By Cayden Wemple.
As we get deeper into the 2020’s, construction companies are continuing to commit to greener initiatives that will help preserve our planet. Franklin International is no exception, and a representative of Franklin, Darci Kunard, discusses some of the progress they’ve made to make their company greener on a new episode of Roofing Road Trips with Heidi J. Ellsworth.
Franklin International is a chemical producer that is committed to making their product safer. “We want to make our earth better,” Darci told Heidi. “We know that air quality is so, so important to all of us and [we are] ensuring all of our products do not cloud up your home or the atmosphere with high VOCs, which is volatile organic compounds.”
She continued, “Franklin is very passionate about making sure that our products are not only very good for the environment, but also good for our manufacturing process and the people who make those. We want to make sure that we are doing good things when we're manufacturing these products and that when people are putting them in their houses that they are not being exposed to anything harmful.”
Unfortunately, chemicals with high VOC rates are good roofing products, and there are other companies that make products with low VOC rates, but they are not suitable for the roof. That’s where Franklin International products differ. Darci explained, “Franklin really dove in with their expertise with all of our chemistry backgrounds and all of our polymers where we've really created products that also perform. And so those are products you can apply hot or cold, wet or dry, underwater, doesn't matter.”
Learn more about Franklin International in their Coffee Shop Directory or visit
About Cayden
Cayden is a reporter for RoofersCoffeeShop, MetalCoffeeShop and AskARoofer. When he isn’t writing about roofs, he’s usually playing guitar or writing songs for his musical endeavors.
About Franklin International
Franklin International is among the largest privately held manufacturers of adhesives and sealants in the United States. The company opened in 1935 as the Franklin Glue Company with the first of what would be a long line of adhesive solutions. To address a major concern in the furniture manufacturing industry, Franklin developed the first ready-to-use liquid hide glue. It could be applied at room temperature instead of the 140°F required for traditional hide glue, and it allowed for 20 minutes of assembly time instead of two. That liquid hide glue is still widely used for interior woodworking, musical instruments and antique restoration. Today, Franklin Glue Company is known as Franklin International to reflect its (or “their” – up to you) global distribution across 60 countries on six continents around the globe.
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