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Evolving the Roof Welding Process

Leister Live at IRE
May 11, 2023 at 12:00 p.m.

By Evelyn Witterholt. 

Dave Nordentoft from Leister shares with us the innovative processes their company has to offer, including automatic welding. 

Roofing companies are always looking for ways to improve their processes and one of the best ways to do this is by utilizing technology. We got the chance to speak with Dave Nordentoft, roofing projects manager from Leister, about what technology they believe is a game-changer for roofers. One of the technologies he discussed with us was their automatic welders. 

Leister is a well-known plastic welding and industrial hot-air applications company that has been around for over 70 years. They offer a variety of tools for roofers, including heat guns and laser systems. Dave tells us that their automatic welders are the next great piece of technology. 

According to Dave, the development of their automatic welders, like the UNIROOF 300, came as a result of them wanting to improve the process of the hand welding process. “With the automatic welder, you're now digitally regulating things like temperature and speed and airflow and that type of thing, and the weight of the machine is providing consistent welding pressure,” he says. “The products that we've bringing in are all with the effort to try to make the overall quality control and quality management of the entire project, better.” 

One of the welders they have been highlighting is their UNIDRIVE 500, a semi-automatic welding tool that Dave says is a good mix of automatic and hand welding. Because there are some roofing jobs where hand welding is the better choice, Leister still offers tools that can work both ways. Either way, Dave assures us that Leister’s tools will give your roofing business the productivity boost it needs.  

“There's always going to be applications where we know for sure, yeah, hand welder's the right choice. We're trying to bridge that gap,” Dave says. “Once the users become quite competent in working with it, they're going to see a productivity boost as well,” Dave says. “They're going to see better productivity as measured in feet per minute when you start to get comfortable in working with a tool like that."

Learn more about Leister in their Coffee Shop Directory or visit www.leister.com.

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