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Lorna Rojas - Empoderando a las Mujeres en la Industria de los Techos - Transcripción del podcast

Lorna Rojas - Empoderando a las Mujeres en la Industria de los Techos - Transcripción del podcast
February 12, 2025 at 6:00 p.m.

Nota del editor: La siguiente es la transcripción de una entrevista con Lorna Rojas de Tremco Roofing and Waterproofing. Puedes leer la entrevista a continuación o escuchar el podcast.

Itzel Najera: Bienvenidos de nuevo a otro episodio de la voz de los roferos con Itzel Nágena y Lorna Rojas. Hola Lorna, ¿cómo está?

Lorna Rojas: Hola, buenas tarde, encantada de estar aquí.

Itzel Najera: Nice to you. It's great that you here with us again. Now we are going to about the NWIR days in IRB. And how have you felt? The next month

Lorna Rojas: Yes, we very excited and very busy trying to everything we can share. It will be only two days for us as National Women's Roofing Day. It is quite material, but we are trying to find the most appropriate to introduce all the topics and all the opportunities that will exist in National Women's Roofing Day, specifically the most for the Spanish And well, that's

Itzel Najera: Well, can you tell me a little bit about your career and how the National Women in Roofing the Hispanic and what it means to be a

Lorna Rojas: Yes, well, I started in the construction industry about 20 years ago and think that for last 13, 14 years I in the roofing I started in the roofing first I had worked in the work department trying to do job placement for construction and then at a given moment I was looking for job, I started with a construction that precisely saw the need to have a person with human a person who could guide on the development of their career and how to go, trying to a path of development within the roofing and that's how it started. In 2016, I started quickly, National Women in Roofing I and then on I always saw the need for something that was more for the Hispanic same organization and the same concept because it a very good but maybe in the Spanish because although there are many that are bilingual, there are also some that dominate Spanish more and I understand that to help them develop, have to provide the channels so that they can express themselves in the best possible way and that's how was that in 2023 when I was in National Women in Roofing Day. One person made a story of how difficult it was for to there and sometimes he didn't understand and he wanted start a business and that's when I said, let me see if I make effort with other people who are also in the industry, I already know how the...

Lorna Rojas: The world of the Hispanics for the Ruferos. And so that's where the idea from. first year was organized from 1923 to 1924, but by 1924 there were more people who decided to join the group we have on WhatsApp, they cleared up doubts and got to know each Last year we the National Rufing Day, we started having a Spanish but

This year we have all the educational in Spanish and we were thinking of making a small change and making a round which is called Women's Talk, which is to talk about different topics and different ideas for working in 2025.

Itzel Najera: I have been in the one that she in Western and she coordinated the round and I was able to meet many women who could only give advice, that made me...

Lorna Rojas: Bye.

Itzel Najera: National Women in Roofing Days important.

Lorna Rojas: Well, diversity within the roofing is very obvious. 90 % of industry, at least of the warfarin field, is Hispanic. And we have seen over past two years that apart from Hispanic men, are Hispanic Many of these Hispanic women have started because they like it or for some reason they have family Others have started because their husbands have had... this program, the company of roofing and they take of all the administrative and I believe that then there arises that dynamic that if they can, I can and started to roofing but the industry of roofing is only to be on the roof, those who are the labor, the roofers who make the roofs, this comes from women who are estimators, there women who are contractors. career development and HR.

Itzel Najera: Okay.

Lorna Rojas: That of... of leading with strength, that is... That's a topic that's not like a session. The session that's for National Women's Refund Day 2025 is to the round table. Why? Because it was changed because there were many topics. And that's the perfect opportunity to share and prepare a work plan with everyone. But the about leading with strength...

Itzel Najera: MSR.

Itzel Najera: Okay.

Lorna Rojas: El concepto es este... to the perspective and reinforce the values of how important is to work together, how important is to give importance only to your goals, but also the goals and the goals of other colleagues. This same sense of, as I say, I have been 20 years there are others who have 2, there others who have 5, there are people who that work in sales and other...

Well, working with force leads us to that communication and to educate each other because I have many women who call me, because they trying to develop a business or because they already have a company but they are looking for how to programs to recruit, programs for retention, how to value the employee and all this type of resources that they understand that are important and that we can't do or we can do it, but we will take much longer, and apart from that, the input from different areas and different perspectives is important.

Itzel Najera: So, mentioned as is que en la mesa redonda van a crear un plan de negocio.

Lorna Rojas: No, no, plan de trabajo para el 2025 porque originalmente yo pensaba hacer el plan original era dar una sesión de salud mental en la construcción por el hecho de que la industria de la construcción salió la más alta en suicidios.

Itzel Najera: planet.

Itzel Najera: Yeah.

Lorna Rojas: So, estamos tratando de dar un programa que el programa ya está hecho y de hecho, eso es de las cosas que vamos a anunciar, va a ser en marzo, vamos a comenzar con el programa de Mental Health in Construction en español. Es un programa de tres horas, este yo lo voy a dar. pues, espero.

Itzel Najera: You

Lorna Rojas: When different opinions on how to this business, how they can do all these things that I mentioned, then the idea of doing it on the round because the round gives us opportunity to on many topics briefly, but that we can expand during 2025, whether it is doing a monthly whether it through Rufers Coffee Shop, we can give different and talk about each topic in particular, but when presenting them all, idea is to the feedback and more of each topic and then that's how we're going work on 2025.

Itzel Najera: Good.

Itzel Najera: That fascinates me, seeing the perspective of others, of what they of how we can help and listen to to be take them to the next level of their business. As some there are some who are contractors, there others who are starting out and you have that opportunity to have those round tables, it helps more or less to see where they and how we can help them.

Lorna Rojas: Yes, and eventually we use an example. We are trying to take of National Women in Rufinday because we are to all congregated there at the same time. And many times it is a bit difficult during the year, you know, or during meetings. But eventually can make other meetings with a specific

Itzel Najera: You.

Itzel Najera: Yeah, that would be cool to see how they put together. The textile industry has traditionally been dominated by men. How do you women, especially Latinas, breaking that barrier and transforming the textile

Lorna Rojas: Mm-hmm.

Lorna Rojas: Lo que yo veo es un buen...

In Latin there are so many Hispanic but Latin has taken a lot of because they come from families that have a roofing or with their sports. I think they have learned and in the process of learning, some of them tell that they only help their husbands.

You in ruffing but you are ruffing, you are managing, you are working in accounting, you are working in sales because you for materials, for work, so you have to, you have to, you have have to that awareness that they are already doing, look, I am able to do different roles within the industry or within a business and then this, it changes. Remember that

Itzel Najera: Good.

Lorna Rojas: We are women of many generations and our culture is built in a male that's how it looks.

Itzel Najera: Day.

Lorna Rojas: Pues tu los llevas a realizar que lo pueden hacer y a mi por lo general me gusta mucho un ejemplo. Yo tengo una muchacha que yo conocí, yo la reclute de hecho en Puerto Rico en mi país y ella empezó como labor y después terminó aprendiendo, siguió aprendiendo y se hizo como gerente de seguridad, de safety. Entonces tu ves esas cosas y tu te das cuenta del potencial.

And when it's summer, can a woman arrive if the others who already more experience or are in another stage of life arrive? Right now we are practicing a program in a camp for construction that are made in summer and it very interesting to how they start on Monday and how they are able in matter of five days and they are very young I think the goal should be to organize first. And eventually share this, share with schools, with vocational there is a lot to do.

Itzel Najera: And I it's true, as you you realize everything a woman does. Maybe the man is doing the labor, but everything that comes so that he can go to that business. Organizing well, knowing what work you need, the material, managing your husband's and knowing what to do and knowing that there is help when you don't know how accounting or when you don't... Or maybe you have like desafío que no puedes o no sabes cómo ayudarte con eso.

Lorna Rojas: Yes, and this is a more personal example. My husband owns a company in Puerto Rico. When I started helping him, I started seeing all the templates of the proposals, how estimate materials, how to contact the client So you realize that you helping in a project. But all the skills you can develop from sales, from the estimated and you really learn.

Itzel Najera: No, si. Y es perfecto que hay grupos así como este que pueden ir, comunicarse y saber que es que necesitan las mujeres cuando se atraban o no saben dónde ir. Eso me fascina mucho. Ok. Este, queridia...

Lorna Rojas: Stay healthy.

Itzel Najera: Hispanic woman who is willing to the textile but who may have doubts about the stereotypes. What advice would you to a woman who wants to start in this industry but who doesn't dare to do it?

Lorna Rojas: I would encourage you the complete your registration and membership, and just think that the organization exists because there are many women who are in the same position and a moment they have had the initiative or they have had it in their mind, either to create a company or to a role within the construction. Because to form an organization you need to have a core, you need to people who are focused and with the same vision. the fact that National Women in Rufy is a national shows that it is a woman who thinks the There many women in many areas of country.

And from other countries, because I communicated with them, I that Mexico has a... it's not National Women's Refuge, but another women's in the textile and they are celebrating the day too. And I understand that... We have had the opportunity to start here and it will something that in the future will spread to many countries that will be Hispanic. well, because we are from different countries, are Mexico, are from El Salvador, there are from Guatemala. So everyone can in a certain way be the ambassador of National Women in Roofing in their own country.

Itzel Najera: And so we can all together and see how everyone is giving up on a topic like roofing. you tell us can become members of National Women in Roofing or where you can go to be part of this community?

Lorna Rojas: No sé si tú tienes el link ahí de que lo puedas poner en el chat de National One in Roofing, pero una vez entran a la página, en el menú hay una selección de membership, de membresía, y pues entran, llenan su información y una vez ustedes completan la registración, una de las personas de la organización, o si es que prefieren español, pues yo me encargo con ellas de contactarlas.

This is a different in Spain. is the same organization sharing resources in Spanish so that they the opportunity. I work with Katie, who is the director, everything I do, everything I plan to I communicate with her and everything has to go according to the organization.

Itzel Najera: Perfect. So you know, if you want to a National Women in Roofing I'm going to put a link down in the description so you can become a member. And don't miss the two days we're to be in IRB so you go, connect with more people. There are excuses. Here we have a very cool so you can meet and talk to Lorna so you have everything you need and grow in your business.

¿Algo más que gustaría agregar?

Lorna Rojas: Yes, well, nothing, you become a member and you have the opportunity to to Texas And above all, when we I have to find out what day is the round but it is very important that they try to go as much as possible because regardless of what backstage I am working with Katie, the ideal is that everything what is put in that work plan is based on your because that is the purpose, help you and continue developing. try to to that session, participate and think about what problems you have had or what you would to in the future and then from there we will pick up some notes and a...So, People skills.

Itzel Najera: You.

Lorna Rojas: What makes you is not title, but your skills. All the acquired through the different experiences. That's what we're for. To help them to realize all the skills they have, what they are capable of doing, and lead them to the right and give them ideas. Because sometimes I teach on different subjects and then the job I give them... you and other people, it helps me develop other different and I learn and you learn.

Itzel Najera: Here we are going learn with the sessions and have to develop and know that we are more than we think we are. That's it. We are everything.

Lorna Rojas: Mm-hmm, that's good.

Lorna Rojas: Another thing I would like to share, we have mentioned before that we a WhatsApp that we communicate, that is more to notify us when there are events, if someone has any questions that arise in a project, the AACI and another person who knows it answers that, the number is 507-363-6430.

I don't know if you write it 507-363-6430. So they sent me a message that they want me send them invitation of What's Up? The National Women in Roofing and from there I know the details.

Itzel Najera: Give me that again. 507. 363. Perfect.

Itzel Najera: Perfect, we'll connect by WhatsApp and we'll see in IRB, Rufers Coffee Shop in Spanish will be there for two days, taking all the context and taking all the sessions so you can't miss it if you can't go, but there we will have videos of what is happening. So don't miss it. Thank you so Lorna for being here with me today and see you in San Antonio.

Lorna Rojas: No, but that was all, thank you for the opportunity. Bye.


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