I help commercial roofing companies improve their end-user client experience while maximizing their sales and gross profit margins. In my fifteen years of commercial roofing service experience, I grew an $800k service operation into a $8.5M operation while increasing margins by fifty percent. Now I use my experience and knowledge to help others improve their service operations and thus improve their entire companies.
In my work I emphasize making the most of every minute: for your employee, for your client, and for you. In addition to customer-centric processes and procedures, I specialize in construction management using technology to further the accessibility of information for commercial roofing customers.
Contact Tracey Donels directly.
We know the hurdles faced when growing a Service Department for a commercial roofing company. For more than 25 collective years, we filled each of the roles commonly found in the service side of the low-slope industry. During those years spent devoted to the Service Department, we curated the keys to building and developing a successful service department. Now as Service First Solutions, we are helping contractors of all sizes achieve success by establishing and cultivating a dedicated service department. We offer a wide variety of services to combat the range of struggles faced when trying to build and/or develop a successful service department.
Our Influencers program celebrates its ninth year of giving back to the industries it serves.
The Coffee Shops™, the award-winning websites where the industries meet for technology, information and everyday business, announces the 2025 Influencers for RoofersCoffeeShop (RCS), MetalCoffeeShop® (MCS), CoatingsCoffeeShop® (CCS) and RCS en Español.
Each month, ...
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Por Dani Sheehan, traducido por Jessica Bravo.
Con un horario lleno de sesiones educativas y eventos de networking, ¡asegúrate de planificar con anticipación para IRE 2025!
Probablemente ya tengas tus zapatos cómodos y tarjetas de negocio en tu lista de cosas por empacar para International Roofing Expo (IRE) 2025, ...
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