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Comments on the election of the donald?

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November 9, 2016 at 5:56 p.m.

Old School

I voted for the winner, not so much because I supported him, cause I really don't know what he is going to do, but because I could not vote for a lying treasonous murderer. If he is serious, he will have her indicted the day after he is inaugurated. If he does that, I will start to believe him.

December 25, 2016 at 9:56 p.m.

Old School

Gosh,I started this about 2 months ago. The more guns the better we are. As shown in Europe, they also have to regulate trucks and knives and drugs. It seems that drugs kill more people that guns. Quite a few people are killed in auto accidents to. Are they really "accidents?" Surely the Russians must have something to do with all of those deaths. Why aren't the Black Lives Matter people protesting all of the deaths in car accidents? Why aren't the Black Lives Matter people protesting the figure of 90% of the blacks that are killed are killed by other blacks? Maybe black lives that are ended by other blacks don't count. I just read an article about the Philippines government. they d ware on drugs and drug users and pushers. Shoot them all on sight! There are a lot of "former" drug users and dealers in the Philippines. Maybe we should start the same kind of action against the layers and lying politicians in the U. S. Wait a minute, that is the same group! Have I missed insulting anyone?

December 25, 2016 at 8:41 p.m.


The entry of Russia in the war against japan brought about the Japanese surrender.the japs were afraid that if invaded by the Russians they'd hang their emperor whom they regarded as divine. Anyway we were talking about the recklessness of having the civilian population heavily armed. As attested by the high rate of the deaths by gun fire among the law enforcement and civilians advocating gun ownership is plain insanity.

December 25, 2016 at 12:35 p.m.


LaVoy Finicum was a 3%er.

December 25, 2016 at 11:37 a.m.


From what I see so far the Americans have been using their guns to kill themselves and others and not to defend freedom and liberty which are in the eye of beholder , highly subjective concepts that mean different things to different people.

December 24, 2016 at 2:58 p.m.



2A will ALWAYS remain, simply because there are enough rednecks who know that to allow its repeal is to allow the ruination of our country and likely an eventual slip into Monarchy.

I don't think that the rednecks are that philosophical but it is what it is. I guess DJ Trump knew what he was talking about when he said: I love the uneducated people.

December 24, 2016 at 1:28 a.m.


I'll jump in for a second, having not read the previous three pages of comments: I did vote for Trump, but was bowled over when he won. The biggest sigh of relief in recent memory, and a feeling of hope for the country's future overtook me at that moment. He certainly wasn't the perfect candidate, but next to Hillary there wasn't any choice. I agree almost to the letter with what MikeH had to say about the election, and Hillary's dubious wealth accumulation. We know where she was going with her agenda, but Trump at least talked the talk that we needed to hear. Now let's see if he walks the walk.

December 24, 2016 at 12:19 a.m.


At the time the 2A was written the constitution considered the slaves 3/5 of a person.

November 21, 2016 at 10:57 a.m.


There was no way to compete when they owned the complete supply chain. The same went for the cedar shakes and shingles. They had the mills- trucking- installation all sewed up. Columbia Tile had the market up here. When you have the whole supply chain you can control a lot of variables such as pricing to competition, paying cash for basic labour and circumventing regulations and payroll burdens. How do you compete when their bid for total install is close to your material costs?

I remember staying over night at my sister-in-laws in the 90's and they were building track housing on the other side of the street. There were 4 large houses with the roofs all strapped and ready for roofing. In the late evening a semi truck arrived with tile and two large passenger vans with ladders. There were probably 25-30 East Indian men who proceeded to load the roofs. Like a bunch of ants, going up one ladder and down the other, carrying the clay tiles on their heads. (A whole new connotation to the term "Pakis") They were all gone in less than an hour. Looked out the next morning and all 4 houses had the tile laid except for the valleys- hips and ridges. There were two men with a saw working on those.

They had basically locked up the new construction residential market in tile and cedar. They seemed to still contract out the install of asphalt to the white guy as they worked for a cheaper rate.

November 21, 2016 at 9:04 a.m.


S-I-A, that sounds like what I witnessed. In 1976, I worked in Alberta. It was just the beginning of East Asian immigration and the all-white guys I worked with would yell derogatory things out the truck window at any immigrants they passed. They referred to them all as "Pakies". It was terribly embarrassing to me at the time.

Then these same guys would ask me questions like "why can't you Yanks get along with the n*ggers"?

In the early 80's I was seeking another tile supplier and went up to talk to the owners of a company called Columbia Tile in Surrey, BC. They were owned by people from India. I think they were Sikhs.

It didn't work out as for me buying tile from them. I later heard from my Monier salesman that they were having problems breaking into the BC market because Columbia had family members linked from the production to the installation and worked very long hours for not much pay.

November 21, 2016 at 7:55 a.m.


egg - Actually, I think I'm with ya mostly - Some probably consider me somewhat of a "middle-of-the-road-tard", (LOL). i.e., I feel very strongly that there should be state contractor licensing & that our police are way out of control....

In any event - As for those "gov't jobs" - Things have flopped-around on us for sure. Back in my early 20's I was making far more $, working outside, going into business for myself, (mo $), living it up, while my buddies went off to school, got degrees & took jobs paying far less & for what I thought boring/menial careers.

25yr+/- later.....One of my buddies who dropped-out of the const. scene and took a job with a gov't agency is sitt'n pretty these days. He & his wife are knock'n-down $200k+/yr and will retire shortly with probably darn near the same income. Whooda thunk?

I still prefer the route I took - However, the point is, those gov't jobs are not so bad these days.

November 20, 2016 at 10:47 p.m.


clvr83 Said: I try to hire young motivated help, but they rarely want to show up five days a week. Give it a few years and they'll beg you for a job , but you won't need them because the robots will have taken their places. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISmj91Ydk3Q

November 20, 2016 at 8:32 p.m.


egg Said: Ive never seen a white boy chip in with seven or eight other buddies to rent a two-room apartment while they all work six tens at whatever they can get.

My Dad is regularly an exception, that's why I feel he made it against all odds. He is always willing to do whatever it takes to make life better for our family. In 1983, I was 6 months old, my parents and I were sharing a three bedroom apartment with my Grandpa and two other couples. Jobs had dried up around here so they went to Dallas for a not so great paying job, but it payed. They saved up as much as they could and left with a complete disdain for Texas which stays with my Dad today :)

Great points Alba. I try to hire young motivated help, but they rarely want to show up five days a week. It's very tempting to play the subcontractor game that seems to be the norm in this business.

November 20, 2016 at 6:57 p.m.


Being in an area where East Indian immigration was huge through the 1970's and 80's we now have large areas of Metro Vancouver that are predominantly East Indian. The original immigrants arrived and in a lot of instances lived together multi-family and paid off the mortgage and bought another home and the families divided and the process was duplicated. Once established, these families bought rental homes and their wealth increased. They did not eat out, they did not own pets, they grew their own vegetables, minimal expense on entertainment and vacations and probably minimal debt load. Their children in turn got good educations and a lot became professionals earning good incomes and began indulging in expensive homes, cars, entertainment etc and have become asset rich by inheriting their parents holdings. They then dominated whole sectors of industry such as farming, trucking, transportation and development. Now their children, in a lot of cases, have become a privileged class, managing wealth and driving fancy cars and living in multi-million dollar homes. Some are drug lords in the underworld multiplying their wealth. All this has transpired in less than 50 years. The sawmill workers and field hands of the first wave of immigration of the 70's have parlayed their wages into vast holdings of wealth with many of their children and grandchildren now owning the very businesses that their grandparents worked for. Meanwhile the average white worker has gone no where and is working for these businesses now owned by these immigrants. Yes they are Canadians and I respected the work ethic of the first comers but as things progressed, the methods employed by them in dominating whole segments of industry, I did not agree with, as it had a profound effect on the culture of the community and as a result was the basis for a lot of discrimination over the years.

November 20, 2016 at 4:44 p.m.


egg Said: But its worth mentioning that Ive never seen a Mexican panhandling and Ive never seen a white boy chip in with seven or eight other buddies to rent a two-room apartment while they all work six tens at whatever they can get. .
100 years ago the newly arrived irish,italian,swedish and german immigrants lived well below their means just like the Mexican immigrants do today.

November 20, 2016 at 4:38 p.m.


That's what they say twill.the cases that I know have been voluntary returns since they couldn't find work because of the enforcement of the E verify rules.The penalties for violating E-verify have been stiffened during Obama administration.I think going after the employers that hire undocumented works is more effective and less costly than to try to apprehend, detain , process ,guard,feed, hear,try , convict,appeal and transport to the border millions of people.

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