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Everything changes but stays the same

Everything changes but stays the same
September 20, 2024 at 6:00 a.m.

By Heidi J. Ellsworth.

Thoughts on mergers and acquisitions as Kingspan acquires IB Roof Systems.

The industry continues to be rocked by mergers and acquisitions and some worry that we will never be the same. But after thirty years in the roofing industry, we have seen these changes and consolidations more than once. Every time new businesses are born and companies rise to new levels through acquisition. Of course, some companies will also become a page in the roofing history book as their brand is incorporated into new brands.

But today, I see an exciting opportunity for companies as they find the right partnerships. It takes time, energy and perseverance to wait for the right opportunity but when you do, it can hold great potential. With the announcement of the acquisition of IB Roof Systems by Kingspan, it is one of those moments.

Visiting with Jason Stanley, CEO of IB Roof Systems, he has only optimism and excitement about the announcement.  In fact, he quoted Charles Darwin, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” I was struck by this quote in that it is about adaptability in today’s world and being able to see a bigger picture than what has been. Jason stated, “Take a look around, and what do you see? Unprecedented consolidation and vertical integration that very few have seen in our lifetime.”

He shared with me his thoughts on the journey to get to today’s announcement, “I have rebuffed attempts to sell countless times. So why now, and why Kingspan? It's quite an easy answer: aligned core values, decentralized business structure, brand integrity and vertical integration of insulation in the most critical part of the roof assembly.”  The bigger picture of long-term potential and valuing company culture is taking the lead in these types of decisions like never before.

“I am proud to have partnered with Kingspan, the global market leader in insulation,” continued Jason. “This new chapter allows IB Roof Systems to compete at a higher level and grow the company and brand bigger than I ever could have alone. I have doubled down on my vision, my leadership and my strategy.” For an industry that is seeing this type of activity every day, it is exciting to know that the heart of the roofing culture and industry continues to thrive and as we all know it is about the people. Congratulations to both IB Roof Systems and Kingspan!

See full press release for the IB Roof Systems acquisition by Kingspan and visit the IB Roof Systems Directory.

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About Heidi

Heidi is the president of The Coffee Shops. She is very involved with roofing associations and helped launch the Roofing Technology Think Tank (RT3) and National Women in Roofing. When she isn't working she likes going for walks and playing cribbage.

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