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Off Topic: Addiction.

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September 25, 2009 at 11:59 p.m.


Hey FNRUFR NO fightin mood here man... :side:

September 25, 2009 at 9:42 p.m.


kage I wasn't trying to start a fight with my comments ."some are sicker than others" is just a little phrase they say in AA like ...easy does it or keep coming back.

September 24, 2009 at 10:57 p.m.


minnesotaroofin Said: For me there is only one way that fits -- I do beleive there is a god and there is a christ and the holy spirt -- they are all part of one but not all one -- Jeus christ is the almighty because it is and has been and the only way it can be..

They are one,there called the Trinity..example-The sun is a trinity,the sun itself would be the Father,the light from the sun would be Jesus and the warmth from the sun would be the Holy Spirit,same way with God He is all One..

September 24, 2009 at 9:26 p.m.


But how can they call on Him to save them unless they believe in Him? And how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him? And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them? Romans 10:14. Hence why I'll say things THAT matter... ;)

September 24, 2009 at 5:23 p.m.


Egg,it appears we dwell on the same plateau. to be there is the key.>>>

September 24, 2009 at 4:09 p.m.


Believe me, tico, I have no desire to undermine your position with regard to substance abuse, workaholism, or any of the notorious, nefarious vices most of us have been afflicted with or which have afflicted people we know and love. A working relationship with these vices requires a no-nonsense, matter-of-fact, practical, unambiguous approach. We agree on that. What I am suggesting is that once we get our affairs into some semblance of order, establish a lifestyle that is even capable of maintenance, and draw a circle around the behaviors and habits that cause such suffering, even refusing to revisit those places, at that point the broader spiritual questions still lead outward. There is a fine line, quite possibly no line even, between passion and compulsion. Those with an 'addictive' personality, among which I include myself just so you know where I am coming from, must be ready at all times to eliminate any given activity once it over-runs our lives in an unhealthy manner, and we must be ready and willing always to slow down and take it easy. But there is a good side to compulsion. Your everyday, lethargic, unconscious, and uninspired person cannot draw on this energy because it does not exist. So long as it is not used for self-aggrandizement, this potency, obsessiveness if you will, is an asset, one that has placed its signature on virtually every human development since the dawn of time. imho/fwiw>>>

September 24, 2009 at 9:29 a.m.


Maybe using the large caps every time you type an " A " could use some maintenance ???????? " i dunno " B) :) B)>>>

September 24, 2009 at 9:23 a.m.


egg Said: Addiction: Origin: 1595–1605; < L addictiōn- (s. of addictiō) a giving over, surrender. See addict, -ion

Maybe not all addictive behavior is bad. Perhaps the infamous abuse of a few substances has hijacked the full range of meaning. Just a thought.

there's nothing good about an addictive nature.by nature it enraptures one in A compulsive and obsessive behavior. the only thing that could be misconstrude as good about it is when it is identified,named and then measures taken to nullify it through the ability to either modify it into A quality,which A workaholic,sexual promiscuity,speeder,rager,the list goes on.they all have attributes that link to addiction through bad or nagative behavior. just to enlighten,through no fault of my own several years ago I was relieved of being A workaholic.thus,now when I work I know to do it with boundaries.I leave time for other meaningful events in my life. whatever defect of character I have I possess it in an addictive fashion. first I turn it over to God,then I get to work doing what I can to partake in the proccess of it's subduing.the defects will always be A part of me,as A part of my psyche,IE, it's on the back burner.I must practice A daily routine that delivers me on A daily basis from it. it's called maintenance.>>>

September 24, 2009 at 2:33 a.m.


Addiction: "Origin: 1595–1605; < L addictiōn- (s. of addictiō) a giving over, surrender. See addict, -ion

Maybe not all addictive behavior is bad. Perhaps the infamous abuse of a few substances has hijacked the full range of meaning. Just a thought.>>>

September 24, 2009 at 12:07 a.m.


He could make everybody follow Him,but He doesnt want robots,this is why we have freewill but there is consequences for choices we make,i can say one thing and that is there is NO rep in hell and satan HATES you more then you could even think,but God loves ya more then you can think and your right He doesnt want to condem anybody to hell but there is consequences,Jesus says in the bible if we deny Him He will deny us,I'll say it again I hope and pray that your hearts will soften to His Word and that you would come to know Him,because we dont know when our last breath will be and i'm hopin to see y'all up there when our day comes,I mean you guys are ROOFERS arnt ya ya got balls dont ya ask Him into your life,if it aint true whats it gonna hurt...But if it is!!(believe me it is,i could write for hours on what He has done for me and mine..) :cheer:>>>

September 23, 2009 at 9:29 p.m.

Mike H


You demonstrate an impressive grasp and knowledge of the many aspects of Christianity and verses of scripture that many like to gloss over, in favor of the feel-good-gospel, for someone that has been a real christian for such a short time. Your story is understood by everyone that has experienced that same change in their heart.

Ray Comfort probably said it best when he responds to those that say "my god would never condemn a good person to hell" with "That's right, he wouldn't, because he is a figment of your imagination. You've formed an image of god to suit your needs,....... and your god has no power".

He will knock on every door, but many will not open. He will not be mocked. He will not be reduced to what some want to make Him. On that day that "every knee will bow", there are going to be some very disappointed people.

If a person believes in a god, but refuses to acknowledge the God, why would God acknowledge them. He may be loving, but He is also a god of justice. The only way to the Father is through the Son. For anyone to quote Jesus as any kind "god", then reject his very words, for that is exactly what he said, makes little sense from a personal perspective.

Carry on, my good man. I just wanted you to know you weren't alone. :)>>>

September 23, 2009 at 9:15 p.m.


God allows bad to happen to us and we can either learn from it or we can whine about it,the heart is decieving this is why you need to trust in the Lord alone,the closer you get in your relationship with Him the more you are going to hear from Him,all He wants is a relationship with ya and then just trust Him..things fall into place,good or bad but the difference is the peace you will have in trusting Him,He loves us beyond any explanation that you or i could even imagine or have,He paid the price on the cross but we have to make a choice..Him or satan..>>>

September 23, 2009 at 7:35 p.m.


UUmm...He is forgiving uummm i would have been probaly still boozin,in jail,or dead if He wasnt,but He is a jealous God if ya put something before Him....Sicker now thats funny,ya wanna know whats sicker is when someone says Godbless ya and doesnt even believe in it now thats...well i dont know what that is.Its a shame that you guys shoot it down without even trying it first,it seems anything to do with the Lord gets shot down..it does say it in the bible though.. :S (I'm not the one who is jealous by the way.)>>>

September 23, 2009 at 5:43 p.m.


:laugh: some are sicker than others. :laugh:

easy does it!>>>

September 23, 2009 at 10:44 a.m.


kage Said:
tico Said: now thats A real God like characteristic. to disqualify someone elses cultures choice of A higher power. remunds me of many folks at several churches Ive attended over the years. Ive got sevaral native american friends,they told me about folks with this attitude.

The God im talking about is a Jealous God one of the Commandments Though shall have NO OTHER GOD. Period. The problem with these so called church goers is that they TOLERATE to much...way to much.!

you win,me and my forgiving higher power will let you and your jealous (with jealousy in the room there is no space for humility)God have the high road. I'm not gonna sacrafice my choice to fanatacism.>>>

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