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A Modern Metropolis With a Green Thumb

Carroll Consulting Frankfurt Green Roofs
October 14, 2023 at 6:00 a.m.

By Dani Sheehan. 

See how one of the hottest cities in Germany is working toward a cooler future. 

The world’s population has surpassed eight billion people this year, and as the population continues to increase, metropolitan cities are growing with it. With climate change threatening the environment, there is a constant battle in the construction world between building concrete jungles to account for people dwelling in urban areas and preserving the environment to reduce the heat island effect. RoofersCoffeeShop® partner Rich Carroll from Carroll Consulting Group noticed that one city in Germany seems to be managing both in an incredibly sustainable way and he shared photos from his trip with us for this article. 

Considered the financial capital of Germany, Frankfurt is a modern metropolis, home to one of the largest international airports across Europe, Germany’s tallest skyscrapers and the largest urban forests in the country. Their Department for Environment and Health emphasizes sustainability and green building throughout the city. The city is also home to the largest amount of energy efficient office buildings and passive apartment buildings in Germany.  

Within city limits new buildings are required to have green roof systems or green facades to help cool the hottest city in Germany. The plants absorb heat out of the air while also insulating the buildings by reducing noise and filtering out dust and other pollutants. A traditional black rooftop can heat up over 70 degrees Celsius during the summer months, which is over 150 degrees Fahrenheit. With green roof gardens, those same roofs remain under 90 degrees Fahrenheit, reducing energy costs and degradation of the roof from UV radiation. 

Hoping to become an exemplary green city, Frankfurt’s commitment to sustainability draws interest from experts around the world. The city has a commitment to protect the climate by transitioning their power supply to 100% renewable energy by 2050. Buildings have some of the greatest potential for energy savings and through renovation and innovative solutions, many buildings can reduce their energy consumption by more than 50%.  

How is your company contributing to a more sustainable construction industry? Share your thoughts in the comments below to continue the conversation! 

Photo credit: Carroll Consulting Group

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About Dani

Dani is a writer for The Coffee Shops and AskARoofer™. When she's not writing or researching, she's teaching yoga classes or exploring new hiking trails.

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