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Roofing Road Trips Podcast: Nick Sabino

Roofing Road Trip with Nick Sabino
February 24, 2020 at 11:08 a.m.

By Lauren White, RCS Reporter.

Hear about testifying to Congress, Roofing Day, NRCA membership benefits, and more!

In his time as Chairman of the Board for the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) and President of Deer Park Roofing, Nick Sabino has been a part of and witnessed numerous positive changes for the roofing industry.  Nick speaks with Heidi J. Ellsworth, RoofersCoffeeShop® partner, about some of the highlights from the past year, in addition to the numerous member benefits NRCA provides.

One highlight for Nick is when he testified to Congress.  “There was a small business committee hearing and the topic was immigration and immigration reform and workforce issues that are going on throughout the United States.  I was asked to testify on behalf of NRCA,” Nick explains. While it was an amazing experience for Nick, it was an important way for the industry’s message to be heard. “...The stories that we told I think really represent what contractors are facing all around the country,” Nick noted.

Nick shared one story about “a member in Florida who has an individual on his team who came to the United States legally.  He achieved temporary protected status and he’s working for a roofing company there.” Having worked there for nine years, he is now a foreman.  Because he was in the country legally, he bought a house, got married, and has two kids. However, he was told his temporary protected status was no longer valid and he had to return to his home country, the Dominican Republic.  Nick continues, “We brought this up to the committee...here’s somebody [who] came here legally, he’s contributing to a company and he’s basically being kicked out.”

Nick also testified for a bill NRCA supports ensuring immigration reform meets the needs of the roofing workforce, H.R. 3711.  Nick recalls one Congressman didn’t support the bill and believed the current policies were working.  In the end, they agreed to disagree. However, Nick shares, “Our team in Washington D.C. reached out to this individual Congressman, former chairman Kent Schwickert, met with him about a week later, and not only did he change his tune, he co-sponsored the bill that we were actually supporting.  So, a huge win for the entire industry.”

Another success for NRCA is Roofing Day in Washington, D.C.  It has become, “One of our biggest successes over the last couple of years at NRCA,” according to Nick.  NRCA fall committee meetings were originally held in Washington, D.C. Attendees would go to Capitol Hill to discuss a few pieces of legislation they were supporting.  Then, Reid Ribble, NRCA CEO and former Wisconsin Congressman, suggested a national fly-in, which changed Roofing Day. Instead of 40 people, there were 400 people from across the country who flew into Washington, D.C., wearing red, to meet with their respective states’ congresspeople and senators to discuss the agreed-upon issues.  This year, Roofing Day is on April 21-22, and some of the issues that will be brought up include an infrastructure bill, current technical education, and immigration reform.

NRCA has also lobbied for the Perkins Act the last couple of years, which provides funds for career and technical education schools throughout the United States.  “It gives billions of dollars to the states for worker training, worker retraining, worker recruitment, all kinds of rehabilitation programs...” Nick shares. There was bipartisan support in Washington, D.C. for the Perkins Act, which is rare!

While workforce development is NRCA’s biggest challenge, the NRCA ProCertification Program has proven to be beneficial.  The program touches on health, safety, and technical skills through a knowledge-based interactive test and a hands-on skills assessment.  The tests are challenging and not everyone passes. At Deer Park Roofing, where Nick serves as the President, 16 workers have been certified, and Nick believes that number will double this year.  “It’s just raising the bar in the industry. I think that it only makes us better, it makes us more professional. It gives the consumer a lot more confidence about what we’re doing as an industry,” Nick discloses. 

NRCA membership continues to grow by at least one new member each day!  Membership dues fund many of NRCA’s efforts in Washington, D.C. Other member benefits include access to the training, educational programs and certifications.  Additionally, Professional Roofing Magazine, NRCA’s magazine, is filled with great and helpful information that Nick regularly applies to his business.

“NRCA has been around since 1886.  I’m a first-generation contractor...I could pick up the phone today and call somebody at NRCA with 30 years' experience and have them answer a technical question for me.  They’ve seen it,” Nick shares. “For me, I couldn’t imagine not being a member.”

Listen to the podcast to hear more about NRCA, membership benefits, and Roofing Day in D.C. 2020.  Check out the RoofersCoffeeShop® podcast page for even more.  

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