There is a book being written (not yet published)by an adjuster with 27 years of adjusting experience that tells how to become a preferred contractor with an insurance company, get adjusters to refer work to you and to get paid $250 per ladder assist for an insurance company. The author is planning to sell it for $80. If anyone is interested post a reply and it will be offered for sale on roofers coffeeshop website. It will likely be 1-2 months from now before the book is available. I look forward to any replies.
Shit I would be interested in the book to be honest with ya. I've been in the game for a while now but I'm sure I could learn a trick or two and I could use some new bathroom reading material. B) Let me know what's up
LMAO. With THAT caliber of silver tongue, the backlog on the book orders must be staggering.
I can believe CD is an adjuster though.
Hey beandreams ,GET A JOB!
I am actually considering adding a chapter on how to get more money from the insurance company without pissing them off too much. And I might even add an additional chapter titled "Adversarial Relationship" which pretty much is about going to war with the insurance company and the various ways to cause them problems. Sometimes you just gotta sue somebody. :)
I would by the book but any book over twenty-five dollars is way overpriced unless something else comes along with it to justify that cost. I can do a mailing or flyer distribution for that price.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: HAHAHAHA :woohoo: :laugh: :lol: :lol: dont know what else to say :silly: :lol: :unsure: :laugh: :laugh:
I've never been called a felon before. Sounds kind of bodacious. I have a much better feeling about myself right now. I've wasted decades as milquetoast niceguy and now I can finally think of myself as a stud. Cool. From evanescent to iridescent in thirty-five seconds. That is singularly remarkable.
Well, Well, Well.... I am taking my toys and going home! Pthththththth... Gawd I needed a good laugh today! :laugh: :laugh:
well, he couldn't sell any of us?!?!
something isn't right about that. 98% for people that are getting free money to replace their roof, but 0% for us that have to pay out of our pockets......
I don't think thats a salesman.
none of it will bother me, I don't do any insurance work.
Well we have a person trying to make $$$ off my post. What a dumbazz. I am not planning to write my book now because there appears to be no demand for it. I am preparing myself for the day when all of you dumbazz felons get shutdown and those that are no felons (very few) are going to wish their credit did NOT suck as the insurance companies have STRINGENT STANDARDS REGARDING who they allow to represent them. Which DISQUALIFIES the Majority of Scumbag Roofers. U better pray I do not meet any of you pieces of crap on a loss as I will tell the insured I REFUSE TO DEAL WITH THAT CONTRACTOR. I have seen adjusters do things that amazed me how they got away with it. Oh yes I am an adjuster myself. Anyway.... I am not gonna waste any more time with this post. Why don't you assholes just have it removed?
Jed Said: ........ciaks boy peddling ciaks book.
BTW, where is the boy........back in custody? :ohmy: :ohmy: Haven't seen him post lately.
Insurance rates aren't that bad.One can make 30% profit on them.
The root concept of insurance is the Revolving Door. I have to say there is something kind of cosmic about that. Perhaps if Carl Sagan were still alive he could be prevailed upon to write the introduction and it would become a best-seller. I finished a biography of Willie Mays two days before the fly ball hit me right in the forehead my arms flailing uselessly before me. I wanted to run but all I could do was hop. If only I had known beforehand, perhaps I wouldn't have spent the last forty years without my company name ever being listed in any phone book. In my dealings with insurance companies the money only goes in one direction, from me to them. And yet I carry on, a knobby little asteroid quietly hurtling through empty space, my destiny controlled by forces I know naught of, my heart connected by loyalty and respect to those I serve, like tic-tac-toe, a vast array of X's and O's and infinite dizzy constellations of pure cat's games. Hey, speaking of X's & O's, happy Valentine's Day!
Hey I have a book for sale for $40.00 describing how you can become a preferred contractor for an insurance companys..... gettum while there hot !! It's easy reading about 3 paragraphs. Just e-mail me I will send the book when the check clears.