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National Roofing Contractors Association Announces Notable International Roofing Expo 2017 Events

February 24, 2017 at 6:15 a.m.

The NRCA has released its notable events that will be held throughout the International Roofing Expo this year in Las Vegas.

Tuesday, Feb. 28 

Enterprise Risk Management: Leveraging Risk for Profit in Your Company - 1– 4 p.m.

Summary: A half-day program designed to show roofing contractors how to identify their company’s risk, develop a company risk profile and implement the steps to manage it.

Location: Tradewinds C

Presenters: Tom Shanahan, NRCA’s Vice President of Enterprise Risk Management Chad Collins, President, Bone Dry Roofing Co., Athens, Ga. Monica Cameron, Vice President, Diamond Roofing, Manhattan, Kan. David Hesse, Vice President, Kalkreuth Roofing and Sheet MetalFrederick, Md. John Miller, Superintendent, Acme Roofing and Sheet Metal Co., Dothan, Ala. Gary Kerley, Vice President, Crane Renovation Group, Greenville, S.C.

Wednesday, March 1

Wind Design for Roof Assemblies - 7:45 – 9:15 a.m.

Summary: A discussion of the fundamentals of wind design for roof assemblies and the International Building Code’s minimum requirements. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), FM Global and Underwriters Laboratories (UL) also have guidelines and standards applicable to wind design of roof assemblies that will be discussed.

Location:  Islander B

Speaker:  Mark Graham, NRCA’s Vice President of Technical Services

Annual National Roofing Legal Resource Center (NRLRC) Luncheon - 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Summary: Hear from some of the industry’s top legal and technical experts about how roofing contractors can limit their liability and protect themselves from legal, technical and relationship problems. Topics include moisture in structural lightweight concrete roof decks; wind uplift testing; impact-resistant asphalt shingles; and employment practices liability insurance.

Location:  Islander DE

Thursday, March 2

2017 Alliance Construction Management Student Competition - 7:45 – 11:15 a.m.

Summary: The Alliance’s student competition is a hallmark competition that promotes careers in roofing industry management. This competition challenges students’ roofing knowledge, construction management skills, time management, and organizational and presentation skills. Each team will make a maximum 15-minute presentation followed by a 10-minute question-and-answer period.

Location:  Islander I

NRCA Technical Operations Committee Programs and Issues - 9:30 – 11 a.m.

Summary: An overview of current and developing roofing-related technical issues roofing contractors, designer and manufacturers and suppliers should be aware of. Issues relating to steep- and low-slope roof systems will be addressed as well as newly-developed NRCA technical positions and publications.

Location:  Islander A

Speakers: Mark Graham, NRCA’s Vice President of Technical Services Matt Dupuis, Principal, SRI, Middleton, Wis.

NRCA Industry Awards Ceremony and Cocktail Reception - 5 – 7 p.m.

Summary: NRCA will formally recognize the roofing industry’s most prestigious awards, including the J.A. Piper Award, CNA/NRCA Community Involvement Award, NRCA’s Gold Circle Awards, The Roofing Industry Alliance for Progress’ Most Valuable Player (MVP) Awards and the winner of The Alliance’s Construction Management Student Competition.

Location:  South Pacific E-I

Friday, March 3

OSHA’s New Crystalline Silica Construction Regulation – How it Affects Roofing Operations - 7:45 – 9:15 a.m.

Summary: A discussion of the tasks and processes in roofing that may expose workers to respirable silica dust and health hazards that result from silica exposure. Provisions of the new silica regulation applicable to construction work will be covered.

Location:  Islander B

Speakers:  Harry Dietz, NRCA’s Director of Risk Management

For questions or more information about the International Roofing Expo contact Charlotte Norgaard, Media Relations Manager at (847) 493-7548 or cnorgaard@nrca.net.


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