Our third and final stop on the Roadmap to Renewal is the "Presentation of Solutions."
By Rob Foote, Roofing Risk Advisors, LLC.
Exit 1 - Pre-Renewal (100 - 120 Days Prior To Renewal Date)
- Discuss Open Claims and Closure Strategy
- Openly Communicate Budget Expectations for Future Bidding Purposes
- Review Risk Management Strategies to Help Mitigate Potential Claims
- Discuss Current Market Conditions for Roofing Professionals
- Communicate Current Exposures to Roofing Industry
- Discuss: Projections, Updates, and Limits
- Discuss Optional Essential Coverages (i.e. Cyber, Pollution, E&O, EPLI, Crime, etc.)
- Provide an analysis of Workers' Comp Experience Mod (NCCI Worksheets)
- Review Scope of Work and Match Insurance Program with Partner Carrier
- Obtain Updated Certificate Holder List
Exit 2 - Underwriting Phase (75 - 100 Days Prior To Renewal Date)
- Large Claim Description and Action Plan to Prevent Re-Occurring
- Obtain Updated Projections and Underwriting Data to Submit to Partner Carriers
- Discuss Budget Objectives to Match Roofing Clients' Expectations
Exit 3 - Presentation of Solutions (Renewal) (21 - 30 Days Prior To Renewal Date)
- Presentation of Solutions and Recommended Program
- Discuss Optional Essential Coverages
- Obtain Signatures to Secure Coverage
- Prepare Certificates of Insurance for Release After Binding Coverage
- Prepare Auto ID Cards After Securing Coverage
What "exit" are you at on your timeline? You should have been presented your pre-renewal to evaluate your claims and perceived risk. If not, contact Roofing Risk Advisors to get you on the Roadmap to Success. Download our Roadmap to Success: Exit 3 today.
Contact the Roofing Risk Advisors to help you reduce costs, fuel margins, and increase profitability.
Rob Foote is a deeply experienced Insurance and Risk Management Advisor to the roofing industry, 15-year member of National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA), and a director of the Florida Roofing & Sheet Metal Contractors Association (FRSA). For more information, contact the author at 407-493-2121 or go to www.roofingriskadvisors.com.

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