My neighbor has a metal roof in Ogden. He wants to put a new roof on it. He asked me if I knew a roofer in the area ? The fasteners had worked their way out due to ice and snow. Had a handyman screw new fasteners in the existing metal panels. Wants to get it done in the next couple of months. Is Schindler Andy Roofing in that area ?>>>
I will be in Ogden in mid may for a family re union. I dont have time to roof it for you . Just checking in cuz I been lurking for a while and finally have something close to relevant to contribute.>>>
Yeah that is what he is looking for . Understands the concept of a new roof. Mentioned in the conversation that it was a 2 x 4 construction with panels I'm assuming they are the five v crimp barn type. I have no idea . He has offered to have me stay and ski there I haven't . This web site supplies you with the sail boat type I have and he makes . He also built one for James Taylor . Very meticulous and detailed . I'll be doing his roof here this week , I'm letting you know what he is like . Don't worry about me Jet I'm a state licensed roofing contractor , Maybe I should say I'm a sailor that is something else I do>>>