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Coatings (and life) are all about the journey

Progressive Materials - Coatings (and life) are all about the journey
January 8, 2025 at 6:00 a.m.

By Emma Peterson.

How Progressive Materials supports contractors and applicators in the field.  

In this episode of CoatingsCast, Megan Ellsworth sat down with Jeff Romero from Progressive Materials (PM) to talk about how they set themselves apart from the manufacturing crowd and help contractors arrive with the best results using their coatings products. Jeff is the technical and education coordinator at PM and has been working in the industry on a whole for almost two decades now. He shared with Megan that when he started in the industry, he wasn’t actually a huge fan of coatings, but after learning a lot about it he realized “that coatings are a big part of the future of the industry, and it's a really good part of the industry.”

Jeff then started working at PM in 2020 as a regional manager after working as a roofer for a while. He shared a bit of what the company does, saying, “At its core, PM makes silicone, we make and we sell silicone. But the bigger thing that PM does is kind of what the technical department, the department I'm part of now, what we do is we're all about support of our contractors.” For Jeff, this is what makes PM stand out. He explained, “As a roofer, every manufacturer tells you, ‘We want to partner with you, we want to partner with you.’ And they kind of throw that partner word around. PM really doesn't use that word lightly.”

For PM, being a partner to contractors in the field means that they will be there, helping in any capacity they can from the start of a project to the end. Whether they are walking on the roof with contractors prior to the start of the job to video calling across the country to advise on unique situations, PM is there for their applicators. Not only do they do this because they care about their contractors, but they also care about their products and want the best results possible and the key to that is the application journey. Jeff explained, “I think the finished product is not really as important as what leads up to the finished product. We have to vet that roof. We have to make sure that it's actually a coat-able roof, first of all. Once we establish that, then we have to execute correctly. That finished product is kind of this culmination of all these things that you do leading up to it.”

Read the transcript, Listen to the episode or Watch the recording to learn more about how Jeff and Progressive Materials support contractors in the field.

Learn more about Progressive Materials in their Coffee Shop Directory or visit www.ProgressiveMaterials.com.

About Emma

Emma Peterson is a writer at The Coffee Shops and AskARoofer™. Raised in the dreary and fantastical Pacific Northwest, she graduated in 2024 from Pacific University in Oregon with a degree in creative writing and minors in graphic design and Chinese language. Between overthinking everything a little bit, including this bio, she enjoys watching movies with friends, attending concerts and trying to cook new recipes.

About Progressive Materials

Progressive Materials is a silicone roof coating manufacturer headquartered in southern Indiana. Their regional managers cover all corners of the contiguous US, Hawaii, Alaska, and the Caribbean. Progressive Materials also sell internationally through our distribution partners. With leadership possessing over 100 combined years of roofing industry experience, they are more than capable of answering your questions and providing innovative solutions to your roofing problems.

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