I have a roofing company located out of Oklahoma City. We are looking to Sub-Contract Commercial roofing through companies all over the U.S. We have an excellent reputation for the best work. We have over 50 years experience and specialize in all aspects of commercial roofing. If anyone is interested you can email me @ katrinabaez@gmail.com or by phone @ 405-625-7737.
Thanks God Bless>>>
Jed, Currently, we do not have a full time shingle crew, but we do some shingle roofs. We do not do tile roofing and standing seam roofs; otherwise we do it all. Our crews are based on the job size. Range is 5-15 people per crew. We provide all equipment and some of our contractors provide the heavy equipment like lifts, kettles, cutters, etc. We have access to all of the above. We have not had any safety violations in our company since its inception. We have our own insurance, we are an LLC sub-contracting company. Per diem rate varies by job, experience and work ethics. We do not pay top dollar for sub-standard workers. We expect the best performance and produce the best quality of work in the OKC area and we have references to back this up.......................More questions, call me because I am usually in the field and not at the computer during daylight hours...Louie>>>