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The roofing economy seems fair to good here

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March 20, 2010 at 7:36 p.m.

Mike M.

According to Wolf Blitzer, and the rest of the doom sayers, I should be living in a tent by now, burning whale oil lantern, and hunting dinner, if I could afford the bullets. Doesn't ring true, work is steadily getting better (never was really bad). We are also getting a fair price for the roofs, not much problem with people saying "I can't afford it right now", and not getting a lot of calls from "window shoppers". So, I was wondering , is this just a regional thing, or do you see the same where your located?

March 21, 2010 at 7:54 p.m.


2ndgen Said:
tinner666 Said: Hanging in in Va. Booked for awhile and they keep piling up. Some of my peers say they are out of work and want me to sub some out. :huh:

In your case, maybe its a case of you being the best in your area.


I don't know that that's true.

March 21, 2010 at 7:48 p.m.


tinner666 Said: Hanging in in Va. Booked for awhile and they keep piling up. Some of my peers say they are out of work and want me to sub some out. :huh:

In your case, maybe it's a case of you being the best in your area.


March 21, 2010 at 7:45 p.m.


Hanging in in Va. Booked for awhile and they keep piling up. Some of my peers say they are out of work and want me to sub some out. :huh:

March 21, 2010 at 7:40 p.m.


BTW... I have noticed that the Pittsburgh area is full of Roofing work. There are ads every week for work there.

March 21, 2010 at 7:32 p.m.


I'm in West Virginia. Don't hold that against me! :P Their losing it over here with WVU. There'll be couches burning (their traditional victory dance).

And if The Orangemen went all the way, as a Native New Yorker, I'd be all for that!


As for work, I hope it turns around for everybody too. I'm hopeful it will like a good virus where work will be contagious.

One thing I could say is that I stopped working altogether when the scabs and jacklegs were getting all the work. And the horror stories started spreading and the quality of roof sunk here. The neighborhoods look like messes. Even in the upper class areas. That was always something I'd point to when selling a job... ..."Do you want to spend thousands of dollars and end up with something that looks like that?"

Like I said before, eventually the cream rises to the top even if it has to hover below for a bit.

Once the season opens up, get ready boys! We're going to hit the market like it was The Bunny Ranch!

Keep your heads up!


March 21, 2010 at 6:55 p.m.

Mike M.

2ndgen Said:
Mike M. Said: GKRFG, I am located in central Pennsylvania, we are in same as you, lot of calls coming in , picked up five jobs in last week, prices are holding at a good level for materials(for now). We are not hurting for work, and we are getting good prices for our work. The news media, is just as guilty as the wall street thieves as far as I am concerned. The more they run their mouth,(which is what they get paid for), the more they destroy the economy, I think all should be locked up., traitors basicallly.

Hi Mike,

Im below you out west (just below Pittsburgh) a bit and Ive got literally a bakers dozen lined up and I havent even begun to look for work yet.

I think we hit bottom last year. Dows stayed at over 10K steadily. GDPs swung a full 12 points last year. The recession was deemed officially over a few months ago. Consumer confidence now has to catch up with economic reality.

Despite all of the great numbers the economy is producing, the real trigger to jump start an economy is unemployment going down. Once it starts to tick down, people will start to loosen their purse strings a bit and itll create an avalanche effect the way it did in the early 90s.

I have that same feeling I did when I was in my early 20s coming out of that recession in the late 80s/early 90s. Only this time, instead of being wet behind the ears, Im armed with 2 decades of experiences. Im not wringing my hands anymore...now, Im preparing myself for the onslaught of work thats coming.

All that money that people have been holding on to is going to start flowing again.

2nd Gen

Things must be somewhat better here in Pa. than elsewhere, reading the majority of the replies, most seem low on work right now. I hope you are exactly correct, i also hope it gets better, and fast across the country. By the way I am up near State College. Just saw Pitt lose to Xavier, Pitt let it get away from them again. Syracuse looks un-stoppable to me.

March 21, 2010 at 3:27 p.m.


Mike M. Said: GKRFG, I am located in central Pennsylvania, we are in same as you, lot of calls coming in , picked up five jobs in last week, prices are holding at a good level for materials(for now). We are not hurting for work, and we are getting good prices for our work. The news media, is just as guilty as the wall street thieves as far as I am concerned. The more they run their mouth,(which is what they get paid for), the more they destroy the economy, I think all should be locked up., traitors basicallly.

Hi Mike,

I'm below you out west (just below Pittsburgh) a bit and I've got literally a baker's dozen lined up and I haven't even begun to look for work yet.

I think we hit bottom last year. Dow's stayed at over 10K steadily. GDP's swung a full 12 points last year. The recession was deemed "officially" over a few months ago. Consumer confidence now has to catch up with economic reality.

Despite all of the great numbers the economy is producing, the real trigger to jump start an economy is unemployment going down. Once it starts to tick down, people will start to loosen their purse strings a bit and it'll create an avalanche effect the way it did in the early 90's.

I have that same feeling I did when I was in my early 20's coming out of that recession in the late 80's/early 90's. Only this time, instead of being wet behind the ears, I'm armed with 2 decades of experiences. I'm not wringing my hands anymore...now, I'm preparing myself for the onslaught of work that's coming.

All that money that people have been holding on to is going to start flowing again.

March 21, 2010 at 1:56 p.m.

Mike M.

Doesn't sound like the economy is coming back any too fast. All you can do is hang in there, keep trucking, don't abandon ship. Could be a silver lining, as so many are putting roof replacement off, could be a boom in a year or so. Hopefully we can all be still be in business to see that.

March 21, 2010 at 9:57 a.m.

OLE Willie

Hi, Central Alabama here. In 2007 and 2008 we had very little rain. Almost none in 2007 as it went down on the books as the worst drought since they began keeping records over 100 years ago. In 2009 the weather did an about face and the economy didn't seem to have any impact whatsoever. Its all about the weather around here. Been raining steady every since for the last 18 months and should continue with spring arriving. Started the company 15 years ago and the number of roof replacements per year have been steady but the amount of repairs on others work has increased every single year without fail. Last year was approaching 300. Year one was around 50. lol

March 21, 2010 at 8:57 a.m.


It's pretty slow here...new housing starts are very few...we do mostly schools, gov housing projects and some military work and our competition has about doubled in the last year or so. There has been some incentive money going into the type of work that we do, so we have been very lucky, but the work is going really cheap.

March 20, 2010 at 8:02 p.m.

Mike M.

GKRFG, I am located in central Pennsylvania, we are in same as you, lot of calls coming in , picked up five jobs in last week, prices are holding at a good level for materials(for now). We are not hurting for work, and we are getting good prices for our work. The news media, is just as guilty as the wall street thieves as far as I am concerned. The more they run their mouth,(which is what they get paid for), the more they destroy the economy, I think all should be locked up., traitors basicallly.

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