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Cycling to Fight MS

Johns Manville  Cycling to Fight MS
January 21, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.

By Johns Manville. 

Johns Manville employees participated in the largest fundraising cycling series in the world to raise funds for finding a cure for multiple sclerosis.  

This past June, Johns Manville (JM) employees participated in the annual MS 150 bicycle ride to raise over $41,000 to find a cure for multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease where the immune system eats away at the protective covering of nerves, resulting in nerve damage that disrupts communication between the brain and the body. 

26 JM employees took the MS 150 Bike Tour challenge, biking 150 miles over two days. The event is the largest fundraising cycling series in the world, bringing together nearly 75,000 cyclists with a mission to change the world for people with MS. 

JM regularly sponsors a rest stop along the route – a project of the JM STARS program – where volunteers provide beverages and snacks to the riders. At the finish line, volunteers from JM serve a catered meal to thank and celebrate the team of cyclists from JM who take part in the ride. 

“I'm in awe of the JM STARS Volunteer Team and what they accomplished during the Bike MS 150,” said Chrissy Johnson, co-chair of the JM STARS board, who served as co-captain of Team JM this year and coordinated the volunteer activities. “It's no small feat to keep 1,500 riders safe, deliver the JM experience, and have fun at the same time, but the JM STARS volunteers succeeded with flying colors and made it look easy too. It's a privilege to work alongside such kind, committed humans.”   

This year, nearly 50 JMers, their friends and colleagues, took part in the 150-mile ride from Westminster to Fort Collins as part of Team JM and raised more than $41,000. Another 27 people – 18 JMers and their family members – volunteered to support the ride and riders. 

“Volunteering as Team JM Captain in charge of rider experience is very rewarding,” said Michele Blackburn, a Portfolio Manager in Engineered Products at WHQ. “Seeing Team JM accomplish tough cycling goals and raise over $40,000 to fight MS feels great!  I am honored to be part of the team that can make a great JM experience for our riders!” 

Learn more about Johns Manville in their RoofersCoffeeShop® Directory or visit https://www.jm.com

Original article source: Johns Manville

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