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Engaging with customers

Carroll Engaging with customers
October 2, 2024 at 6:00 a.m.

By Richard Carroll, Carroll Consulting Group.  

Hosting a successful round table discussion to improve your business 

Engaging directly with customers is one of the most effective strategies to gather valuable insights and feedback for improving your business. A round table discussion offers a unique platform for open dialogue, fostering a deeper understanding of customer needs and preferences. This article outlines the steps to organize and conduct a successful round table discussion with your customers, aiming to enhance your business operations and customer satisfaction. 

Why host a round table discussion? 

A round table discussion provides several benefits: 

  • Direct feedback: Gain unfiltered insights from your customers about your products, services and overall customer experience. 
  • Customer engagement: Strengthen relationships with your customers by involving them in the decision-making process. 
  • Innovative ideas: Foster a collaborative environment where new ideas and perspectives can emerge. 
  • Identify pain points: Understand the challenges your customers face and identify areas for improvement. 

Planning your round table discussion 

1 - Define the objectives 

Start by clearly defining what you hope to achieve from the discussion. Objectives might include: 

  • Understanding customer satisfaction levels 
  • Identifying areas for product or service improvement 
  • Gathering ideas for new offerings 
  • Enhancing customer support and service 

2 - Select participants 

Choose a diverse group of participants who represent different segments of your customer base. Consider factors such as: 

  • Demographics (age, gender, location) 
  • Usage patterns (frequent vs. occasional users) 
  • Types of products or services used 
  • Aim for a group size of 8-12 participants to ensure a manageable and productive discussion. 

3 - Choose a moderator 

Select a skilled moderator to facilitate the discussion. The moderator should be neutral, able to manage group dynamics and adept at keeping the conversation focused on the objectives. 

4 - Develop an agenda 

Prepare an agenda that outlines the topics for discussion. Structure the agenda to cover key areas such as: 

  • Introduction and objectives 
  • Customer experiences and satisfaction 
  • Specific product or service feedback 
  • Ideas for improvement 
  • Open forum for additional comments 

Conducting the round table discussion 

1 - Set the stage 

Begin with a warm welcome and introduction. Explain the purpose of the discussion, the agenda and the ground rules. Emphasize the importance of open and honest feedback. 

2 - Facilitate the discussion 

The moderator should guide the conversation, ensuring all participants have the opportunity to speak. Key techniques include: 

  • Asking open-ended questions 
  • Encouraging quieter participants to share their views 
  • Managing dominant participants to ensure balanced contributions 
  • Summarizing key points to maintain focus 

3 - Record the insights 

Ensure that all feedback and ideas are accurately recorded. Consider using audio recordings, detailed notetaking or hiring a professional scribe to capture the discussion. 

Post-discussion actions 

1 - Analyze the feedback 

Review the recorded insights to identify common themes, significant issues and actionable ideas. Categorize the feedback into areas such as product improvements, customer service enhancements and new opportunities. 

2 - Communicate the outcomes 

Share the outcomes of the discussion with the participants. Highlight the key insights and explain how their feedback will be used to improve your business. This transparency fosters trust and shows customers that their input is valued. 

3 - Implement changes 

Develop a plan to address the identified issues and implement the suggested improvements. Assign responsibilities and set timelines for each action item. 

4 - Follow up 

Maintain engagement with the participants by providing updates on the progress of the changes. Consider hosting follow-up discussions or surveys to gather further feedback and assess the impact of the improvements. 


A round table discussion with customers is a powerful tool to drive business improvement. By creating a structured environment for open dialogue, you can gain invaluable insights, build stronger customer relationships and foster innovation. With careful planning, skilled moderation and effective follow-up, these discussions can lead to significant enhancements in your products, services and overall customer experience. 

To make your round-table discussion implementation process easier, download this simplified checklist of this article! 

Learn more about Carroll Consulting Group in their Coffee Shop directory or visit www.ccgrp.online.

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