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Roofer of the Month - Roof Experts - PODCAST TRANSCRIPT

Roofer of the Month - Roof Experts - PODCAST TRANSCRIPT
November 30, 2023 at 12:00 p.m.

Editor's note: The following is the transcript of a live interview with Bella from Roof Expertss. You can Read the interview below or Listen to the podcast.

Megan Ellsworth: Hello everyone. My name is Megan Ellsworth here at rooferscoffeeshop.com, and I am so excited for our monthly conversation with our roofer of the month. And today I have Bella here from Roof Experts. Hi Bella.

Bella: Hi. It's nice to be joining today.

Megan Ellsworth: Yay. So glad to be chatting with you and congratulations on being Roofer of the Month. We're very happy to be giving this to you guys at Roof Experts.

Bella: Thank you. I'm excited to be here and answer your questions.

Megan Ellsworth: Yay. Well, let's dive right in then. I'll just have you introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about Roof Experts.

Bella: Yeah, so my name is Bella. I am our marketing director, if you will, for Roof Experts. But yeah, our company is really special. We have a lot that we do as a family unit within the company and I'm really excited to be here sharing it with all of you. Our company's really special. It's made up of just amazing people and they all really care, not only about roofing, but more importantly our clients and everybody just works really hard. So I'm excited to be sharing a little bit about us today.

Megan Ellsworth: Oh, I love it. I love that. So what type of services does the Roof Experts provide? Would you say you have a specialty?

Bella: If there's a roof, we can do it. Yeah, so it's really me... Our owner of Roof Experts, Anthony Cass, he's done roofing for about 20 plus years I would say. And because of his exceptional roofing experience, we pretty much know everything there is about roofing. So from commercial to residential, we can do TPO, shingles, metal, but we also can offer gutter, replacements, installments, skylights. And then we are also very lucky to have a sister company that deals with HVAC for both commercial and residential. So yeah, we're really getting it

Megan Ellsworth: You're doing the thing.

Bella: We got it. Yeah, it's like we're your one stop shop.

Megan Ellsworth: I love it. That is the vibe. That's what you need to be doing. I feel like right now as a company, really diversifying that way you're spread out in a good way across markets.

Bella: Yeah, and we've been doing a lot of work with partnering with other companies that we're not necessarily specialized in, but it also ties into the roofing world. So we have preferred partners for solar companies and just anything else that a homeowner might need. And we all work together to make sure nothing goes wrong to your roof when those things are being installed.

Megan Ellsworth: That's awesome. That's great. So what is something special that your company celebrates, be it the actual people's birthdays or culture?

Bella: So obviously we celebrate people's birthdays. We have a company calendar, so whenever somebody's been with our company for over a year, we do a cool celebration. But what I think is really unique is we have our own internal version of Facebook, if you will. Yeah, it's really cool. It's through our... Shout-out to Zoho,

Megan Ellsworth: The system, not sponsored, but maybe.

Bella: We are not sponsored, but hit us up Zoho. But through there we're able to, we celebrate each other's wins. So everybody, if somebody lands a big deal or does something that really progresses us forward, we always shout them out through that platform. So everybody in the company has a chance to take recognition of their accomplishment or whatever it might've been. So that's really cool.

Megan Ellsworth: Oh, that's really cool. That's amazing. I think that's special. So how would you define superior customer service?

Bella: Yeah, so that is a really good question because even though we do roofing, a lot of our job is customer service.

Megan Ellsworth: So true.

Bella: Yes. I personally believe a lot of good customer service comes down to communication. And that's really big thing of what we try to do here at Roof Experts and starting off, when people call in, they get a real person to talk to.

Megan Ellsworth: Love that.

Bella: Which is goal number one, talk to person is awesome. And before we have some of our people come out for a roof inspection, we send them a text with a picture of what they look like and a synopsis of who they are. Yes. How nuts, right?

Megan Ellsworth: Oh my God, I love that.

Bella: Yes, because if you're home alone and you're like some random dude's coming to my house... So part of that goes into our whole process and then we keep... Obviously doing a residential roof, it can feel really invasive into your privacy and your home, you have all these random people coming. They don't necessarily go in your house, sometimes I guess they do, but we always make sure to keep our customers updated throughout the process, clean up all our debris and then we always follow it up with a box of cookies because cookies make everything better.

Megan Ellsworth: Yeah. Wait, what kind of cookies?

Bella: They're like sugar cookies. They're pretty good. I haven't tasted them, but they look cute.

Megan Ellsworth: Oh, I love that. That's so fun.

Bella: I was like, maybe I should get my roof done so I can get a box of cookies.

Megan Ellsworth: I love that. Okay, so why should homeowners work with the Roof Experts?

Bella: Yeah, great question. Why not? I think that it's a great question to ask, obviously, but no, really I think it just comes down to we have a lot of experience, we truly care about the customer's experience through it and we have testimonials to back it up as well, which is obviously huge, but we also always want to find you the best deal for your roof. So that's always really important to us.

Megan Ellsworth: Yeah, that's great. Yeah, love that. So what brought you all to the R-Club? What's maybe your favorite thing about the R-Club or Roofers Coffee Shop?

Bella: Okay, for me, so excited for this, this is my favorite question.

Megan Ellsworth: Yay.

Bella: When I joined Roof Experts, we had already been a part of the R-Club, so I just jumped right in and after I had the first meeting of seeing what it was, I instantly just loved having the community. Having a group of roofers who have the same problems we might have or just relate in some sense is so invaluable, I believe. And also watching other people present new ways of doing things. For me, being marketing when they're showing new ways to get leads, it's so helpful to think outside of the box. And then you're always also, just say for you, you are so positive and just the cutest smile. So it always makes my day seeing you because I'm always like, "She's so happy and positive. Yes, we're here for it."

Megan Ellsworth: We're here for roofing.

Bella: Yeah, I tell my boss, Anthony, I'm like, "Roofing's not the most exciting. I'm trying hard to make it exciting." Oh, it's so good.

Megan Ellsworth: Thank you. Oh my gosh. Well, I'm so glad. I love that I always see you on the coffee breaks. I'm so glad that you guys are just always there getting really involved and it's nice to hear that you love the R-Club so much and that you guys get to get together with other roofing contractors in your area and out of your area, just yay.

Bella: I think it's been so great.

Megan Ellsworth: That's what we love to hear.

Bella: Well, thank you for giving the platform, by the way.

Megan Ellsworth: Of course, it is our pleasure. Always our pleasure. So lastly, I'm sad, last question, this has been so fun. What would your walkup song be?

Bella: Okay, Panda by... I have to see who it's by. It's by Desiigner, but just that first 45 seconds.

Megan Ellsworth: Oh yes.

Bella: So good. It's okay. It gets me so hyped.

Megan Ellsworth: I love that. That's so niche too.

Bella: That's why it's great.

Megan Ellsworth: That's great. And also lastly, how did you fall into roofing? What's kind of your roofing story?

Bella: No story. So I do marketing and I don't know anything about roofing until I got hired by Roof Experts. So what's neat about Roof Experts is there's a lot of family that works in Roof Experts. So I have a sibling, there's like dads and brothers and whatever and so that's why everybody in it is so close and it's such a special group of people. But that's how I got involved was because my brother's there and he was like, I've done marketing for about six years. So he was like, "I need your help with that." So I jumped in and have been doing that. So I love it. I'm still learning about ruing, don't get me wrong, but marketing, I got it down.

Megan Ellsworth: Wow, that's so great. Well, I work with my brother too, so we can complain about it later.

Bella: Okay. So the Panda song, every time I call him, he just blasts it in my ear, so that's why I chose it.

Megan Ellsworth: What a brother thing.

Bella: Annoying.

Megan Ellsworth: So annoying. Well, Bella, this has been an absolute blast. This yet been by far the funnest roofer of the month podcast I've ever done.

Bella: Let's do it again.

Megan Ellsworth: Congratulations on being this month's roofer of the month. We love Roof Experts. We're so glad that you guys are so involved. Love seeing your faces on the coffee break, like I said before, congratulations and we love you guys.

Bella: Oh, thank you. We love you guys too. And we'll see you about this month's too

Megan Ellsworth: Yes. So everyone listening to this, the December coffee break will be before the holidays, so make sure all the R-Club members out there attend and get to hear more about Roof Experts on that.

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