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February 15, 2010 at 9:34 a.m.


Hey Wetdreams, I actually opened up and read your other posts. What a pathetic, angry little man you must be. I would think that with your astonishing closing rate you might have learned how to effectively deal with resistance from potential customers without demeaning them. Like how to win them over with concern and charm instead of insults and arrogance.

As for spelling and grammer, you need to upgrade to a spellcheck that tells you the appropriate use of apostrophes before you pretend to be the smartest guy in the room.

February 15, 2010 at 1:22 a.m.


Insurance rates aren't that bad.One can make 30% profit on them.

February 14, 2010 at 11:38 p.m.


The root concept of insurance is the Revolving Door. I have to say there is something kind of cosmic about that. Perhaps if Carl Sagan were still alive he could be prevailed upon to write the introduction and it would become a best-seller. I finished a biography of Willie Mays two days before the fly ball hit me right in the forehead my arms flailing uselessly before me. I wanted to run but all I could do was hop. If only I had known beforehand, perhaps I wouldn't have spent the last forty years without my company name ever being listed in any phone book. In my dealings with insurance companies the money only goes in one direction, from me to them. And yet I carry on, a knobby little asteroid quietly hurtling through empty space, my destiny controlled by forces I know naught of, my heart connected by loyalty and respect to those I serve, like tic-tac-toe, a vast array of X's and O's and infinite dizzy constellations of pure cat's games. Hey, speaking of X's & O's, happy Valentine's Day!

February 14, 2010 at 7:51 p.m.


Hey I have a book for sale for $40.00 describing how you can become a preferred contractor for an insurance companys..... gettum while there hot !! It's easy reading about 3 paragraphs. Just e-mail me I will send the book when the check clears.

February 14, 2010 at 3:57 p.m.


New bully moved into the neighbourhood? :woohoo:

February 14, 2010 at 2:59 p.m.


Letsee, dumbazz; C,A,R,I,BB,E,Ah who the hell cares.

February 14, 2010 at 1:12 p.m.


Wywoody-Learn to spell dumbazz. Concise. Not your 2nd grade spelling education "consise".

February 14, 2010 at 1:09 p.m.


OLE Willie Said: I learned a long time ago to tell the insurance companys that its MY way or the highway. lol
I thought like you did once and the adjuster told the homeowner that he refused to deal with me. The result was the adjuster called his own guy that would do the work for the price he wanted to pay and I got screwed. Just like you will soon get screwed if you continue to believe it is your way or the highway.

February 14, 2010 at 1:06 p.m.


Jed - I do not know who ciak is? I got info that you do not have and will never know. I am gonna keep it to myself. Not impressed with you at all.

February 14, 2010 at 12:10 p.m.


........ciak's boy peddling ciaks book.

February 14, 2010 at 8:36 a.m.


What's with this two lines of ALL CAPS CRAP? You're cluttering up the look of the whole site. This is the first time I've even clicked on your posts because they just scream SPAM. It actually takes more intellectual energy to come up with a clever title than just typing a screaming question.

If you can't write a decent title for a post without roofers seeing through it, how you gonna write a book?

February 14, 2010 at 4:23 a.m.

OLE Willie

I learned a long time ago to tell the insurance companys that its MY way or the highway. lol

February 13, 2010 at 11:18 p.m.


1. I don't do insurance work, just because of all that stuff. I don't need the hassles.

2. it should read, anyone want to buy a book on how to become "AN" insurance company preferred contractor? not, a insurance company, AN insurance company.

February 13, 2010 at 10:15 p.m.


Twill59 - Here is the Plan. Competent and professional roofer is only the first requirement. Second requirement is that you be a Preferred Contractor. If you are not a preferred contractor then YOU WILL GET RESISTANCE and No Business From The Insurer.

To become a preferred contractor you must apply.

1. Have background checks done on all employees and owners. 2. Have an Excellent Credit Rating 3. Have All Required Insurance Policies 4. MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL BE WILLING TO WORK ONLY FOR WHAT THE INSURANCE COMPANY IS WILLING TO PAY YOU AND NO MORE AND TO GIVE A 3 YEAR WARRANTY THAT YOU MUST HONOR OR YOU WILL NEVER EVER GET ANYMORE BUSINESS FROM THE INSURANCE COMPANY. Just keep in mind that the CEO's of State Farm, Allstate demand their $12million dollar bonuses while you work for as little money as they can possibly pay you.

I took an Applied Structural Drying Class and one of my classmates told me that an un-named insurance company gives him a lot of work but he sometimes loses money. He gave me a "real life" example where it would take his company 5 days to dry out a home for the insurance company but the insurer would ONLY pay for 3 days of drying time- even IF it took 5 days to dry the structure. But the company gives him a lot of business he claims. I believe he is getting screwed but the insurer tells him that "it is our way or the higway".

February 13, 2010 at 10:01 p.m.


MN - I am not trying to be a jerk cause I do both jobs and I am as pissed off if not more than the guys who only are roofers. I refused to work for a guy in Ohio because of that crap. He told me the deal would be 10% office and 40% commission. I would be working as a salesman for his company that is the Preferred Contractor for Nationwide. So my job was to work on 100% Sales Leads as an Order Taker. The homeowner already called in his/her claim and the Nationwide CSR gave them the "Use Our Contractor/Adjuster" to do your work for you and Nationwide will guarantee the job. So the roofer gets SCREWED and the adjuster gets SCREWED because Preferred Vendor Corp is doing BOTH the Scope of Loss, putting it into Xactimate, then having the insured/homeowner approve the contract. Of course the roofer/door knocker whether or not he is local or a storm chaser gets SCREWED. A woman I spoke with about selling insurance and roofs told me that some insurance companies in some states are trying to sell policies that only provide ACV on older roofs. So if you have a house with a roof over "___years old" then you will only be eligible for a homeowners policy with ACV for your roof. This is a "take it or leave it offer". It has not been approved in my state but I have actually heard that there are a few of these policies in OK but that is a rumour that I heard. I never confirmed that rumor.

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