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 Have you ever had an interesting conversation that you wish you could remember? A conversation that you learned something from? A conversation that you tried to listen and understand someone’s point of view, even if you didn’t quite agree?  Well, Welcome to the Heidi and Vickie Show.  H & V have been invested in the roofing industry for over 30 years. Roofing is in their blood.  The conversations they have are about educating each other, always supporting the industry, they just come at many issues from different directions. Please listen to these smart women who have a passion for roofing.

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Heidi and Vickie Show Overcoming Challenges of New Products

Heidi and Vickie Show- Overcoming the Challenges of New Products

S1: E13 Overcoming the Challenges of a New Product Heidi and Vickie discuss the woes of trying out new products. Listen to this week's episode to hear more about the new updates to rooferscoffeeshop.com and the latest products and technology the roofing industry has to offer. Recorded July 11, 2020. Read the ...

Heidi and Vickie Show Until you Walk in their Shoes

Heidi and Vickie Show- Until you Walk in their Shoes

S1:E12 Heidi and Vickie talk about hard-hitting subjects in this episode including diversity, inclusion, and recognizing one's ignorance. They discuss the importance of the National Women in Roofing Association, and the Black Lives Matter organization as well as the Coffee Shop's number one moto, "roofing respect". Listen to this installment of ...

Heidi and Vickie Show Survey Says...

Heidi and Vickie Show- Survey Says...

S1: E11 On this week's installment of The Heidi and Vickie Show, the partners talk about the yearly trend survey available on RoofersCoffeeShop.com. Heidi and Vickie share the results of this survey and talk about what they mean. Listen to this episode to learn more about the views of the roofing ...

Heidi and Vickie Show Smart About Marketing

The Heidi and Vickie Show - Who Knew we are so Smart About Marketing?

S1:E10 In this latest installment of the Heidi and Vickie show, the two talk about the skill that goes into marketing, specifically within the roofing industry. Follow along with this podcast to learn more about marketing strategies employed by roofing contractors, manufacturers, distributors, and RoofersCoffeeShop itself. Recorded May 23, 2020. Read the ...

Heidi and Vickie Secret Behind 12 Questions

Heidi and Vickie Show- The Secret Behind the "12 Questions."

S:1 E:9 Heidi and Vickie bring out Vickie's very cool list of 12 questions that she likes to ask every person in roofing. The podcast focuses on how Heidi and Vickie answered the questions making this podcast a must-listen. Find out what the 12 questions are, how they answered ...

Heidi and Vickie Show - Why to Consider Roofing as Your Trade

Heidi and Vickie Show - Why to Consider Roofing as Your Trade

S:1 E:8 In this week's installment of the Heidi and Vickie show, the partners talk about the integrity of the roofing industry, and why it is so special. Tune in to hear their personal experiences on the roofing trade and why everyone should consider joining the roofing family. Recorded May 2, ...

Heidi and Vickie Did You Know?

Heidi and Vickie Show- Did you Know..? A delightful tour of our website.

S:1 E:7 Heidi and Vickie take a delightful tour of RoofersCoffeeShop® website. Listeners will learn about the abundance of educational, informative and entertaining opportunities along with some really fun history. Hear how the site was named and the ideas that continue to make RoofersCoffeeShop where the roofing industry meets. Recorded ...

Heidi and Vickie Show- An Insider

Heidi and Vickie Show- An Insider's View on Associations and Trade Shows

S1:E6 Heidi and Vickie talk about the importance of roofing associations and trade shows. They look at the future of how roofing professionals can continue to network online while getting important product information and continuing education. This is a must listen as they share age old insights and thoughts ...

Heidi and Vickie Saving Yourself

Heidi and Vickie Show- Saving Yourself and the Help we Need to do it

S1:E5 Heidi and Vickie talk about the week of COVID presentations and resources that are available to contractors. They share how contractors are saving themselves by getting the help they need. Recorded April 11, 2020. Read the entire transcription here.

Heidi and Vickie Thinking About the Future

Heidi and Vickie Show- Thinking About the Future

S:1 E:4 Heidi and Vickie talk about the NRCA Town Hall and the great information that was shared. They also dive into the future of podcasts and how important they will be to the New Normal. Finally they stress how important it is to listen to the roofing community ...

Heidi and Vickie Show - Hell Week - Keeping info Updated

The Heidi and Vickie Show - Hell Week - Keeping Info Updated

S:1 E:3 This week on the Heidi and Vickie show the pair talks about a week full of posts, trolls, and Covid-19. Join the two owners of the RoofersCoffeeShop to let some of the steam out of the kettle. We can make if we stick together roofing family! Stay attuned to ...

Heidi and Vickie Coronavirus Information

The Heidi and Vickie Show - The Roofing Industry and Covid-19

S1:E2 Heidi and Vickie discuss the effects that Covid-19 has had and will continue to have on the roofing industry. This is the time to hunker down and support one another and our communities. Listen as our founders dive into their thoughts on the coronavirus. Recorded March 16, 2020. Read the entire transcript ...

Roofing, Multiple Generations,  Roofing Education

Valuing Young People

S1:E1 Working Together to Bring Out the Best in Every Generation Heidi and Vickie have a discussion on the topic: Valuing young people. They talk about more in depth a blog Heidi wrote on working together to bring out the best in every generation and the opportunities for younger and older ...

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Join over 18,000 other roofers who get the Week in Roofing for a recap of this week's best industry posts!

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