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Where to Start With Offering Siding Services

Quarrix Siding Services
March 7, 2022 at 6:00 a.m.

By Evelyn Witterholt, RCS Reporter. 

Useful tips and resources to help your roofing company start taking on siding projects. 

With materials being difficult to come by, some roofing contractors have struggled to take on more roofing projects. Because of this, many contracting companies are looking into offering siding services. For those who want to get into siding but are unsure of where to start, Quarrix has your back. Recently we spoke with Nick Nobbe, senior project manager at Quarrix, about what roofing companies can do if they are starting to offer siding services. 

Nick says that a lot of people view the roof as a separate entity from the house overall, therefore they might not see why it’s important to even learn about siding. But customers on roofing projects may have questions about the siding of their homes, so it’s important to have the knowledge to answer their questions. “You want to be educated on the full system and you want to understand, so at least you can address any questions that might come up,” he said. 

By offering siding services, your contracting company will be able to take on more jobs, but where do you start? Getting educated is the first big step you want to take when getting into siding. Quarrix has training programs on siding for contractors and sales teams. These training programs help contracting companies understand the importance of rainscreen systems that Quarrix offers. They train people to understand the ins and outs of installation, project specifics, jurisdiction codes and more. 

“It's all rolled into a simple, easy-to-digest presentation,” Nick says. “And we like to tailor it based on the style of projects that a contractor or a group of contractors might have.” 

Nick recommends contacting Quarrix by email to get started with their training program. He also says that by calling their customer care number, you can get routed directly to him for any technical questions you might have. “We are very collaborative with our customers and love to engage with whatever their needs are. Even if there's not an immediate need for a project, always still happy to have those conversations,” Nick said. 

Learn more about Quarrix Building Products in their RoofersCoffeeShop® Directory or visit www.quarrix.com

Listen to the entire podcast to learn more about offering siding services and what resources Quarrix has to help you!

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