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4 tips to igniting positive change in your company culture

Creativate ignite Positive Change
February 4, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.

By Christine Hockman and Michelle Miller, Creativate. 

By shifting your mindset as a leader, you can get your employees off autopilot and build more joy and fulfillment into their days. 

Building a positive workplace culture is more important than ever these days. Currently, 44% of the workforce is looking for a new job and over the last year nearly four million people are quitting their jobs each month. 60% of those people did not have another job waiting for them. So why are they quitting? People are burnt out and disengaged. The experts at Creativate have some tips for business-owners to check on their company culture to make sure they are intentionally attracting and retaining employees to avoid large workforce losses. 

It is important to note that the roofing industry hasn’t been immune from this phenomenon. Contractors, manufacturers, distributors and consultants are experiencing these issues on top of an existing shortage of qualified employees. Now, more than ever, it's critical we focus on retaining these employees we’ve worked so hard to recruit. While you can’t control all the uncertainty and change happening in the world, there is one thing you can control: How you show up as a leader. Regardless of your title, you play an important role in your company culture. 

Many leaders we talk to find it challenging to empower and inspire their teams right now. That's why we presented a session at the International Roofing Expo (IRE) in Dallas, Texas in March. We shared how leaders of all kinds can make positive shifts in their mindset, energy, presence and communication to vastly improve their effectiveness, team culture, employee engagement and retention (all while feeling more fully charged in their days). Our session is founded on four pillars of positive leadership, which follow below.  

1 - Positive leaders show the way  

They don't just say the way — they show the way, by role modeling the behavior and energy they wish to see in others, through good times and challenging times; they know someone is always watching and learning from them. 

2 - Positive leaders are intentional 

They decide how they want to show up and take ownership for their state; they summon and project positive energy, not allowing low-level energy to keep them in a negative state for too long or to bring others down. 

3 - Positive leaders empower others 

They allow for mistakes and learning to grow; they provide support, celebration and gratitude; they allow people to live authentically, find their own answers and generate their own ideas for solving problems. 

4 - Positive leaders light fires 

They look for the potential in people and bring it out; they cultivate an environment where people can thrive, feel vibrant and pursue something meaningful; they fan the flame of passion in others. 

We shared these concepts in an interactive, engaging and fun format. We had people moving and talking, and gave participants real, tangible tools to start making their own small shifts in leadership — as soon as they stepped onto the trade show floor after our session. 

Leaders confirmed with us after the session that they felt more excited and hopeful about sparking positive change in their teams. 

Original article source: Creativate

Learn more about Creativate in their Coffee Shop Directory or visit www.growwithcreativate.com.

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