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How to Successfully Retain and Recruit Despite the Labor Shortage

Cotney Consulting Field Leadership Training
January 24, 2023 at 6:00 a.m.

By Cass Jacoby.  

In an upcoming RLW, John Kenney and Heidi J. Ellsworth discuss how strong field leadership training is key to building a work culture that attracts and maintains a skilled workforce. 

RoofersCoffeeShop® has made it easier than ever for members of the roofing and construction industries to learn how they want, when they want, where they want with their Read, Listen, Watch (RLW) initiative. Whether you want to read a transcript, listen to a podcast or watch a webinar, the Coffee Shop has made it possible for you to learn your way. 

In an upcoming RLW, Heidi J. Ellsworth meets with John Kenney from Cotney Consulting to talk about how to better recruit and retain labor amidst the labor crisis.  

It is no secret that the labor shortage has been restructuring the roofing industry for the past few years, and as the labor shortage continues, roofing companies are finding new ways to retain their workforce. A great way to do so is through developing field leadership crew training that simultaneously empowers employees and attracts new recruits. 

In order to keep top talent at your company, you need to provide strong career paths, and provide levels of respect and empowerment that lead to financial, professional and personal success. Successfully attracting and retaining leaders to your company comes from a strong training process that defines and creates a culture that your employees are excited to embrace and tell others about. 

In this upcoming webinar, John covers how ongoing leadership training for employees working on the roof can help you build the culture you need to succeed beyond the labor shortage. Learn about how the face of field crews is changing, and how you can adapt to accommodate the incoming generation of field crews as they join the industry. 

Join Heidi Ellsworth and John Kenney on February 1, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. PT to learn more about how you and your employees can thrive regardless of the labor shortage. 

Register for this RLW and commit to building training processes that actively help you maintain and build a string workforce. 

About Cass  

Cass works as a reporter/writer for RoofersCoffeeShop, AskARoofer and MetalCoffeeShop. When she isn’t writing about roofs, she is putting her Master degree to work writing about movies and dancing with her plants.

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