Last night as I was replying to a post I was infected with a virus . I have set up a new fire wall and virus protection. Every thing started flashing red . Anyone else experience this ???>>>
I thought you bible thumpers didn't advocate the use of porn sites........ ;) ;)
Steve I went through the history on my computer and this is the virus name or app I'm not sure.Downloader.misleadApp My computer blocked it and shut it self down. It sounds the same as described by GKRFG It tried to attack many different applications Hope this is helpful>>>
ohhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhh.. are you saying that I am spreading a virus, or that you saw a virus while reading my post.... Not sure what's do to here.....>>>
Don't jinx us HoP.>>>
Can't relate. I've got Mac's and have never had a virus. :(>>>
Miscreant You are funny. " Is it yours ciak " about my birthday I think it was from builder . I had an immediate threat and my security programs were warning me of a Trojan in my hard drive C . I wasn't taken the time to read it all. I shut it down eventually had to go to safe mode and reconfigure every thing . It took my email and started running thousands of them , It scared the crap out of me. thankfully I don't run any of my business or personell accounts on the lap top>>>
No, but I'm using Kaspersky and haven't sold my soul to satan. lol
Man, I'm funny lol lol lol>>>