Events like these, in the words of the honorable Reid Ribble, “have put roofing on the map in the minds of our legislators in Washington.” 

Read, Listen or Watch the entire Coffee Conversation to learn more about Roofing Day 2022 and to learn about how to get your voice heard in Washington.

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