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Comments on the election of the donald?

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November 20, 2016 at 4:25 p.m.


You're not being racist at all tomb.I've observed that while Mexicans(well not all of them) are very sensitive to discrimination ,they are condescending and abusive toward those that are worse off ,like the Guatemalans.it turns out that the Guatemalans cross the border to enter Mexico the same way the Mexicans enter the USA and for that they're looked down on by the mexicans. But I still think that Trump was wrong to single out the Mexicans for they aren't the only undocumented immigrants in this country .Any business owner would have been sued for discrimination for saying stuff like that about Hispanic employees .He spoke in front of the whole country and was applauded ..

November 20, 2016 at 2:26 p.m.


Yeah, I feel it. On the other hand I remember a three-month stint I put in as a GS3 file clerk for Social Security graveyard shift and having to work a second four-hour job in the daytime just to pay my bills when I was nineteen. Gotta tell ya, my grievance list doesn't stop where you did. Firemen scamming the system by running all their accumulated sick leave and comp time through the last year and retiring on a ridiculous salary based on the final year (recently made illegal here), CHP officers routinely checking out at the end of their careers with disability pensions for bad backs, everyone associated in any way with the medical profession rolling in loot, insurance companies and their employees raking it in because of what they call "the golden rule" (He who has the gold makes the rules,) attorneys and judges. And, yes, those upper-level execs in the financial industry, not to mention professional athletes and multi-national execs, and even overpaid school administrators in the bargain.

The problem with capitalism is that except for the voluntary efforts of individuals it only values ROI and ROA without regard for moral consequences (opportunism) and the problem with true communism or what TomB refers to as " PC lib-tards" (not quite the same thing as true communism) is they only value free public benefits without regard to how much effort it actually takes to provide for basic needs by producing tangible products. (opportunism)

Just so you know where I stand with all that I'll say this: I can be and I choose to be tough when I need to, but I truly pray that nothing will ever seduce me into becoming vengeful, scornful, mean-spirited, alt-right, conspiracy theory-driven, or communist. And I'll throw this in for good measure: I've known a lot of middle-of-the-road-tards as well.

November 20, 2016 at 12:41 p.m.

Old School

Egg, Government jobs pay way more than what we can make in the private sector, especially in the higher up jobs, and they are not responsible for what they do. They can and do screw things up for all of us that are actually producing tangible things, and they get rewarded for it. On the other hand, When we do produce, we are blamed for it, punished and then criticized for not making or doing more. The only thing better as it were would be working for the big investment banks. They pay millions to their employees, and everything they make is stolen from us. How is that fair? I say we should take most of the banks that are too big to fail and tow them and their people about 200 miles east of New York.

November 19, 2016 at 8:48 p.m.


Heading off-topic.....Hey, I don't put blame on the illegals - They're only doing what would be expected of most any people in like circumstances/opportunity(s).

At the risk if being called a racist - My own experiences have taught me that one doesn't typically find "Mexicans" begging for money - They're culture/pride doesn't much allow for that behavior - However, they are opportunists in the highest sense - they will exploit, (to put it mildly), without hesitation their own as well as others and they most definitely take advantage of our social services - Having the system figured out as well as the PC/left doling it out to them.

November 19, 2016 at 6:53 p.m.


I've got some complicated beliefs but in deference to TomB I won't blather. But it's worth mentioning that I've never seen a Mexican panhandling and I've never seen a white boy chip in with seven or eight other buddies to rent a two-room apartment while they all work six tens at whatever they can get. I used to work six tens, sometimes more. My son works six tens, if not more. Counting family duties and gainful employment combined, my two daughters beat both of us.

November 19, 2016 at 6:48 p.m.


John you said, " Triple the wages and you can make all the mistakes you want." You just lost me there. Can you clarify?

btw, that was a good post Alba.

November 19, 2016 at 1:37 p.m.


Yes, the "drop in wages" in the private sector is one of the symptoms. "Prevailing wages" (Gov't jobs), have kept-up, i.e., depending on locale', a roofers' salary is aprx. $104,000/yr., whereas in the private sector it's more like $50,000/yr. A huge spread as compared to 30yrs ago.....

November 19, 2016 at 11:44 a.m.

Old School

What drove off the American workers is the drop in wages. If everything was equal, a good "roofer" should be making about $65,000.00 a year right now. since the wages have been driven down to less than half that, who can blame them? Government is where it is at now. Triple the wages and you can make all the mistakes you want. They don't produce anything and are not responsible. What a program.

November 19, 2016 at 8:57 a.m.


Alba; I have a bit different experience/take on the labor pool status. This could be expanded-on easily, but for the sake of brevity & sparing common knowledge, (so-to-speak), - I'll be short; I'll leave the blather to others.

Seems over the past three decades, through not-so-much the fault of exploitative employers hiring illegals, but our gov'ts' lack of enforcing laws, we ran-off the American worker, replacing them with the opportunistic illegal worker.

Come circa 08'; Wages had been stagnated/reversed 20yrs, things slowed down, whereby the illegals began returning home. The illegals, (IMO), where/are opportunists themselves - The misunderstood fact is that they are/where here to acquire $ - Not necessarily to assimilate as US citizens.

However, that is changing I believe, as the children of these illegals seem to want to assimilate more-so. But, they are products of the PC/libtard ed. syst. as well.

The predominant left/PC educational/media environment convinced our youth working with your hands was somehow menial & significant. So here we sit, a nation full of idiot/whiners.

Hopefully Trump will initiate real change & break the cycle.

November 18, 2016 at 10:16 p.m.


Roofers of all the people should have been able to discern some of his lies, like the illegal immigration. I can't attest for the whole industry and the whole country, but from what I've seen through 4-5 companies that I've been involved with in the last 10 years , the Mexicans have already left in droves the commercial roofing and the state of Alabama, long before Mr. trump promised to build a border wall. The companies have been using E verify system and it has been impossible or very risky for them to hire people unauthorized to work in the USA. There has been a labor shortage ever since .The starting wage has jumped to $15 an hour and the only professional requirement is to have a pulse ,wake up in the morning and come to work .Many Americans can't do even that, and they complain how the Mexicans are taking their jobs .it's not like 20 Americans applied for a roofing job and the employer picked a cheaper Mexican.my company has a :refer a friend program.I get $800 if a can refer a friend who can stick around for 3 months and my friend gets $200 sign in bonus.I tried to get my unemployed white neighbor to apply for a job.He stated that :he has worked hard all his life ,he has paid his dues and is ready to take it easy for the rest of his life .he's 28 years old .

November 16, 2016 at 9:07 a.m.


Twill - re; Trump & his alleged off-color/exploitative R/E development issues - Considering the abundance of his probable dealings, I would expect far-far more disgruntled souls - He must be a pretty fair guy. The R/E development biz is a rough scene - full of ruthless types - Appears he's managed to trudge through and be very successful.

November 14, 2016 at 9:17 p.m.


Ok, then. That would not have been in this country. Did they put shoes on horses in the old country? If they did, and they wanted to make them special, would they have been Cadillac gold shoes or lemon yellow shoes? (rotfl)

November 14, 2016 at 5:01 p.m.


I think he got a roofer in NY. Did you hear that his great grandfather sold someone a mule with only three shoes?

November 14, 2016 at 1:36 p.m.

Mike H

One of several possible "take-away's" from that....

Even The Donald is afraid of roofers.

November 13, 2016 at 10:57 p.m.




During the Atlantic City casino boom in the 1980s, Philadelphia cabinet-builder Edward Friel Jr. landed a $400,000 contract to build the bases for slot machines, registration desks, bars and other cabinets at Harrah's at Trump Plaza.

The family cabinetry business, founded in the 1940s by Edward’s father, finished its work in 1984 and submitted its final bill to the general contractor for the Trump Organization, the resort’s builder.

Edward’s son, Paul, who was the firm’s accountant, still remembers the amount of that bill more than 30 years later: $83,600. The reason: the money never came. “That began the demise of the Edward J. Friel Company… which has been around since my grandfather,” he said.

Donald Trump often portrays himself as a savior of the working class who will "protect your job." But a USA TODAY NETWORK analysis found he has been involved in more than 3,500 lawsuits over the past three decades — and a large number of those involve ordinary Americans, like the Friels, who say Trump or his companies have refused to pay them.

At least 60 lawsuits, along with hundreds of liens, judgments, and other government filings reviewed by the USA TODAY NETWORK, document people who have accused Trump and his businesses of failing to pay them for their work. Among them: a dishwasher in Florida. A glass company in New Jersey. A carpet company. A plumber. Painters. Forty-eight waiters. Dozens of bartenders and other hourly workers at his resorts and clubs, coast to coast. Real estate brokers who sold his properties. And, ironically, several law firms that once represented him in these suits and others.

Trump’s companies have also been cited for 24 violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act since 2005 for failing to pay overtime or minimum wage, according to U.S. Department of Labor data. That includes 21 citations against the defunct Trump Plaza in Atlantic City and three against the also out-of-business Trump Mortgage LLC in New York. Both cases were resolved by the companies agreeing to pay back wages.

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