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Off Topic: Addiction.

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September 22, 2009 at 10:11 p.m.


minnesotaroofin Said: god allows us to sin and we cannot live life without it --

God allows us to sin because He gave us freewill and the Bible the rest is up to us..theres 2 roads Him or satan, period.He will not force nothin on ya,only religion does that.There is only one name that can fix this world system of ours and that is Jesus Christ period.I hope and pray that you will see it before your last breath because after that there is no more choices.>>>

September 22, 2009 at 9:12 p.m.


tico Said: now thats A real God like characteristic. to disqualify someone elses cultures choice of A higher power. remunds me of many folks at several churches Ive attended over the years. Ive got sevaral native american friends,they told me about folks with this attitude.

The God i'm talking about is a Jealous God one of the Commandments "Though shall have NO OTHER GOD. Period. The problem with these so called church goers is that they TOLERATE to much...way to much.!>>>

September 22, 2009 at 6:03 p.m.


The FNRUFR Said: sorry dude I wasnt nocking what you done or how u did it.Just thought it was funny that AA didnt help then you did step 2 with out realizing it and things got better for you. :cheer:
it were'nt you cap'n,it was the gentleman that spoke ill of those that have beliefs other than his.or his choice,AH,and that is the dilema.rather than gratify ones choice it's easier to discriminate. I work A daily program.it's recovery based and I have A choice in everything I do or believe. alot different that A conformist society that some religions apply. some folks just steroetype A sectre of society that it takes on an almost racist affront. I don't care what where or who someone believes in.just stop shootin dope and don't rip me off.for my money,life,family or most of all my choice to be an individual.>>>

September 22, 2009 at 2:45 p.m.


sorry dude I wasn't nocking what you done or how u did it.Just thought it was funny that AA didn't help then you did step 2 with out realizing it and thing's got better for you. :cheer: >>>

September 22, 2009 at 11:07 a.m.


now thats A real God like characteristic. to disqualify someone elses cultures choice of A higher power. remunds me of many folks at several churches I've attended over the years. I've got sevaral native american friends,they told me about folks with this attitude. >>>

September 22, 2009 at 10:58 a.m.


sung by Michael Jackson.. I'm Starting With The Man In The Mirror I'm Asking Him To Change His Ways And No Message Could Have Been Any Clearer If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place (If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place) Take A Look At Yourself, And Then Make A Change (Take A Look At Yourself, And Then Make A Change) (Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na, Na Nah)>>>

September 22, 2009 at 7:47 a.m.


Tell me..WHO are they talking about for your higher power..what ever you want it to be..thats NOT how it works with the Lord Buddie..i mean look at the american natives there higher power is a bird or bear or some sort of creation,or look at the buddist theres is a fat little china man,...and so on,I did hear step 2 but they didnt even know what the greater power was..what ourselfs..haha,myself was the one who got me in the predictament,there was ppl there sober for 20yrs..but it was a struggle for them everyday..i mean they couldnt even go in a bar after 20yrs of no drinking,with the Lord He took that urge completely away from me and other ppl. i know and have read about,like i have said before try it before ya knock it,i mean if it aint true whats it gonna hurt,..but if it is true... :dry:>>>

September 22, 2009 at 7:33 a.m.


kage Said: Addictions eh? I was a drunk/druggie for 30yrs,at first it was fun then it became a need,i tried treatment places,AA,NA,and plain ole cold turkey...none worked,they were all bandaid effects,it was alrite when things were going good but as soon as it got rough it was Wheres the Bottle?!my family,friends figured that was how i was gonna bite the dust was in the bottle,i lost my license to a DUI so this one day i was hitchhiking to work,i use to have to drink 6-8 beers before i even went to work just so i could function,anyways this cute women(my wife now)picks me up i must have smelt like a brewery but she doesnt say nothing this continued on every morning for awhile and one thing led to another,so were together now and shes always telling me about the Lord and stuff,at that time i didnt give a chit about all that,one day i said look i believe in God you know theres something out there and she says well satan believes in God and he trembles at just His name (the Lords name)well for some reason that really freaked me,so i asked her what i could do about it and she says just ask Him into your life,well the way i did it was Lord if Your true prove itwell we left it at that,i continued drinking for a few more weeks till one day i ask me women I thought when you become a believer all this kinda stuff goes away and she sayswell did ya ask Him to take the urges away and i says What you can ask stuff like that she says of course ya can,so that nite,oh and by the way i was at rock bottom at this point,given up all hope,so that nite i asked The Big Guy to take away my urges for the drink,well that was 10yrs ago and i have had NOT 1 urge or drink since that nite i didnt even get DTs or sick or nothin it was just GONE Im still a lean mean roofing machine but i got The Big Guy on my side now...and guess what so can you!!its free!!no matter what you all have done!!

step 2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. You may not have heard it when you went to AA


September 21, 2009 at 10:33 p.m.


Addictions eh? I was a drunk/druggie for 30yrs,at first it was fun then it became a need,i tried treatment places,AA,NA,and plain ole cold turkey...none worked,they were all bandaid effects,it was alrite when things were going good but as soon as it got rough it was "Wheres the Bottle?!"my family,friends figured that was how i was gonna bite the dust was in the bottle,i lost my license to a DUI so this one day i was hitchhiking to work,i use to have to drink 6-8 beers before i even went to work just so i could function,anyways this cute women(my wife now)picks me up i must have smelt like a brewery but she doesnt say nothing this continued on every morning for awhile and one thing led to another,so were together now and shes always telling me about the Lord and stuff,at that time i didnt give a chit about all that,one day i said look i believe in God you know theres something out there and she says well satan believes in God and he trembles at just His name (the Lords name)well for some reason that really freaked me,so i asked her what i could do about it and she says just ask Him into your life,well the way i did it was "Lord if Your true prove it"well we left it at that,i continued drinking for a few more weeks till one day i ask me women "I thought when you become a believer all this kinda stuff goes away" and she says"well did ya ask Him to take the urges away" and i says "What you can ask stuff like that" she says of course ya can,so that nite,oh and by the way i was at rock bottom at this point,given up all hope,so that nite i asked The Big Guy to take away my urges for the drink,well that was 10yrs ago and i have had NOT 1 urge or drink since that nite i didnt even get DT's or sick or nothin it was just GONE I'm still a lean mean roofing machine but i got The Big Guy on my side now...and guess what so can you!!its free!!no matter what you all have done!!>>>

September 21, 2009 at 8:05 p.m.
September 15, 2009 at 9:32 a.m.


Happy birthday tico! Sep 21 is 18 years for me. We alcoholics are a selfish lot constantly consuming to fill a God sized hole with anything but. After putting God in there the obsession lifted for me. To say my circumstances were and have been unfortunate would be an understatement but I am not nor have I ever been a victim of them no matter how much I thought I was. The only thing in my genes that caused me to drink was money. I am still a bit selfish. I love to talk about myself and gratify my every desire. I must be constantly vigilant for this kind of behavior in myself it is almost as dangerous as drinking for me and certainly a prelude to it.>>>

September 14, 2009 at 4:33 p.m.


thanks guys. the thing that I have an issue with now is eating.slowly replacing the addictive nature.or what we call tranferring addictions. some turn to shopping,food,sex,etc. things that rather than satisfy,they satiate.which is A more of A mood satisfaction vs. the complicit act on it's own. when things unravel for folks we/they tend to overcompensate somewhere.workaholics sometimes do this.seeking security,at any cost is an addictive trait.saying that,is addiction A cause or A culprit?only the individual can answer that. addicts are the same,yet having an undying devotion to obsession and compulsion they really overdo it. there's A running joke I share from time to time. I came to recovery only needing A half of A chair.21 years later I need 2 chairs.>>>

September 14, 2009 at 4:25 p.m.


Prigz I believe you took out of context what I said concerning addiction . If the diet is correct addictions are rare . It is blatantly obvious that addictions are everywhere. The foods we are eating are mostly the wrong ones if we are eating the FDA 'a recommend or worse just stuffing sugars , corn syrups and fructose down the pie hole . IMO if you eat the right foods you will recover and will become healthy your life changes , your thinking becomes clear your moods are level and calm and joyous for the good . That was what I was referring too. tico I love your honesty .>>>

September 14, 2009 at 3:47 p.m.


Tico, you've lived a really tough life. If you've been able to walk away from all that, you've a bigger and better man than most of us. I've had a father who didn't know how to be a father, and sometimes talked with his fists, but he mellowed a great deal once he got older (and I was out of the house). I have tried to be a good father to my daughters, and although I've made mistakes along the way, I think I've improved on my father's record. However, you've lived a much harder life than I even want to think about. My hat off to you for the travelling the new road you're travelling.

Copperman, the good doctor claims in his book that in every case he's been involved in, the homeless/derelict/addict had a really bad childhood. Some survive those situations, but many do not. Your wife's drinking, your mother's experience, and your father's really colors their view of the world, and the drugs are usually the only reliable solance. The fact that your wife has been able to pass through and come out the other side is a testament to her strength and character.

Ciak, I would have to disagree with you that addictions are rare. There aren't enough skid-row inhabitants to consume all the drugs coming into the good USA. So there are a lot of "normal" people who are self-medicating. As well, when you take into account alcohol, prescription drugs, tobacco products, food and drink, there's a lot of addictive behaviour going on. Add to the mix non-drug addictions (internet, porn, promiscuous sex, risky behaviours), and we see a large portion of the population indulging in behavior that controls them. We've also heard of "shop-a-holics" and "endorphin-junkies". In fact, I'm beginning to suspect that the truly balanced individuals who can control their "wants", are the true minority.>>>

September 14, 2009 at 3:14 p.m.


I'm an addict in recovery.Sept.16 will be 21 years. I was raised in A violent household.suffered sexual abuse,severe beatings constantly,not the favorite child by any stretch. I struggled with school. short attention span.yet,today,give me the plans to A shopping center,custom home,swimming pool,tough roof job,anything that thinking out of the box entails and I'll give you back your project. I started drinking at 9.the bar my mom worked at had weekend parties on rickenbacker causeway or matheson hammock.we drank leftover beers,drinks,picked up pot roaches or whatever was around and consumed it. by the time,compounding the lousy homelife,the element we were raised in etc.(my mom worked for 25 years at Mothers lounge for Jerry and Stu then Stu was killed by A armed robber.they changed the name to the Aquarius lounge after thatwas on 8th st. and Le June rd.S.W. miami fl)it was easy to become an addict.I was 12 yrs. old in 1971.pot was everywhere.knowing the element as I did,making friends outside of the neighborhood I was able to,by 14-15 get pot in bulk and sell it.I sold qualudes and my first kilo at 16. I was everything you could imagine. I tried to use the army at 17 to change my course.as they say your disease follows you wherever you go.so I did A year and A half.went back to miami with an addiction that was insane. I tried to sell again,it was to frantic for me.to many people,the hustles,the rip-offs and so on. one day I got into A rout with A guy over A large sum of money. he tried the what are you gonna do thing.the next day when his daughter got off the bus I handed her A note.it said on it that "I'm this close".I sat in front of the house.when he came to my car I put my pistol in his eyesocket and told him that in this trade your family is your accountability. you see,I had an old colombian tell me that when he fronted me 2 packages.it's an all inclusive operation.whoever prospers is who is liable.therefore if you've got A family they vicariously become players. this took me down A dark road.when that man paid me my mom used me to collect on her notes. the next thing you know I'm working for other folks. quietly plying my trade.no-one,to this day has any clue about what happened. my mom had friends that were notorious in s. fl. for their adventures. addiction affects folks in A wide array of ways. you've got the sneak theif,20 bucks at A time.the B&E crew,the armed robber,the peddler,the dealer,and then that force of darkness. I can tell you that from hanging out with some of these cats,they for the most part had that extremely dysfunctional childhood.the little kid,the one who was bullied or abused. not thinking,knowing that if they don't learn how to fight,really learn,or carry or both they'd not survive. the disease is so indiscriminate,yet very particular about how it affects someone. thus our inability to be discriminate about who or what we do. addicts are driven by A compulsion and obsession that is unfathomable by normal society. one thing though.when you've got one thats been clean for awhile, you've got that friend or employee many times that will be there when the lights go on and when they go off. they live through the dark. for years with A devil that wants them barely alive and serving nothing other than the disease. they figure out somewhere along the line that they've had enough. right now I'm so caught in my moment.yet what I've got going on pales in comparrison to what my life would be like were I to choose to use again. in NA theirs A line in the literature that says that an old timers may find themselves homeless,jobless and penniless. and guess what?THIS is when the rubber hits the road.at 21 years clean I'm 2 1/2 of the 3. at the library,looking for anything,A furniture delivery,A small screen repair,anything on Craigslist,just to get to tomorrow. addicts aren't bad people they are people with A bad problem.>

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