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The First Step You Must Take to Grow Your Construction Business

APR - GuestBlog - FollowupCRM - The First Step You Must Take to Grow Your Construction Business
April 19, 2018 at 3:25 p.m.

We believe that if we can help companies create the right habits within their sales process, then we are doing our job in helping the industry become more successful.

By Followup CRM.

Let’s begin the conversation of what we believe is the first step to building a successful construction sales organization that is sustainable and will last.

The first step is deciding if you’re going to be a transaction focused company or a company built on forming long-lasting relationships.

You must define “Who You Are”

The reason why this is important is because if you don’t define who you are, anything that comes your way then you’ll just “bid it”. This isn’t always a great place to be because you’ll bid it just to bid it because someone said it was an exciting job.

If you’re going to be transaction focused, you’re going to bid just about anything. The reason why this isn’t always a great place to be is because the price will always be the determining factor in the decision. If you are going to be in that market, then you’ve got to be a really low-cost producer and you’ll typically be working on lower margins.

If you’re going to be on the relationship side of the business, this is where you’re negotiating jobs. You have to have built a reputation and have earned the right to negotiate with a client.

So ask yourself, what direction are you going? Who are we?

The reason is because you can’t be all things to everybody. The most important thing you should do is decide who you are, you’re better off to pick what you’re going to go after and get focused and become great at it.

For example, going after commercial work and residential work is difficult with the same set of staff. These are really 2 different business models and need to be treated like to different businesses altogether.

So ask yourself, are you a transaction focused company or a relationship-focused company?

Next week we are posting an article to continue this series: “The Critical Decision You Must Make About Sales and Estimating” so stay tuned!

Happy Selling!

-The FollowUp Power Team

P.S. – Did you know we are now offering a Free Trial of our Sales CRM program for Contractors? Schedule a time with us and get your sales going today!

Editor’s note: This article first appeared on Followup CRM’s blog and can be viewed here.

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