By DaVinci Roofscapes.
Visitors to the Sacred Heart Ukrainian Catholic Church in Johnson City, N.Y. are immediately captivated by the traditional Ukrainian design of the church structure. Topped by three 80-foot tall domes, the massive building looks like it’s made completely of wood shakes on the siding and roof. But, a closer look reveals that the roof is really made of composite shakes that perfectly replicate real wood shake shingles.
Completed in June of 2011, the reroofing project includes 90 squares of composite shake tiles from DaVinci in a Tuscano color blend of light, medium light, medium and dark autumn colors. The architecture style of the landmark church mimics those structures found in the Ukraine.
“The wooden cedar shake roof installed on the church in 1977 deteriorated so badly that we started looking at alternative material options back in 1995,” says Rev. Teodor B. Czabala, Jr. “We searched for a product that would not need replacing for many years. Our research brought us to the DaVinci shake roofing tiles. We’re thrilled with the 50-year limited warranty on the product and how these polymer tiles have already stood up to the weather conditions in our area.
“The new composite shakes look almost identical to the older wooden ones, but these will last so much longer. The wood exterior of the church has been cleaned and stained, so now the structure looks perfect. We’re both amazed and pleased that these man-made roofing tiles could have such a positive and beautiful impact on our facility.”
Learn more about DaVinci Roofscapes.
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