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Comments on the election of the donald?

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November 13, 2016 at 1:15 p.m.


Glad to hear that, Mike and thank you. One thing we do not still have in common is the joy of being able to talk to a living father. I do talk to mine a lot, even though he can't sit with me in the flesh, I take care of him in my mind the way he took care of me growing up. I set a place for him in this world of current events which he took so much passionate interest in. Not the same, but it's ok. I know you will appreciate every minute you guys have for as long as it's there. Give him my regards.

November 13, 2016 at 12:59 a.m.

Mike H

I wasn't going to log on tonight, but couldn't let egg continue to think...... let me rephrase something.... my dad IS a big trump fan . And doing very well, all things considered .

I appreciate your kind and thoughtful words Eric . The feelings are quite mutual . We have much more in common than we don't .

November 12, 2016 at 11:03 p.m.


AAAhhh...."The internet"......That makes it all valid...LOFL

November 12, 2016 at 5:22 p.m.


investors in his companies lost their shirt because the stock and the bonds became worthless while he reaped tens of millions of $$ as a CEO .trump university is a fraud .people hope his business acumen will change Washington.the American people were duped by a con man .a snake oil salesman and have become the laughing stock of the world.the good news is that 4 years will go by fast.

November 12, 2016 at 2:47 p.m.


Where's this info/data that Trump stiffed someone - and hiring illegals?

November 11, 2016 at 8:32 p.m.


Would any of you have voted for him if you were among the contractors that trump didn't pay when he filed bankruptcy?

November 11, 2016 at 11:59 a.m.


Mike, it's always a pleasure when you weigh in with your opinions. I don't always agree with the conclusions you draw but I have to say I always agree with the way you hold yourself in the world. You are a respectful and thoughtful man and I hold you in high regard.

There is no "but" intended to follow this.

I can see that your dad is no longer with us in the flesh and I grieve with you for your loss. I know the taste of that very well and I pray that you and your family have just gone through an uplifting experience despite the pain. I've lost a lot of dear dear people in my life but they are very much with me every single day and I hold them in my heart without any debilitating sense of anger or tragedy. We always have one foot in the finite world and one foot in the infinite one.

Since we're a roofing board and we have earned the right to use roofing as a touchstone or as a symbol for the greater context of life in general, I feel it appropriate to summarize the election results by using a roofing example.

When you are about to submit a bid, any bid, you are casting a vote for your future. Listen to your stomach. Your clever clever mind can convince you of nearly anything, countermand the kind of judgement your stomach gives you for free. If your mind says, "Do it" and your stomach says, "Don't" then don't do it. It's the primal first right of refusal and it has to be honored.

We can never afford to take off the thinking cap and we can never afford to ignore the stomach. That's the challenge, and quite often the dilemma, we humans face daily, I see plenty of hate coming from both extremes of the population, and I'm very much with you in prayer. I have faith that we will get through this. If for some reason we don't, then we don't.

November 11, 2016 at 11:07 a.m.


Trump is not necessarily book smart but he is street smart. He will definitely be a change in what this country has ever experienced. The past political year could not have been more tantalizing. It is even beyond what any fiction writer could have imagined.

Trump is the ultimate pitchman. It reminds me of that episode of the Twilight Zone where Ed Wynne bargains with the death angel for one final pitch before he is taken to the beyond. He won the bargain. Now let's see if he delivers. What is with the hair?

November 11, 2016 at 1:57 a.m.

Mike H

My dad was a big Trump fan. I had a great deal of hesitation. I voted for him. I could not vote for Hillary. I disagree strongly with egg regarding her corruption, but I don't care to debate it. I do not believe the progressive vision of America is good for America, nor good for the world. An America that flexes it's muscles around the world to protect it's interest and promote democracy is better than any other country doing it. The United States of America has not taken another country's land after winning a war since the Mexican War. And even then, we offered immediate citizenship and homestead rights to all mexican landowners that wished to stay on their land. NO COUNTRY IN THE WORLD HAS DONE THAT after conquest. No other country in the world pays to rebuild after it wins, prior to leaving. The Constitution of the United States of America is possibly the single greatest world changing document after the Bible. I do not believe that courts should be used to circumvent the democratic process.

I knew a couple of things: I have said for years, we need business people in Washington, not politicians. I prefered a successful businessman with a loose mouth to a career politician with a loose mouth. I much prefer a billionaire businessman who built his wealth by building businesses than a politician who somehow amassed a net worth around 300,000,000 without selling or creating a single thing of intrinsic value. I cannot support in anyway, late term abortions. If I look back across the days of my life, I've said some stupid things in the locker room, on the roof, and elsewhere, that I'm not proud of and am glad weren't recorded. Becoming President of the US, is the most life altering, privacy eroding experience in the world. It is for someone who needs an ego fed, or someone who truly wants to help their nation. I was confident on the ego, and hopeful on the help. Donald was willing to give up a life of extreme luxury and all future privacy to run for president.

I still had my reservations.

Once I saw that money-power-drunk Washington DC voted Hillary 9 to 1 over Donald, I knew I made the right decision.

When I see the protests in our big city streets, I see people that are filled with fear, and desperately need meaning in their lives.

The only HATE I see, is coming from the left.

I am very hopeful. But still have my doubts. One thing that I know will not change, I will pray daily for our leaders, our Nation and it's people.

November 10, 2016 at 12:40 p.m.


Amen Lefty - You pretty-much summed-up what I believe may well be the consensus w/Trump supporters.

As for inditing Hillary & such cannon-fodder - He's got waaayyy more important issues to address....Drain that flipp'n swamp!

America sent a non-politician to the white house - giving the elite/parasitical bureaucrats the middle-finger.

November 10, 2016 at 11:41 a.m.


Random thoughts;

Why do the Democrats always preface demographics with "college educated"?

My wife was upset because the Democrats were blaming the Trump victory on the 62% of "non- college educated" women who voted for him, as if they didn't have any brains.

I can't really picture Donald Trump sitting cross legged on a Yoga mat having his first meeting with Justin Trudeau.

When Obama was elected in 2008 were there protests afterwards with an effigy of Obama with a rope around his neck and hanging from a tree?

November 10, 2016 at 8:47 a.m.


This was a no-more-Bushes, no-more-Clintons year. The Republicans were fortunate enough to take care of that in the primary. I can't stand Trump. I can't stand people with his personality and that includes former high school friends and a b-i-l. But the prospect of rewarding the corruption that is the Clintons provided me enough incentive to mark the ballot for him.

I just hope he makes Kelly Anne his chief or staff and she has a leash on him attached to one of those collars with spikes on it.

November 10, 2016 at 8:04 a.m.


Before I start, I know that whatever I say, there are examples to disprove it.

I am glad Trump won. He is like me. He gets up in the morning and goes to work no matter how overwhelming the circumstances his decisions have put him in. Not blaming anyone else. Some of the decisions were I hired the wrong person and I have to terminate the relationship. I will look like the bad guy and be the scapegoat.

Knowing why I am doing what I do and knowing that each step that I take will get me where I am going. Yet my detractors will look at each step as the finished product and see how it is a defective product.

I know that if you are for Hilary you could put her name where Trump's is an it would fit.

I can spot people who are self serving and who are truly doing everything to make this a better place to live for everyone. Myself and Donald Trump get up in the morning and put ourselves in service to making the world a better place to live. There is nothing that we do that, this is the first requirement. Money is just a reward for this service.

I get scrutized for everything I do. I know my weakness's and failure's, do you really think that I am that blind. I still get up in the morning and stick to my projects. Getting very little recognition, I stay on my path. When I go to sleep at night I know the world is a better place, because of what I have done today. And no one has told me that on 99% of the days.

I can only imagine the weight he carrys. I could not hold up under the weight. My prayers and support are with him. He is the best man for the job.

November 10, 2016 at 7:11 a.m.


There are many great Americans. We complain about the lazy, the disrespectful, and the criminals. I still meet great people every day in this line of work. However as a people united we are pathetic. Continually. Over and over. But it does make sense. How many business partners end up hating each? I'm fortunate me and my Dad get along so well, or at least look past each others BS haha

I'm shocked Trump won. I really don't know if I would have preferred a Hillary win though. At least we will have change. I like some of his policies for sure. He isn't afraid to piss people off and we need a little more of that. Many of his ideas won't go very far.

I'm more worried about him getting popped off and Pence getting the throne.

November 9, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.


I went to work today just like any day. I work for money but I don't really do it for the money. It's more like a spiritual practice. The world goes on. Time marches on. Hold onto your hats, kids, it's likely to be a rough ride for awhile.

A fair number of my friends, pretty much all of them men, can't stand Hillary but even more of them, including pretty much all the women, respect her immensely. She may be many things, but despite what you have been led to believe, John, she is not a lying treasonous murderer and if Trump attempts to indict her the day after he is inaugurated, this country will immediately begin a precipitous slide into disintegration. If we're lucky, this election will signal the end of our current two-party system, but not our freedoms. I'll just leave it at that.

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