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How To Keep Your Roofing Customers Happy

One Click Code Keep your Customers Happy
October 14, 2019 at 6:00 a.m.

By One Click Code. 

One way to instant success in any roofing job is getting to know your customer before you get to the job.

Although fixing or replacing your customer’s roof safely and effectively is always the number one priority, it’s also important to take the time to really understand your customers’ wants and needs to ensure success. Not only will this help you complete the job successfully from start to finish, but it will also ensure continued referrals coming in.

When you enter a job with the intent of helping the customers feel known and supported, they will automatically feel more safe and comfortable with you. Completing each roofing job well is why you were hired, but you may keep being hired out in large part because of your interpersonal skills and ability to relate.

The more we know about our customers, the better equipped we are to work on their home, while building a trusting and transparent relationship. When you pull a free address-specific roofing report from One Click Code’s website or mobile app, you will be given instant access and insight to any property address. This will help kickstart the relationship with your client before you even meet with them or see their roof.

Not only will this allow for you to get to know the property before you even speak to the client, but it will also allow you to transform instant data, such as the value, size, and year that the home was built, into knowledge that will allow you to estimate each roofing job quickly and accurately.

There is no need to spend hours researching data points before heading off to a job. Pull accurate information on the home and head into your job well prepared to serve your customers, and their needs, well.

Download your free, instant report.

About One Click Code

Started in 2017, One Click Code was developed to help contractors pull address specific roofing codes quickly and efficiently. Our app (available on any mobile or desktop device) is designed to make building codes easy to locate and understand. With over 10 years of experience in the restoration industry, Founder and CEO, Garrett Kurtt, understands the unique challenges that plague the industry. One Click Code is an opportunity to transform a broken system into one that benefits and enables everyone to get FREE, fast and accurate roofing codes from a phone. Anywhere. Instantly.One Click is the trusted data partner, dedicated to increasing efficiency and transparency for all stakeholders throughout the construction and restoration process.We’re here to save you time and money. With our address specific roofing code reports, we work to eliminate the middleman and streamline communication so that you can get paid for your work, fast. 

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