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Improve Your Service Department with Software Integration

Cotney Consulting Partnering software and Service
December 13, 2022 at 3:00 p.m.

By Alec Doniger. 

In today’s technology-driven world, it’s essential for companies to adapt and use software to enhance their quality of service. 

In an RLW recorded in July 2022, Heidi J. Ellsworth dives deep with experts from Cotney Consulting Group and Jobba to discover what role software plays in running a successful service department. John Kenney is the CEO of Cotney and has extensive knowledge of the roofing industry. He’s worked in roofing for decades and is well-established in the community. Eugene Zukowski and Jim Rizzo work for Jobba, which is a software that helps contractors manage their roofing project data. Outdated methods for organizing data and providing customers with service can cost your contracting company a fortune. Recognizing that good customer service and technology go together can give your company a leg up in this industry.  

When asked why contractors should have a service and maintenance program, John responded by explaining how data is allowing service departments to generate the most profit for companies. “There is no doubt that service is the highest profitability division [of] any roofing contractor,” he explains. “It is also known as the great recession survivor. Service will be done when other things can't be done.”  

Having a well-organized database for your contracting company is the easiest way to ensure that your customers are satisfied. Jobba is making this process fast and easy for all roofing contractors. 

Establishing a successful service department is not a fool-proof endeavor, however. It is important to be smart about which clients you choose or reject.

“I know it's always hard to turn someone away, but remember, this is a high-profit division,” John notes. It’s important to be mindful of which clients are a good match for your company. If you have multiple clients, though, it can be hard to keep track of the ones that benefit you the most. This is another reason why data, software and service must all function together. If you have lots of data, but no software to organize it with, your business will slow down as you attempt to communicate with your team which clients to be cognizant of. This inevitably reduces your service quality to an outdated standard. Jobba and other software like it is alleviating this issue on a large scale.

If you’re thinking about starting a service department within your company, don’t hesitate to listen to this insightful RLW! Discover what industry software can do for you and your company.

Read, Listen or Watch the full webinar to find out more about software and service.

Learn more about Jobba in their RoofersCoffeeShop® Directory or visit jobba.com.

About Alec 

Alec is a reporter for RoofersCoffeeShop, MetalCoffeeShop and AskARoofer. When he isn’t investigating the state of the roofing industry, you might find him playing drums with his bands in Denver.

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