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Polyiso Insulation Ideal for Energy Savings

PIMA Decarbonizing the Built Environment
January 11, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.

By Alec Doniger. 

PIMA advocates for more energy-efficient insulation materials, succeeding in improving the quality of our environment. 

Today, looking for sustainable solutions is more important than ever. Fortunately, many roofing industry professionals are passionate about methods for improving our environment. In a recent episode of Roofing Road Trips, Heidi talks with Justin Koscher, about energy-efficient insulation solutions.  

Justin is the president of the Polyisocyanurate Insulation Manufacturers Association (PIMA). He has been with PIMA for seven years after having worked for the American Chemistry Council in their Polyurethanes group. He has an abundance of experience working with Polyurethane, which has contributed to his passion for energy-efficient materials.  

“The organization was formed really as a reaction to the Montreal Protocol and the phase out of ozone depleting substances, the industry had to come together to work on shaping regulations that would help the industry transition away from ozone depleting substances,” Justin explains.  

Most buildings use natural gas to power their heating systems. Reducing natural gas usage translates to a lower carbon footprint. Having proper insulation is a key factor in this reduction. Justin says that “the reduced natural gas use and overall reduced energy use translates into 338 million metric tons of carbon emissions. If we translate that, that's the equivalent of taking 2.4 million cars off the road each year.” 

The benefits of using polyiso for building insulation are extensive. Commercial properties use a significant amount of power to heat and cool the building. Without sufficient insulation, a large portion of the administrative budget could be spent on heating and cooling costs. Polyiso has been proven to save schools 10% of their budget. Not only does Polyiso help businesses save money, it slows ozone depletion by allowing these businesses to use less carbon.  

Energy generated by carbon is destroying our ozone layer. Justin advocates that more people be involved in saving the ozone layer by being involved with PIMA. 

“The organization was formed as a reaction to the Montreal Protocol and the phase out of ozone depleting substances,” says Justin. “The industry had to come together to work on shaping regulations that would, one, help the industry transition away from ozone depleting substances, but also do it in a way that didn't end the industry overnight.” 

The energy savings that PIMA and products like polyiso allow for will make for a brighter future for our planet. If you or your business are emitting excessive amounts of carbon, it may be worthwhile to investigate proper insulation. Saving on energy is one of the best ways to improve our planet’s climate. 

Listen to the full podcast to learn more about PIMA and their sustainable insulation solutions. 

Learn more about PIMA in their RoofersCoffeeShop® Directory or visit polyiso.org

About Alec 

Alec is a reporter for RoofersCoffeeShop, MetalCoffeeShop and AskARoofer. When he isn’t investigating the state of the roofing industry, you might find him playing drums with his bands in Denver.

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