Asphalt Life blog interviewed some of the Atlas Roofing family’s hunting enthusiasts.
Sam Shaver is an Outside Sales Representative of Northwest Building Supply Inc. in Andover, New Jersey. He is also known as The Field Archer and has been a bow hunter for the past three and a half decades. He hunts all year round, including deer, the meat of which he often donates to Hunters Helping the Hungry.
But he’s not always aiming for a critter. “I use both bows and crossbows,” he says. “I prefer the vertical bow. When I come home, I’ll go in the backyard and shoot a dozen or two arrows. I love to do that and unwind.”
- Where’s your favorite hunting spot?
A. My favorite area to hunt is Morris County, NJ. Many years ago, I was going to pick up my cousin there because we played indoor lacrosse, and I came across an accident. A car went into a tree and I found out the next day it was a schoolteacher. She had her kid in the car and a neighbor’s kid, and a deer had come through the side window, knocked her unconscious and she hit a tree. She was killed, and I think one of the kids was killed also. Shortly after that, there was another accident on the same road. That route has a high concentration of deer because of all the parks, and the houses are on large-acre lots where the deer aren’t being hunted and end up wandering out onto the street causing collisions.
- What’s your favorite hunting tool?
A. My safety harness
- What’s your most memorable hunting experience?
A. My last hunt. I just took a nice New Jersey buck. He came out and kind of took me by surprise — he was chasing a doe. I’m a camera guy, so if I’m not going to get it on camera, I’m not shooting him. I had to bring the camera across my waist to get him from a spot that I never expected him to come from and by the time I got situated, he was walking after her pretty quickly. I had to give some grunts to get him to stop, and after the third grunt I was able to get the camera situated on him and finally take a shot, and he went down on camera. So the way that whole thing went down was just awesome.
- What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made while hunting?
A. Taking for granted that you’ve got everything down and not concentrating on the shot like you should.
- What are the best and worst things about hunting?
A. The best thing is sharing the game with family and friends, and making donations. I make an awesome enchilada. I also make sauerbraten. We used to have that for Christmas all the time. The worst thing is the anti-hunters and them not understanding… that type of stuff.
Learn more about Atlas Roofing at www.atlasroof`
Editor’s note: This article first appeared on the Asphalt Life blog and can be viewed here.

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