What is your New Years resolution for your business?>>>
Survive is a good one.....head.....mine also , so much so that i mite have to expand my business to some heavy equipment work. I have a DC3 Cat,a D4 Hightrack, and a 416C Cat backhoe that i am thinking about getting into some work with this year. At least the SOB'S! caint run me out of this type of work.>>>
My New Years resolution was to clean out my yard, shop and basement at my yard and install a suite to rent out in the basement to generate some income. So far: 11 truck loads of lumber and wood to the burn pile 2 truck loads of metal to the scrap yard 1 truck load of tires 2 truck loads of metal items to the landfill 1 truck load of cardboard to recycle plant 1 truck load of glass to recycle plant 1 truck load of old shingles and membrane 3 truck loads misc garbage to the landfill
22 loads and we haven't touched the basement yet. 22 years in business (works out to a load a year) :unsure:>>>
Stick to a budget, i think i can do this instead of saying things that i know i can't do.>>>
Continuing with our business plan... Last year (2008) we had some good ideas, faltered during execution, and were caught flat-footed by some unanticipated events. So, this year, will work on making our weaknesses less and our strengths more... And a key element is to continue to recruit and retain the best people we can find.>>>
To look at all last year customers and find out why the are calling back for mroe work.>>>
Hey Steve i really like the old forum, i dumped a wack load of my pics there,,, :(>>>
I am a : Roofer / Gen. contractor
Well I am putting my business this year in the lords hands and trusting Him to provide all that is needed for me to stay in business, find the right people to work and give more to help others that is in need.
(I can do all things through Christ who give me my strength)>>>
get every project I can put my hands on.>>>
Double my commercial roofing sales again this year!>>>
Jedd's avitar is giving me nightmares and creeping me out. Bring back the guy with the nails in his head. I can't take eyeball things, eeeekkk!>>>
I agree with lefty. :cheer:>>>
I resolve to try to not be a whatever it was that sly called me on another thread.....yea right :woohoo: :lol:>>>
Sorry about that post... (Im new to the forum) Cut the dead weight, make EVERYONE accountable, run a profitable business.>>>
I have instituted a conference with all the people that are important to the performance of this year. Will continue on a quarterly basis . This of course is teleconferencing . Everyone involved lives in different parts of the country . Cell phone and txt becomes the networking tool. Reaching across the divide that separates one company from another. Constantly communicating with both sides engenders a team spirit . Always quiring about how can we become better how can we better server the customers . What is it that we did last year that we can improve on. The roofing business I'm on the fence for the last number of years . I prefer to take it slow and try to maintain what I like about it back in the day when time wasn't like it is today , when it was fun and honorable...... a hand shake completed many deals.>>>