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Why contractors must join the roof coatings revolution

EVERROOF General Coating Roof Revolution
June 9, 2024 at 6:00 a.m.

By Evelyn Witterholt. 

Barry McConway from Everroof sheds some light on the future of the roof coatings industry. 

The future of the roof coatings market is a bright one. This sector of the roofing industry has seen steady growth and is set to continue growing over the next decade. Did you know that it is currently a $2 billion global market and a $200 million U.S. domestic market? Barry McConway, president of Everroof, shared these insights and more with us in an episode of our podcast, Roofing Road Trips®. 

If there’s any company that knows about roof coatings, it’s Everroof. The company is an offshoot of General Coatings Manufacturing, a leader in the spray foam roofing industry. Everroof manufactures silicone and acrylic coatings and has spent countless hours perfecting their roof coating products. Barry himself has done extensive research on the market trends of this industry and he sees not only the potential for growth with Everroof, but for other roof coating manufacturers and contractors as well. 

“The good side is there's enough space for all of us and the coating application world is showing a great year-over-year growth rate in all of the industry trends, double-digit or high single digit,” he said. “We could talk finance and CAGR and year over year, but bottom line, it's good.” 

One trend Barry notices with roofing contractors is that many of them are offering only tear-off services and no commercial roof restoration. He also says that many roofing contractors don’t know that a roof coating is sometimes the better option for their customers. For example, if a customer has a 10-year-old roof in good condition but wants to add on solar panels, Barry says that contractors could use this as a chance to upsell them on a roof coating. 

“That adds to my job of helping those contractors know their options and being able to present those options to their customers,” Barry said. “And that education, that hand-in-hand ability to support them, that's going to be the future, is really giving our contractors an easier way to sell our products and services and the features and benefits.” 

Read the transcript or Listen to the entire podcast to learn more about why roofing contractors should consider offering more roof coatings.

Learn more about Everroof in their Coffee Shop Directory or visit www.everroof.com.

About Evelyn 

Evelyn works as a writer for RoofersCoffeeShop, MetalCoffeeShop and AskARoofer. When she isn’t writing about roofing, she’s either at the gym lifting weights or curled up on the couch watching a movie. 

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