...anyone thats posted in the last 4-5days...
Are you using.a.computer or mobile device?
I'm doing fine so far, same as the guy who was passing the 30th floor of the Empire State Building when he fell from the roof. :laugh: BP 165/100, so not bad. :woohoo:
Tinner, you wouldn't get a computer. You'd get me! How are you feeling anyway?
Just logged on. I've never tried calling the RCS and doubt I'd like talking to a puter and wonder if it would even translate my words into type anyway.
Computer for me BUT all my log in stuff is different as I have access to the backend of the website. Steve is on his way to his office and he is going to undo what he did the other day. A few people mentioned that they hated that they had to keep re-logging on so do something. I think when he did that it screwed other stuff up. I will email and post as soon as it's fixed!
I-Pad or I Phone. B) :) :) B) Deep Down In Florida Where The Sun Shines Damn Near Every Day