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Understanding Why a Facilitated Peer Group might be right for you – Part 4

December 8, 2016 at 7:05 a.m.

One of the greatest and most helpful components of a peer group is peer pressure.  A better term is accountability.

By Greg Hayne, Hayne Coaching Group

We’ve all had the experience of setting a goal and then life interrupts our sincere efforts. Before we know it, we are sidetracked.  But what happens when you walk into a meeting with 10 of your peers who are working on the same things you are, and they got their agreed-upon action steps implemented but you didn’t?  Plus they had to deal with hail storms, hurricanes, strikes, a small mutiny in the estimating department and pretty much the same stuff that sidetracked you.

Peer pressure can be a strong encourager when it comes to avoiding the things in life and work that side track us.  In a well-structured, well-run peer group, accountability does not usually involve the group holding an individual accountable, though that can happen.  Generally, it is more that we see where we have fallen short and begin to hold ourselves accountable.  Our excuses don’t seem as excusing as we thought they were!

Every group has a personality and in some groups, members are more likely to engage in some good natured ribbing about how they got their action steps implemented and you didn’t, but in a healthy group the nature of this is never malicious.  So, you had a goal and it didn’t happen.  Here is where the rubber meets the road.

We get involved with a peer group because things aren’t working the way we want them to and we really don’t know how to make it better by ourselves.  One of the main benefits of collaborating with peers is that everyone in the group can understand the challenges you are dealing with, since they have them too.

When you don’t get an action step implemented and you made an effort, you will find you have a dedicated group of businessmen/women who are sincere in their desire to help you work towards implementing your action step.  Chances are you won’t be the only person sitting in the meeting who didn’t complete all their action steps, and what you learned in your efforts may help someone else accomplish theirs.  Collaboration works!

If actually making progress in your business and getting past your current, longstanding issues appeal to you, then a peer group is right for you.

About Hayne Coaching Group Hayne Coaching Group helps roofing contractors prosper by discovering and implementing smarter, better ways to work.  We provide executive coaching for key leaders in a company and organized and facilitated industry peer groups, so that companies may benefit from their group’s collective experience, buying power, accountability and so much more. For more information, visit www.haynecoachinggroup.com.




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