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RoofersCoffeeShop® Podcasts Promote Diversity and Inclusion for the Roofing Industry

NWIR RCS Podcasts
August 5, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.

By Colin Sheehan, RCS Reporter. 

Diverse perspectives are necessary for the growth and sustainability of the roofing industry.  

Podcasts available on RoofersCoffeeShop (RCS) provide diverse voices on roofing industry topics that may be hard to find elsewhere. The importance of this cannot be emphasized enough, as it is the inclusion of differing perspectives that leads to industry growth. In his recent article, Here’s Why I Decided to Join National Women in Roofing, John Kenney of Cotney Consulting Group pinpointed inclusivity, diversity and equity as key to enhancing business. “Identifying underrepresented groups, such as women in the industry, can help you foster a culture of inclusion, which will strengthen our workforce industry-wide,” John writes. 

RoofersCoffeeShop podcasts provide roofing industry highlights, interviews with roofing experts and tricks of the trade. Included on the Coffee Shop’s podcasts are Stories from the Roof, Roofing Road Trips with Heidi, The Heidi and Vickie Show, Read Listen Watch (RLW) Podcasts and Partner Podcasts.  

Stories from the Roof discusses how roofing professionals first got into the industry. They talk through challenges they faced, what they’ve learned over the years and share advice for up-and-coming roofing professionals looking to get deeper in the trade.  

Roofing Road Trips with Heidi features conversations with a variety of roofing professionals from differing backgrounds. The podcast goes in depth about what they do, their thoughts on the industry and what they envision for the future. Recently, Heidi sat down with Marianne Sumter, owner of Wil-Mar Products, to discuss the history of the business, carrying on after losing a partner and how women support each other in the roofing industry. Be sure to listen to it here

The Heidi and Vickie Show features the partners that brought you RoofersCoffeeShop and their 60+ years of combined experience in the roofing industry. You can listen to their expert knowledge and clear perspectives; both are of undoubted value for anyone looking to enhance their roofing career. Their shows are honest and neither woman shies away from talking about hard-hitting subjects. Their episode, Until You Walk in their Shoes discusses diversity, inclusion, how to recognize your own ignorance and the importance of empowering organizations such as National Women in Roofing and Black Lives Matter.  

RLW podcasts allow you to choose how you want to learn. Engage with the content on RoofersCoffeeShop how you want to, where you want to and when you want to on a variety of topics. No episode is alike, so if you want to learn how to make more money with metal or educate yourself on roofing fire safety, you can! 

Partner Podcasts are podcasts made from the Coffee Shop’s network of amazing and knowledgeable partners who share tips of the trade including sales and marketing strategies, waterproofing and installation tips, important information for running your businesses and more. Included on Partner Podcasts are episodes from METALCONLive! a weekly business broadcast that connects with company owners, contractors, fabricators, suppliers and other experts strategizing how to thrive in the new normal.  

The amount of available content is often overwhelming and knowing where to invest your attention can become a time-consuming task. RCS podcasts declutter the options and cater to modern roofing contractors and industry professionals looking to make changes and enhance the roofing industry. 

Since 1993, RoofersCoffeeShop (RCS) partner and owner of HJE Consulting, Heidi J. Ellsworth, has been a crucial voice for women in the roofing industry. Anyone who has met Heidi knows she specializes in creating win-win scenarios and building strong collaborations for mutual success. Like Heidi, RoofersCoffeeShop is invested in strengthening the roofing industry today for a more equitable tomorrow. 

Check out the RoofersCoffeeShop podcasts and start listening today. 

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